Strip club digital photography started at Alpha Productions in 1997

Strip club digital photography started at Alpha Productions. In 1997 the San Francisco Chez Paree strip club scorned what we Mid westerners were doing.  In those days this West Coast strip club was renowned for its IRC based chats.   Customers and strippers could chat away on the club’s desktop computer.  Free.  Which was a great idea.  Because customers and strippers could chat from inside the club with other IRC members posting from home.

Franciso’s Chez Paree strip club. Plone took this picture of me in 1997. In 1997 Chez Paree and its fans were using an antiquated text based IRC chat setup that could not begin to compete with what we were doing in two Midwest strip clubs, Dollies Playhouse and Stimmelators, which then called itself Cruisers. Our Alpha Productions group of guys and dolls put strip club digital photography on the map.

As to the picture of me at the Chez Paree Strip Club in 1997 my pal PlOne took of me, most of the IRC chat members there despised me. Because they considered me to be just a pretentious Illinois hick farmer who had the audacity to bring something new to West Coast strip clubs.

I put the Saint Louis Metro East Dollies Playhouse strip club online in 1997.

Here we are at the Dollies Playhouse strip club in Washington Park , Illinois . This picture is from 1997. The club gave me my own private phone line and special table next to it so that I could take digital pictures in the club and post them right into the Lost Angels Chat room.

And have digital pictures to prove it dating from January 1997.  Then Sam Stimmel, who owned Cruisers topless club in Indiana (which Sam changed its name to Stimmelators) . brought his strippers into our chats.  Sam and I soon had the Indiana strippers chatting with the Dollies Playhouse girls.

Then I decided to bring bring Chez Paree into my Alpha Productions digital strip club community

But no one at Chez Paree or its IRC chat group was interested.  My Kodak DC 40 digital camera was just a toy.  The San Franciscans wanted nothing to do with me.  Or my rinky dink toy of a camera.  They were so high and all mighty.  Except for one.  PlOne.  Which stands for Pathetic Loser number one.

The Chez Paree strippers called a lot of their customers pathetic losers.  So, some of the pathetic losers decided to turn the tables.  And started calling each other Pathetic loser 1, pathetic loser 2.

But PlOne soon became my greatest ally and best friend.  PlOne was and still is a very high powered computer programmer from the Bay area.  He had already joined our Lost Angels chat group.  And so had Baron, a writer from WashingtonScarlet the Harlot had also started joining into our chats.

In 1997 Scarlet had become infamous because of her efforts to unionize the San Francisco whores.  Now she’s a writer.

So after getting Scarlet the Harlot into our Lost Angels chats it was time for me to visit my new friends.

First stop was San Francisco where I met PlOne and Scarlet for the first time.   And that’s when PlONe and I became lifelong friends.  With both of us eventually selling our homes and automobiles to buy condos here in Pattaya, Thailand where we live just ten minutes from each other.  PlOne accompanied me to a few San Francisco clubs including Chez Paree.  While I took Scarlet for a nice dinner at Sinbad’s.  Where I found her to be extremely intelligent.  And idealistic.

Back then the Lost Angels chat was pretty rudimentary.  But PlOne’s got a PHD in computer science.  With computers he can do just about anything.  Before long I gave PlONe the password to my web site’s hosting company.  And then PlONe started to do wonders with the Lost Angels chat room.

But when we met each other in the Chez Paree strip club, everyone was totally uninterested in what we had to offer.

We were offering strip club digital photography, something that had never been done before

The strippers from the Dollies Playhouse near East St. Louis were smart enough to know a good thing when they saw it.  And so were the strippers from northern Indiana. The girls from Cruisers which later changed its name to Stimmelators after Sam Stimmel, the club owner.  Four of the Indiana strippers would end up driving over 400 miles just to visit me on my farm.  And to meet their new stripper counterparts from Dollies.  And on at least three occasions I’d bring Dollies Playhouse dancers up to Stimmelators where they would stay at the club owner’s house.

But I need to get back to that 1997 trip to the West Coast

After visiting PlONe and the Chez Paree in San Franciso I flew up to Washington State where the Baron met me at the Seattle airport.  Then we drove up to his little trailer home in the Olympic Mountains.

Every night the Baron and I drank vodka and whiskey together in his small trailer where we talked about just about everything.  We’d take hikes together up in the mountains where we’d plot and scheme about where we wanted to take our Lost Angels chat group.

The Baron envisioned our making Internet movies

In which he wanted to feature Heaven and Katt, two beautiful Indiana strippers who were in the Lost Angels chats nearly every day.

Katt at my farm when Ruby, Marriah , and Katt drove to visit me and Dollies came to visit me. Brandy came also but Brandy didn’t live very far from me.

But there was a third stripper from Stimmelators who I often thought about.  Renee.  But both Sam, her club owner and I were very disappointed in Renee who seemed to take no interest in our chats.

Nevertheless I still envisioned Renee as a major character in our future internet movies.

And kept bringing her up to Baron as we hiked around his favorite mountain lakes.  Renee was something truly special.  I just knew it.  Little did I realize back then that Renee was closely studying whatever I was putting up on my web site.  And eavesdropping every now and then into our Los Angels chats to see what I was up to.

Strippers are only dumb broads who are only interested in milking money out of their customers.


Wrong.  I didn’t know it back in 1997 but Renee could actually build a computer.  And cute little Brandy who I met at Dollies Playhouse when she was 19, became a computer whiz kid.

Brandy and me at Dollies. As a stripper, Brandy only lasted a couple of months. She needed money badly and that’s why she worked a short time at Dollies. We would become fast friends. Brandy had (has) a very high IQ. I bought her a computer as a gift, never intending for her to pay me back. But when she came into a little money, she insisted on paying me back and she did. She rapidly became very adroit on a computer. Even after she quit as a stripper she still came to my farm many times, and also traveled with me to Stimmelators in Indiana. As innocent as Brandy appeared this beautiful little slip of a girl sure could fight. An ex boyfriend of hers got drunk with us and after he verbally disrespected me, she bloodied up his face in my pickup truck.

Well, I’ve learned a lot of things about strippers through the years.  And I’m going to tell you right now that many strippers are some of the finest people on the planet.

The following video is on YouTube although it’s not public, but you can get it here.  It’s one of the absolute best videos I’ve ever done.  I’m on Wongamat Beach at the Surf and Turf Restaurant with a very good German friend of mine.  We are enjoying a few beers together and enjoying the sound of the surf and music.  And I’m thinking of two very dear friends of mine, Renee, and Angel who died a few months ago.  And I’m missing all those stripper and ex stripper friends of mine so much.

Renee and I would become very good friends.  For her pictures and pages here at Alpha Pro Click here.  You will even find a video of me lap dancing Renee.  And then she lap dances me.  Renee’s sense of humor and total irreverence is simply off the charts.

If a stripper really likes you, she will Fight anyone to protect you from harm

And now that I’m living in Thailand, perhaps this video will tell you how much I miss them.

But let me get back to 1997 and another much much earlier slideshow from those days when strip club digital photography was in its infancy.

Click on the picture below to get the slide show.

when our gang from Dollies Playhouse strip club visited our stripper friends in the North Webster, Indiana Club. In 1997 nobody brought digital cameras into strip clubs and everyone who is in this slide show knows it.

Back then film ruled the day.   And if the photographer put a picture on the internet, a photo shop needed to develop it.  Then he had to scan the photo and save it as an image file.  What’s missing is the instant gratification that digital cameras offer.  My latest and greatest Nikon D750 digital camera takes pictures that measure 24,000,000 pixels.  Whereas my D-40 Kodak could do just 375,000 pixels.  But from the time I started using the toyish Kodak Dc40 our Alpha Productions strip club digital photography ruled.  Professional photographers using film just didn’t get it.

Strip club digital photography

Living in those dark ages of film and scanners was not for us.  In this slide show we got our pictures of all those beautiful Indiana stripper friends of ours onto my digital camera.  Then we put them online into the Lost Angels Chat room.   We did this direct from the Indiana club owners office only half an hour after I shot the pictures.

Alpha Productions soon became the only game in town when it came to strip club digital photography

That was in 1997 when everyone else thought digital cameras were only toys, and that real photographers only used film.  Back then Alpha Productions was number one in strip club digital photography, the first  to use those plastic little play toys that wound up killing film forever.

You might also want to read “Discussions with Hitler about Digital Photography” 

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