Our Do Nothing Congress has been the laziest congress since 1947

I just read in the “New York Times” that this do nothing Congress has passed fewer laws than any other Congress in American History since 1947. That’s 63 years ago, the year I was born. In essence that means this Congress has not done the job we are paying it to do.  And that it has betrayed American tax payers who pay its salary. So when it comes to the next midterm elections let us never forget the following key facts and always remember that Republicans do not deserve our votes.

the Gop Cartoon Strip and the Do Nothing congress

Never forget the following facts about the GOP that now has a majority in this do nothing Congress

● First off, it’s the Republican Administration under George W. Busch that landed us in the recession, not the Democrats, and most certainly not Obama.

● In 2008 when Obama took office we were on the verge of a catastrophic world wide depression that would have made the Great Depression of the 1930’s look like a picnic. The Obama administration avoided it.

● The right wing tea party faction has hijacked The Republican Party .

It has become the party of NO to anything and all things.  Whether brought forward by our president.  Or Democratic Congressman and Senators that could possibly improve our nation’s future.

● The Republicans have shut down our government in order to force Americans to accept the demands of its Right Wing Faction. It has used this threat repeatedly in order to get its way. This has impaired the credit rating of the United States of America while making the entire U.S. appear ridiculous in the eyes of the rest of the world.

● It is the GOP administration under George W. Busch that gave us two useless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Wars that have lasted for years at great expense to the American tax payer, both of which have been lost.

● The Republican Party has dredged the bottom of the barrel by offering Americans an almost endless lineup of unqualified candidates.  Such as Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, Rick Perry, Herman Caine, Rick Sanotorum, and Mitt Romney.  Who as a group  make the Three Stooges look like the Three Wise Men.

● I have included Sarah Palin even though she ran only for Vice President. Had McCain won and died in office, she would had her finger on the nuclear button.  You can fully appreciate the horrifying thought of this totally unqualified candidate for Vice President if you watch the movie, “End Game”.

● Like it or not Obama care is the law of the land. Republicans are breaking the law in its endless attempts to hold to shut down the government.  And by derailing it state by state, and sabotage it at every turn.

● The Republican Party denies that climate change is man made in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

If given its way– if we continue to vote in a Republican Majority in Congress.  If we vote for a Republican controlled Senate or president  we are voting for the destruction of our entire planet.

● The Republican Party legislature has joined together in a unified front.   This means that every single Congressman and Congresswoman is opposing our president at every turn.   And by opposing him they are rejecting the American people who elected him. Therefore we must hold all Republican lawmakers and all future Republican lawmakers accountable for the travesty that this do nothing Congress presents.

● Considering all of the above the only good Republican is a Republican who is out of office. Make it happen. Fire all  the Republicans in this do nothing Congress.

Lastly…I cannot draw. But I will do what I can when it comes to defeating this Republican scourge.  This Frankstein that has been created ever since the GOP has allowed itself to be hijacked by its right wing.  Here’s the url of my GOP Cartoon strip for those who enjoyed the image heading this post

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