The Death Wild Side back Cover

The Death Wild Side back Cover is exquisite and subtle.  You can hardly see the mysterious exotic entertainer, the girl on the front cover.  She’s sexy, but she’s looking away.  Slowly she starts to pull off her pants.  Is she pretty?  What is she thinking.  She’s a total enigma.  She’s the perfect girl, and it’s the perfect picture for the front cover.

Then there’s the back cover.

Death Wild Side back Cover

When you buy the book and pick it up, chances are you won’t even see the back cover girl.  You must turn the book so the light is just write and then you see her.  She’s facing the camera, but you still can’t really see her.  But you know she’s as sexy as all get out.  And trust me, she was.

This cover girl is beautiful but she’s unknowable. Her customers will never really understand her or get to her heart.

I  personally chose the picture that adorns the front cover of Death Wild Side out of possibly 100,000 pictures I had taken of at least two hundred topless dancers and feature entertainers.  I had already taken hundreds of pictures of the mystery cover girl.  We had worked together  five or six times together at three different locations in three different states and she never disappointed me.

But who is she? My lips remain sealed.

You can buy Death on the Wild Side at in two flavors, the Printed edition and the Kindle edition.  But you are going to have to buy the printed edition to be able to enjoy the exquisite Death Wild Side back Cover

Click here to get your Kindle or paperback  edition of Death on the Wild Side at

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