Pattaya Walking Street Light House, Naughty Girls, Sugar Babes, Living Dolls, Super Baby go go bar review

Our first stop this sorry ass night  on Pattaya Walking Street was the Light House Go Go Bar.   I’m calling this dump the Cattle Farm cause that’s exactly how we waz treated, like cattle being herded around.

The main room is long and narrow with a stage running down its center and small tables lined up on both sides of it so that all the customers could be herded in like a bunch of bum steers going to the slaughter house.   Our waitress was most unfriendly and that didn’t go down with me very well.

Even worse than the Pattaya Walking Street girls was the music.   Bottled beer was 140 baht.  That’s $4.38 a bottle just so we could listen to rot gut music.

Add insult to injury there were seven of us coming in together.  Not once did a single go go dancer come up to one of us.  The bar fine is 1000 baht and they waz askin 2500 baht for short time.  That’s $110 U.S.  I can get me 3 girls down on Soi Six for that price.  And even includes the price of the short time room upstairs.

pattaya walking street go go dancers
And yes. These Pattaya Walking Street go go dancers are from Sugar Babies . According to the Sugar Babies web site that is

Our next stop was Sugar Babys Go Go.  Once again a bottle of beer costs 140 baht.  I about laughed my ass off when I saw the signs in the toilet.  The first one read “10 shots of Tequila or B52’s just 1000 baht”.   But it’s the second that really got me,  “Ring the bell, buy all the girls (in the place) a drink.  Just 3000 baht.”

Hey…that’s $100 American dollars just to buy a bunch of ignorant farm girls drinks, and do you think they’d give a damn about us?

Pattaya use to be all about me and the guys.  Now it’s all about us having to spoil these girls as if they were movie stars.   I can guarantee you all that if anyone of us were to ring that bell that those girls would all be talking behind our backs about how stupid we waz.   Then Big Tom, he made the mistake of getting one of the dancers to come off the stage so he could buy her a drink.  Within five minutes she downed that drink and then she disappeared into the toilet.  And then when it came time for all of us to check bin and leave,

my friends all got their change from the waitresses.  I gave mine 200 baht but she took off and never gave me my change back.

My friends were already outside waiting for me and I had to call out “Hok sip baht”, and not once but twice.  I had to nearly scream 60 baht to them service ladies and after ten minutes more of keeping us all waiting they finally figured that they’d better be giving me my change back.  I can sum this place up as just another Walking Street Cattle Car waiting for the Final Solution.

By now we head to Naughty Girls Go Go but there’s only six of us guys left when we go in.  The place is not on Pattaya Walking Street, but it’s right up next to it on Soi Diamond.

My goal is not to buy a single girl a drink and to not let one of them touch my dick.

There’s all these gals up on the stage dancing but the whole time we were there not one of them came over to meet a single one of us.  Beers were 125 baht. What a waste.

I go alone to Super Babys next. 

But after around ten minutes my friends join me.   There’s just six girls in the entire go go bar.  One of them keeps looking over at me so I decide to buy her a drink.  She comes over to sit next to me and orders an orange juice.  That lasts for around five minutes and then she goes up on that stage again.

But I like the mamasan here and I do like a couple of the waitresses here.  They are the best and so are the service girls across Soi Diamond at Super Girls, the Sister club that is owned by the same people.

Mamasan tells me that 15 girls have already been bar fined.  Which no doubt means a lot of Japanese and Koreans have come into the bar and paid at least 2000 baht for short time and no doubt a lot more.  But at least here the beers are 120 baht a bottle and the bar fine is 600 baht instead of those ridiculous 1000 to 1500 baht bar fines one has to pay at a lot of other go go bars for coyote dancers.

My last stop is Living Dolls Go Go.  The beer here is 140 baht a bottle and most of the girls I see on the stage are real Heiffers.

These Pattaya Walking Street go go dancers are overweight cows.  But we find a table near where a lot of the go go girls are hanging around when they are off the stage.  One sits next to me.  At first I don’t talk to her at all.  But she’s pretty friendly so I actually wind up buying her a drink.  But I’ve gotta go home.  The long way because I’m going to be having my last beers down on Drinking Street where they got some real wimmen who are much better than Pattaya Walking Street’s got.








Living it up in Pattaya Thailand World's Most Exciting City