Pattaya beer bars typically are open air establishments that often front out onto a street or sidewalk. No one knows how many beer bars there are in Pattaya, but it’s gotta be over 2,000. Many of these Pattaya Beer Bars pack in close proximity to one another.

For example Drinking Street where I’ve taken a lot of videos for my you tube channel, has 30 to 40.
Pattaya beer bars are typically just 15 to 20 feet wide. Most of them will have at least four or five hostesses waiting on the bar’s customers.
We call these hostesses beer bar girls or just bar girls. Customers can buy a bar girl out of the bar for 300 baht or so depending on the bar. This is called a bar fine. The bar fine only entitles the customer and the girl who agrees that he can bar fine her to his taking her out of the bar. This can be anywhere up to a half hour up to 24 hours so a customer might for example bar fine a girl just so that he can take her to a restaurant or another bar.
However, it is often the case, that both the girl and the customer agree to having sex in his room or condo, or elsewhere including a short time room that might rent for as low as 300 baht for a couple of hours. What the customer pays the girl directly constitutes her tip. The tip, and what both parties expect out of the arrangement should be agreed upon. Usually it’s for short time or long time. With short time commonly running for half an hour up to four hours.
Long time implies the girl staying with the customer all night and her leaving at 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Many go go dancers in particular will agree to go with a customer long time. The customer rightfully expects to get an all-niter out of the arrangement. But the go go girl is planning on leaving him at 2 a.m. So that she can go back to her Thai boyfriend or find another customer at one of Pattaya’s many discos. Such as Lucifers, Marine disco, Tony’s, or Insomnia on Walking Street. As a rule of thumb most beer bar girls expect a tip of 1000 baht for long time. It used to be that 500 baht was a normal tip for a short time with a beer bar girl.