Category Archives: Pattaya Bar Girls

Pattaya Bar Girls focuses upon all types of bar girls. Including beer bar girls, go go dancers, and Soi Six girls.

You will find a lot of terrific Pattaya Bar Girls videos here from Drinking Street, Naklua Pen, bar, Naklua Nikky Bar And even  Naklua TG Bar where you will find lots of lady boys.  Not to mention other loccations.

Our list is growing.

Walking Street Soi Six, which is more satisfying?

Walking Street Soi Six which does the best job giving men what they really want?  Most Pattaya expats will choose Soi Six.  In fact, most expats prefer beer bars, massage establishments, discos, or Beach Road over Walking Street.   Or just about any place freelancers like to hang out for getting a pretty Thai girl to do the dirty deed with them. And if you ask them why, they will tell you, the go go bars are for tourists who don’t know any better.

Walking Street Soi Six

Luckily you came here to find out exactly what it is about the Walking Street go go bars that turns off so many expats.

So let me tell you about last night.

Keeping in mind that I had agreed to meet several of my pals down on Walking Street later on I started off on Soi Six.  Where I chose Goodfellas to start off my evening. There were half a dozen bar girls hanging out in front of the place trolling for customers. Inside Goodfellas were another half dozen girls.  Which gave me a selection of a dozen girls or so. Several of them I could do in a heart beat. I chose one of them whose tight little ass and friendly smile rang the right bells for me.

I knew she’d go for my price–700 baht, but I didn’t want to take her upstairs right away.  Later on, I knew I’d become pretty bored in the go go bars where I’d find most of the dancers to be a complete turnoff. So I wanted to savor every precious moment I had in Goodfellas.  For both the comradery that permeated the place and the pretty girl I now had on my lap.

When her hand started to prowl between my legs I knew it was tequila time.

So I order us both one.  When she finishes hers I order myself a second beer and a second tequila for her. I want to spend the next few hours with her, but I had promised my friends I’d meet them in the go go bars.  But maybe I could spend an hour or two with this pretty girl.  And leave to find my next adventure in another Soi Six Bar.

I take her upstairs after paying for our drinks and the 300 baht charge for the room which is typical of all Soi Six Bars. The girl immediately turns on the air conditioner as I take off my shirt, shorts and underwear which I drape over a hook behind the bed. I saw that she had put two clean towels on the bed so I take one while she takes the other.  And then I follow her down the hall to the shower room.

Most Soi Six bars have a separate room for the girls and their customers to take showers before having sex. But it all depends on the bar and the room.

Because some rooms on Soi Six are like  a three star hotel room with their own private restrooms inside. Others have simple shower stalls inside the room without a toilet or washbasin.

For me, it makes no difference whatsoever so long as both the girl and I take a shower together. That’s the key.  I want to be sure that the girl washes herself completely since there’s no telling how many men she has’s banged before me.

So now let me give you a little advice. Just accept the fact that at least one man might have gotten inside your girl before you.

I have one friend who finds the evenings on Soi Six to be appalling. So he will go to Soi Six in the afternoon hoping to find a girl who’s not yet been with anyone else. The problem with that is there’s an awful lot of really ugly women on Soi Six in the afternoons. I’ve found from a lot of experience that the best looking girls will typically not show up until after 5 p.m.  And if you hang out in one of Soi Six’s open air bars for a couple of hours in the early evening you will see a lot of pretty girls just starting to show up. The difference is literally like  night and day.

In the shower my girl starts to lather my groin up. She uses a lot of soap. She spends at least one minute on my dick alone which gets good and hard.

Then she starts to wash herself off. A lot of times I’ll fill get my hand full of soap and use it to get her thoroughly lathered up between her legs.  This way there is no doubt in my mind that any possible residuals from the man who came before me are completely gone.

By the time we get back to the bedroom the air conditioned air is  just too cold for my comfort so I tell her to shut it off. Then I just relax on my back and wait for her to do what I’m paying her for. Almost always the girls start off performing oral sex, which most of them do so well that a man comes right then and there. This girl is no exception.

But when I’m about to lose it, I immediately pull myself away and tell her to lie down on her back. That’s when I start performing oral sex on her. The Trick here is I’m turning the tables on her. While she is performing oral sex on me she is my master. She knows she’s in control and can get me to spout off whenever she chooses.

But now I’m no top of her. I stop her from putting my genitals in her mouth and start focusing my thoughts entirely on that promised land between her legs.

I remember one night in particular when I got so aroused doing the girl that I came all over the sheets. But I’m not doing that this time. Oh she is beautiful enough to put me completely at her beck and call. I  love her tight little body.  And would keep performing oral sex on her for another twenty minutes.   So I turn her sideways so that she can  put my dick in her mouth. So what to do now?

I am about to come and I know she can  suck me dry like a vacuum cleaner.  Instead, I ask her to get a condom out. And then I bang her. She is exquisite.

We take another shower together.  After she washes my body and face off she tells me to go back downstairs into the bar and wait for her. I still had half a bottle of beer left so I take it with me and sit down at a small table. She stays in the room another five minutes changing the sheets for the next customer. Not all the girls will do that, but she does.  And she also leaves a tip of twenty baht on the bed for someone to clean the sheets that we had just soiled.

I hadn’t really been paying attention but Goodfellas is having a small party and there’s  a small buffet table in the back of the bar.

When my girl comes back downstairs she asks me if I’d want a little food. “Yes”, I tell her. I won’t be able to get down to Walking Street until 9:30.  So it will be too late to have dinner and my friends will have already started doing their go go bar crawl. Which means, “No food for me.” Unless I take a five minute break from all the bar crawling to go into a Seven Eleven for a candy bar or other snack.

But there’s really no choice. My girl is coming back to me with a plate full of food.  It’s primarily friend chicken with potato salad, but it will suffice for a full dinner.  And I once again have some of the best company in the world sitting next to me. I wanted to order another beer but the clock is ticking. Then I start to remember another night not long ago that I had gone to Soi Six.

It must have been a year ago when another girl from the same bar had come over and sat next to me.  I remember buying her  a drink. But I had to go meet a friend at another Soi Six bar.  So I told her that I’d probably come back.

Well, let me tell you, she was pretty damn good looking and tall for a Thai girl. I nearly hated myself for leaving her.

But I went to the other bar where I had a beer with my friend and then I came back to Good Fellas. That night there was an entire stable of good looking girls all around me. But I didn’t see the tall girl, and another girl approached me instead.

So I bought the new girl a drink.

By the time she finished groping me between my legs I decided that I wanted her.

She was average in height for a Thai girl and I’d say she weighed around 40 kilos which is around 90 pounds. She was slender and she was flat as a board, but no matter.

It was that cute little ass and shapely legs that I was after.  And she was quite an attractive little piece. I’d put her at about thirty or so.

I like them about that age because by then most of them no longer have many delusions of grandeur.  That’s because they know the clock is ticking and that their shelf life is starting to dwindle. Most of them are much better performers than the younger girls.

I told her I’d take her upstairs for 700 baht, which was fine with her. And so up we went. So to keep this part of my story short, let me just say that we had a great time in the sack. She  kept telling me she was coming, and whether it was true or not, I started to believe it.  Like I said, she was probably over thirty.  Believe me,  when a lot of Thai girls get to be around that age they  really start to excel at empowering a man’s manhood.

We went back downstairs where I bought her another drink as we sat at the bar together.

Before five minutes had gone by, the other girl came up to us, the tall girl who I had passed on before.

The girl I had just banged  spoke up and said, “I don’t mind if you want to boom boom her too.  She same same sister me.”  So upstairs we went.  And as I said, she was good looking and tall for a Thai girl with lush nicely formed breasts.

Oh, the memories and here I was about to leave the place where I already was in the best of company.

So down to Walking Street I went.

Walking Street Soi Six?

My friends were just coming out of the Lighthouse go go bar when I joined up with them. One of them said, “We just saw Lek. She’s back at Mistys Go Go Bar again. We saw her walking inside.”

I really didn’t want to go back to Misty’s again.  But Lek was a different story. She was a waitress and not a go go dancer.

And we had spent several nice times together when she was working her shift. Unfortunately she only showed up for work about half the time. But the last time I had gone into Mistys I had sat in front of the stage. One of the girls came straight up and took a seat next to me. Then she asked me to buy her a drink. I hesitated at first, because to tell you the truth she wasn’t all that attractive. But she had sat next to me several times before and one time she had actually sucked my dick.

But so had another girl, and I had liked the second girl much better who had for one thing, a body to die for. The second girl was back in the restroom, and when she didn’t come out for ten minutes I finally told the first girl I’d buy her a beer.

“But I don’t like beer,” she told me.

“You can drink a beer,”I replied. “That’s what I’m drinking.”

“I want a tequila,” she insisted.

“Okay. I buy you a tequila I told her, but only one.”

Here we were sitting at the stage with the whole place looking on when that girl started to feel my dick. And when she started in on me, the waitress came over and sat in my lap. The difference between the two was staggering because Lek was a really fine looking woman with a very firm nicely put together body.

I don’t know what really happened next but suddenly Lek had jumped off my lap and started kneeling down on the floor. Sticking her hand up my shorts she started to rub my balls and my dick, intermittently and she seemed to really be starting to enjoy herself.

I think it was about then that the girl I really wanted came out of the toilet and then if I remember correctly she started to feel my dick too. But I do remember the first girl.  The one I had bought the tequila for, coming up behind me and putting me in a headlock.  Which pinned me onto the bar stool so I could hardly move.

And here I had Lek really getting into the hand job she was giving me while at least one other girl started to grope me.

Suddenly I started to wake up to reality. Someone was ordering two more drinks on my account. And my bar bill had already exceeded 500 baht. The whole situation had gotten out of control and before I’d know it my bar tab would reach 2000 baht before another twenty minutes would go by.

One of my pals was sitting next to me and we already had this contingency covered. We both cried out in unison, “Check Bin.” Which called an immediate halt to all the game playing. There would be no more drinks in this bar tonight.

Lek took care of my bill for her as I paid her a thousand baht and she went back to the cashier to get my change.

Jim who had joined me that night and I then went outside where we smoked a cigarette and started to discuss what go go club we’d head to next. And then I felt a woman’s arms around me.

It was Lek. I asked her then what her bar fine was. And when she told me it was 800 baht I said to her, “perhaps some other time we go short time together.”

Then I said to her, “No other girl, Lek. No other girl except for you. Next time I only buy drink for you. I don’t like this game they play of everyone thinking I buy drink for them.”

Lek nodded and said that she understood. Then we left.

But that was two months ago and here she is working at Misty’s again. So my friends and I go inside the bar where they fully expect me to bar fine Lek. We take bar stools next to the stage and I tell the other waitress that I am waiting for Lek.

But wouldn’t you know it, before we even manage to get anywhere near the stage that first girl gets to me as she leads me by my hand over to the stage.

When she asks me  to buy her a drink, I tell her, “I wait for Lek. She girl for me tonight.”

But Lek’s in the toilet.

And she doesn’t come out for ten minutes. Then she sits next to me and I buy her a drink. I don’t think we are together for even ten minutes when my friends tell me that they already check binned.

And they are going to Super Girls go go next.

I stay with Lek for another five minutes.   Then I tell her I must leave to join my friends at Super Girls. I would have just stayed there with Lek.  But I really liked Super Girls.   And even though my friends didn’t, they were going there next.

I head to Super Girls but my friends aren’t there. Then I walk across the street to Super Baby which was Super Girls sister club thinking they had gone there instead. But they aren’t there either.  So  I go back to Super Girls and order a bottle of San Miguel Light. It is only then that I get the text message telling me they had gone to Dream Girls.  And that this club is next to Super Girls.

The waitresses are super friendly to me at Super Girls.  Which is widely known along with its sister club Super Baby to cater to the Japanese.

Saying that these two clubs cater to the Japanese is the understatement of the year.

There’s a Jacuzzi in both clubs. Normally two completely naked girls will cavort around in the Jacuzzi.

Nearly all Thai bar girls shave their vaginas. But not at Super Girl and Super Babys. When you watch Japanese porn movies you will immediately discover that the female porn stars have kept their pubic hair. A lot of the girls have special hairdos at Super Girl and Super Baby.  The kind of hairdos that are favored by Japanese men. And the girls normally do very little dancing on the stage. Instead they will gyrate around slowly like zombies.

I’ve heard that most Japanese men do not like aggressive women. That’s why I think the girls make a special effort not to show off their dancing skills. They want to appear submissive, the way many Japanese men prefer their women.

The bar fine’s still six hundred baht at both Super Girl and Super Baby. And beer at both the clubs is still 120 baht a bottle. Used to be there were no drink specials at either clubs. Well, there still aren’t any drink specials but most of the other clubs on Walking Street are now charging 135 to 145 baht for a bottle of beer.

Meanwhile the coyote girls have started to take over Walking Street.

Coyote girls are not really employees of the go go bar the way other dancers are. Instead they work for a company. The go go bar deals direct with the company which it pays so much to for every girl the go go bar contracts for. The price tag is very high so in order to recoup the huge amounts of money it is being charged for each coyote dancer, the go go bar will typically charge 1500 baht bar fines. That’s the normal bar fine until midnight after which goes down to 1000 baht.

So at a club like Misty’s the bar fine’s likely to be between 1000 and 1500 baht and even a service girl like Lek is going to require an 800 baht bar fine. Both Super Girl and Super Baby charge only a 600 baht bar fine unless the customer wants to bar fine one of the Jacuzzi girls. The bar fine is then 700 baht. But the two girls who are in the Jacuzzi one night are not likely to be in the Jacuzzi the next night. They will be up on stage and as “normal dancers” their bar fine will go down to 600 baht.

As for coyote dancers, once a club starts relying on them the entire ball game changes since the goal is to extort as many drinks from a club’s customers in the shortest time frame.  Supplying sexual services becomes secondary.

I am especially attracted to one of the waitresses at Super Girl , but she disappears on me about the time I’m thinking about buying her a drink. Meanwhile one of the dancers is looking me over now and then. She’s tall and very slender.

Since I’ve already decided to buy one of the Super Girl or Super Babys dancers a drink each time I came into one of these two clubs, I decide to get the girl a drink to size her up.

I get the girl’s eye and motion downwards to my beer bottle to signal her that I want to buy her a drink. But she doesn’t seem to catch on. Five minutes pass without her making a move. Finally she gets the hint and calls over a waitress to get her drink order.

Normally a girl at Super Baby or Super Girl will then come off the stage to drink the drink a customer has just bought her. Usually the pair will discuss what price the customer is willing to pay for her services. But this girl remains on the stage. Even after the waitress brings her drink up to her. Instead of joining me on the bar stool next to mine she edges up to me on the stage.  Where she proceeds to drink her cocktail while asking me a couple of inane questions.  Such as “Where do you come from?” And “How long are you staying in Pattaya?”

Walking Street Soi Six?  You hardly have girls ask you such stupid questions on Soi Six.  The girls usually ask you much more meaningful questions such as, “Do you want to come now or later?”

I should never have bought this female Walking Street leach a drink because this girl is a complete waste of time and money.

I finish my beer as quickly as I can and then I head over to Super Baby where my friends wind up joining me.

Instead of going to Super Girl they had gone to Dream Girls, the new go go bar next door to Super Baby. There a squadron of dancers had  pounced on them asking for drinks. One of my friends went through 2,000 baht in the first twenty minutes.

That kind of thing doesn’t happen at either Super Girls or Super Baby. Well, maybe it does.  Every once in awhile when a customer is really asking to be taken. But normally the girls and the bosses behave themselves in a far less aggressive manner. Which I really appreciate because who needs girls he doesn’t really want.  Just because they are throwing themselves all over you asking for drinks?

But my friends don’t especially like Super Baby so after having only one beer there we run off to the next go go bar.

But on the way, we must pass Misty’s. As we walk past Misty’s I feel a girl putting her arms around me. It’s Lek.

I decide to hell with going with my friends to the next place or two. I’m going to spend the next two or three hours with Lek.

I wind up sitting at the end of the stage on the other side of where I had been sitting before. Once again, Lek is all over me. She sits on my lap facing away from me. Then she takes my hand and sticks it  between her legs. My fingers are rubbing her privates and she wants me to keep rubbing her there. Unlike the girls at Super Girl and Super Babys, Lek’s shaved her vagina.  And probably today because it’s very smooth down there and my fingers just glide around. There’s not a trace of stubs of pubic hair left behind by the razor.

I’m getting as hard as a racehorse and Lek knows it.

I’m getting ready to make a move. I sure don’t want to be paying her any 2000 baht short time price the way most of these Walking Street go god dancers are charging these days. So I’m thinking just what I’m going to ask her and how much when suddenly she blows it.

We are joined by a second girl.

“This is my sister, Nam,” Lek tells me.

“Yeah Walking Street Soi Six?  See what I mean.  I’ll take Soi Six any day.”

How many times have I heard that line before?” I ask myself. Girls working in the bars keep telling men they have a sister so that the men will buy two drinks instead of one. After all, it’s the girl’s sister. But nine times out of ten it’s a complete lie.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” And look at her boobs. Aren’t they beautiful and large,” Lek continues as she takes my hand and places it on the other girl’s breasts.”

It’s the classic double teaming approach I tell myself and it’s intended to extract as much possible over a very short time period.

And sure enough to prove that I am 100 percent correct Lek comes out with the next line, a line that I know isn’t going to wait more than five minutes.

“Will you buy my sister a drink?” Lek asks.

I politely decline.

She’s done exactly what I’ve told her not to do, and I’ve asked her many times already not to fleece me for drinks. I immediately spout out, “Check Bin Kap (Give me my bill please). Visibly very surprised Lek gets up to get my bill squared away with the cashier. Then she returns with the bill and tells me, “Thank you for buying my sister a drink.”

Walking Street Soi Six?  This never happened to me at Soi Six.  Not once.

I never saw it.  No one at the bar even asked me to buy that first drink for Lek’s so called sister. How those two girls slipped that one by me I’ll never know.

I must have had a couple too many to have let them get away with that one. Lek had already gotten one drink out of me for the bar girl and I might have very easily gotten two drinks for her while thinking to myself. One drink won’t hurt any and surely Lek won’t try to keep milking me for drinks for the other girls.

But she did.

My blood was boiling yet I remained calm and paid my bill. And that concludes this little story of mine. So I once again ask the question: Walking Street  Soi Six which is more satisfying? I think you know how I feel. As for yourselves, that is your call. Just keep in mind, you have been warned.

For a lot more information about go go dancers check out Stephen Leather’s “Private Dancer”  This is one of the best books about Thai bar girls and Bangkok go go dancers I’ve ever read.  Private Dancer here as a pdf file is free from Stephen Leather’s web site.  I urge you to read “Private Dancer” before getting involved with a Bangkok or Pattaya bar girl.


Billy Bob