Walking Street is the Mecca for Pattaya sex tourists who wish to sample the city’s wondrous night life and Pattaya bar girls. Most of my expatriate friends view these Pattaya sex tourists as total idiots when it comes to the women here. The reason so many Pattaya expats have no use for these tourists is the majority of them act as if they know it all. And fail to seek advice from the guys who live here. While they ignore such well meaning advice.
Unfortunately the increase of Pattaya sex tourists has increased significantly due to the fast growth of Pattaya in recent years. Corresponding to the resulting increase in demand the go go bars have increased their prices to an alarming level . Which means that Pattaya seems destined to become a second Singapore or Hong Kong when it comes to buying sex.
Ultimately this is very bad for everyone including the bar girls. And this goes even for the fools who have caused the problem in the first place. Because they will no longer be able to afford the girls. As for the girls, if most men can no longer pay for them, the majority of them will soon be out of work.
Take last week when an American accompanied an expat friend of mine to the Walking Street go go bars. I didn’t know this man at all. Although I just met him and got the story first hand. Perhaps he’s used to paying California prices for prostitutes of hundreds of dollars for just twenty minutes of sex. Perhaps he doesn’t pay California sex workers at all thinking that he cannot afford their services. I really don’t know, but this I do know. He went into one of the go go bars with his expat friend. Where he found a girl he wanted to have sex with.
Straight off, either the girl or the go go bar establishment told him he must pay 2,000 baht for short time ($60.00). But then since he already had a Thai girlfriend staying with him at his hotel, he needed a place to take the go go dancer. So he had to pay another 300 baht for a short time room. On top of that he had to pay a 700 baht bar fine for the go go bar to allow the girl to leave with him. So he had to pay over 3000 baht or $100 American dollars for 30 minutes of short time sex. But he was not quite finished yet. And neither was the girl for that matter. Feeling sorry for the girl for having to work in such miserable circumstances, he gave her a 1000 baht tip which raised his cost to a total of $133.00.
His expat friend, warned him to go elsewhere to look for a girl. But this guy’s a tourist. And as I’ve mentioned before, Pattaya sex tourists know so much more than the expats who live here full time.
Gene and I could have taken him to an entirely different area of Pattaya. Where it costs between 500 and 800 baht to short time a girl. And just 300 baht for a room with no bar fine whatsoever. All he would have to pay would have been 800 to 1100 baht. Chances are the girl would have been just as good looking. And I can virtually guarantee that she would have been much better in bed than all the spoiled go go girls he had been banging. But most Pattaya sex tourists just don’t seem to get it.
Did I mention spoiled go-go girls? Yes, I most certainly did. Because most of you Pattaya sex tourists are spoiling them rotten. So that most of us who live here and know better, want absolutely nothing to do with them.

First off, what the American who had just spoiled the go go girl didn’t realize is that once he had bar-fined her and turned her loose after having sex with her was now free to go find her second customer. She might have returned to the go go bar looking for her second bar fine of the night, or now free to go wherever she pleased she might have gone to Lucifer’s disco or Tony’s or Insomnia as a free lancer to go with any man willing to pay her asking price. A price that does not include a bar fine. I give you 80 percent odds she has a Thai boyfriend waiting for her at home, but whether she does or not you will notice that
most go go girls have no interest in spending the entire night with a customer versus your typical beer bar girl whose goal is the opposite–that is to spend the entire night so that she can impress her customer enough to spend additional nights with her.
With most go go dancers the name of the game is constant turnover rather than impressing a man so much that he might pay her for a week, a month, or even years of companionship. But most Pattaya sex tourists cannot conceive of this.
Do you think I’m joking? I live here so I know. I used to frequent a beer bar near my condo that just happened to have the best looking group of bar girls around. Time and time again after midnight or so, if the night was going slowly and the girls were not getting bar fined I’d watch a group of them leave the bar and stand together waiting for a baht taxi to take them down to Walking Street so they could go to Insomnia in search of customers.
When I first moved here to Pattaya 500 baht used to be the commonly accepted price for short time. With go go dancers, the price of short time was 500-1000 baht with an all nighter costing up to 1500 baht. Go to the same go go bars today and the girls are quoting anywhere from 2000 to 3000 baht short time, and sometimes even higher.

Especially if their go go bar attracts mostly Japanese and Korean men for their customers. Japanese men in particular are widely known on Walking Street to pay stratospheric prices for sex.
Now I just don’t understand most of these Japanese guys I see down on Walking Street throwing their money at the girls. Sometimes they throw baht right at the girls dancing on the stage. Other times they purchase ping pong balls from the bar which they then throw at the girls on the stage who scramble all over stage, groveling on their hands and knees to gather up as many ping pong balls as they can which they then turn into the bar for cash. To me, there’s nothing more stupid than throwing money away at go go girls. And yet, so many Japanese customers seem to enjoy doing it.
Perhaps it’s a modern Asian version of the old Indian Potlatch ceremony that’s at play here. The Potlatch used to be a form of celebration practiced by Pacific Northwest Indians to demonstrate their wealth and status by giving away gifts to their peers who would then try to outdo their rivals by giving away even greater amounts of wealth. So when it comes to throwing away lots of money at the girls, ping pong balls
or paying more for sex than the rest of us are used to paying, many Japanese just might be demonstrating, “I have more money than you, more power, or more status.
In effect they are trying to tell the world, “I am a real man because I can afford to throw my money away.” Or perhaps they are getting a certain malicious pleasure out of seeing all these women humiliating themselves by groveling around on the floor for a few baht.
To be honest, I really don’t know, but I am going to Japan one week from now where I will be seeing a very old Japanese friend of mine. I will be asking him, What is it with so many of these Japanese guys wanting to throw their money away at women?” One thing for sure though is that many of these Japanese are spoiling things for a lot of men by driving the price for sex upwards to levels most men either won’t want to pay or who cannot afford it.
Now I really don’t have it in for the Japanese. They build great cars, They produce wonderful cameras. They are clean and orderly. And I am going all the way to Japan to see a very good friend of mine. Who happens to be Japanese. Who I’ve not seen in years but who is one of the best friends a man can have.
But I absolutely don’t understand why the Japanese behave so stupidly in Pattaya’s go go bars.
We Westerners revel in getting value for our money. Even when it comes to women. And throwing ping pong balls at the girls simply doesn’t equate to anything approaching value. But the Japanese men are not the only stupid buffaloes around. I find most American and European tourists to be even more stupid. And the reason is they fail to heed the advice of those who know better. Or after getting such advice, completely ignore it.
One more bit of advice, however. Don’t think of Walking Street go go girls as being special. I remember a certain slender girl who used to dance at Heaven Above. A good friend of mine had the hots for her, and he wound up bar-fining her. But he went out with us to a couple more go go bars. But when he returned to Heaven Above, he found out that another man had bar-fined her. Upon giving the option of picking another girl by the club, he declined and was given his bar fine back.
A couple of months later we found the same go go girl working at a Soi Six Bar where the cost of a room upstairs was 300 baht. And where he no doubt would have wound up paying her just 500 baht for the short time.
Another Soi Six girl worked for a couple of weeks at Baccarat on Walking Street. This is a club that has a very heavy Asian customer base. At Baccarat her bar fine was 1000 baht. And she was probably asking for another 2000 baht for her short time tip. But she was not making nearly as much money at Baccarat as she was making on Soi Six. So she soon returned to Soi Six. Where she’s only getting an 800 baht tip. But on Soi Six she’s banging the guys quite often. So she makes a lot more money than she ever could at Club Bachara.
These are the same girls. They have the same brains, the same bodies, and the same hearts. But when they work at a Walking Street go go bar you get to spend a hundred American dollars. So when they work on Soi Six you pay just one third the price. That’s why so many of my expat friends are so contemptuous of the Walking Street go go bars. Not to mention most Pattaya sex tourists regardless of nationality.
You might also be interested in reading Japanese wanting cheaper go-go girls on Pattaya Walking Street