Category Archives: Mali

Soi Six Vip Bar with Mali and Gee

After watching the girl’s videos, Mali wanted to meet Koy, Mew and Gee. Watch Mali and Gee dancing together at the Soi Six Vip Bar

Soi Six Vip Bar with Mali and Gee video
Mali and Gee dancing at VIP Bar.

Back then I didn’t know little Miss Mali could dance. But she wasn’t too shy about venturing her opinions. about the girls who had contested for Pattaya Dancing Queen contests. For some reason Mali loved Koy’s dancing style and told me after watching the videos of Dancing Queen 2. Koy’s going to win.

I asked her, “You think Koy will really beat Mew?”

“I think she will. Mew’s the best dancer but I think Koy will beat her.”

“I think Koy’s very pretty and she tosses her hair around that makes her look so pretty, but Mew’s always going to find a way to win,” I replied.

I was right and Mali guessed wrong because Mew won Pattaya Dancing Queen the third time in a row.

But I also thought Gee always had a decent chance of winning the title. And now that Mali’s met Koy and Mew, she wanted to meet Gee. So I had Gee meet Mali and I at Hot Shots on Soi Six where Mali and I were downing tequilas on the club’s DJ, Silent Bob.

We soon joined Koy at Repent bar across the street where we tossed a few down with Koy. We were having a great time with Gee and Mali playing DJ when Gee announced, “Thomas is at Soi Six VIP bar. He did so much to help you, Jack, at your birthday party.”

And so it was, with Gee and Mali dancing together for the first time at Soi Six Vip bar. But Gee petered out early while Mali and I went back to Hot Shots do have a few more drinks with Silent Bob.

If you want to view more of Mali’s videos, click here.

If you want to watch more of Gee’s videos click here.

If you are enjoying the Jack Corbett Video channel you might want to read one of his six books.

End of Naklua Bars last days here at Nikky Bar

I’m calling this the end of Naklua Bars since there’s just 3 days left for Nikkys bar which is being shut down.

But I am trying something different with these two videos and would like to have some feedback on my facebook page which method works better for you.

Click on the picture above to watch act 1 of the Last Days of Nikky Bar
Last Days of Nikkys Bar Act 2

All the bars being closed down between Dolphin Circle and Naklua Soi 33 is part of the ongoing sanitation of Pattaya. But the end of Naklua Bars is nearly completed. With the masses of Chinese tourists arriving, Naklua could well become Little China. While its a haven for wealthy Thais from Bangkok who used to view Pattaya with disdain. But not anymore. Pattaya’ now has just about everything Bangkok has. With an even better Terminal 21. And if it doesn’t at least Pattaya’s Termina 21 has airplanes in it. While Naklua has beaches whereas Bangkok doesn’t.

But the End of Naklua Bars started a long time ago. Gone is the Girl Beer Bar. And Pen and Malai bars. Not to mention Leo blues Bar. And as far as I am concerned there’s not a single exciting Naklua bar out of the few that are left.

So what’s next? Nikkys Bar closes tomorrow. For good. This means Mimi’s relocating to another bar close by. Mali is about the best drinking partner a man can ask for. But Nikky Bar will be missed. We’ve had three Dancing Queen competitions there. The music’s nearly always good here. Which I can’t say the same for most bars here in Pattaya.

I’ve done over 100 videos here at Nikky bar. FIguring roughly 250 videos on the Jack Corbett Video Channel this comprises a good portion of the total videos I’ve done. And considering all the Muay Thai videos I’ve done, bladed weapons video and other non-bar girl videos the Nikky Bar videos probably amount to close to 50 % of all my Pattaya Bar videos.

But stay tuned. The Jack Corbett video channel is not going away.

Soi Chaiyapoon Crazy Fox with Mimi, Mali and the girls

And I’ve got my Nikon Z7 and Nikon 20 mm lense with me to capture some top-notch dancing at the Soi Chaiyapoon Crazy Fox bar.

Click here or on the picture above to watch the video.

Mimi and Mali do not work here at the Soi Chaiyapoon Crazy Fox bar. But Anna does. And Anna was my favorite mamasan on Soi Six at Smoke and Kisses. Which is the bar I’ve had more adventures and misadventures than in any other bar.

Although I’ve known Mali for 2 years now, I never thought she could dance. But over at Naklua’s Nikky Bar, Mimi’s the queen when it comes to putting a great dancing show on. More than any other woman I know Mimi dances like there’s no tomorrow with reckless abandon. While Mali rises to the occasion when she’s around Mimi and then some.

By now you are probably enjoying the video. But do keep in mind that Mali and I are picking out the music the girls will be dancing to.

So here’s my opinion about Pattaya bars and why we are here at Soi Chaiyapoon Crazy Fox tonight.

Most Pattaya bars play shitty music. And most of them that do will not allow my Thai girlfriends and me to change the music. I have at least four friends who will immediately leave any bar that plays that electro crap I call Da Da Music. Most guys who stick around in any bar listening to it are tasteless barbarians in my opinion who I want to stay as far away from as I can.

And any bar owner or manager who allows his bar girls to play such noise is a man with either no balls or the brain of a goldfish.

I cannot begin to count the number of bar owners and bar manages who come up with the same lame excuse—the girls like to dance to it and that’s why I let them play it.

Mimi and Mali have nearly every girl in the bar dancing to the music we selected off of YouTube. Some of it is Thai and some isn’t, but it’s great dancing music. And both Mimi and Mali are excellent dancers.

I will soon be putting up several more videos we did at Nikkys Bar. Which once again shows off Mimi and Mali’s dancing skills.

But we will all be accompanied by a newcomer, this time a man, who gets into the music as much as Mali and Mimi.

Until the next series of video’s, the real reason we are here at the Soi Chaiyapoon Crazy Fox is it’s one of four bars owned by the same Thai lady. Who also owns Smoke and Kisses, Smoke and Mirrors and Lollytop bars on Soi Six. In all four bars my friends and I are allowed to play DJ as much as we like. While just recently I’ve had two managers of Soi Six bars tell me I can’t. One even after I bought both Mali and Mimi into the bar and my superlative Nikon camera. And to add insult to injury I had just about the manager a drink. The two men are not Thai. And you can be sure I won’t be spending much time at their bars.