The Russian Walking Dead are taking over Pattaya Sin City

The Russian Walking Dead are taking over Pattaya Sin City, clogging up the streets,  like zombies,  walking three and four breast, multiplying, fearless of the traffic.

Russian Walking Dead
This picture is from the actual  t.v. series The Walking Dead. I took segments from the t.v. series and inserted them in my video the Russian Walking Dead and mixed them up in my final you tube video




Jack Corbett’s the Russian Walking Dead of Pattaya
The American Russian Walking Dead of Pattaya is a little different from the video above (the Russian Walking Dead of Pattaya. The reason is Donald Trump- and all his minions and any American idiot who’s going to vote for him.

Pattaya Sin City is in Thailand.  There are hardly any sidewalks.

  While the police are selling slivers of the road to street vendors.  Everything’s for sale here in Pattaya Sin City.  From women to the public safety which takes a backseat to the bribes the police can pocket.  After all, there’s a reason why Thailand’s roads are now the most lethal in the entire world.

Russian Walking Dead of Pattaya Sin City
So who really created the Russian Walking Dead? How about the Pattaya Sin City powers that be starting with the police? Notice how street vendors are allowed to set up their little shops right on the street.

But we must feel sorry for the poor Russians who comprise the largest Caucasian group of tourists to ever hit Pattaya Sin City.  There’s nowhere they can walk.  So they must take to the streets to become the Russian Walking Dead.  Which many of them will become.  Roadkill.  As squashed dismembered bodies.  Thanks to the total lack of police enforcement of Thailand’s traffic laws.

Welcome to the world’s most lethal roads

But we are not here to dissect causes of traffic fatalities.  We are here to have fun.  And that’s what this  Russian Walking Dead video is all about.

But who am I really satirizing?  If you really think that I’m poking fun at the Russians, think again.

But here they are, the Russian Walking Dead. Scurrying like rats dodging traffic.  But we all are here in Pattaya Sin City.   There’s a lack of humanity here.  And you have to watch this video to see it.

So do I really hate the Russians?

How could I hate the people who gave us Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Lermontov and Pushkin?  These Russian writers were top notch.  With Tolstoy’s War and Peace generally acclaimed as the greatest novel that’s ever been written.  Not to mention some of the greatest classical music composers the world has ever known.  Such as Rachmaninoff,   Tchaikovsky, Korsakov

Russians are more avid readers than Americans.  By far.  I have far too many Russian friends to really be serious about calling them the Russian Walking Dead.  So let’s get back to this video.

How I produced this video, the Russian Walking Dead here in Pattaya Sin City?

I started off shooting video near my condo of Russians clogging up my street.  Walking and strolling down the pavement because not a sidewalk was to be found.  I then downloaded parts of the celebrated t.v. series, The Walking Dead.  From which I selected the choicest segments.  And that’s when I really started having fun.  As I pulled my film clips of Russians dodging cars and motorbikes into my video editing program.  And then added portions of the televised Walking Dead into my video. 

Then I started to really have fun as I added parts of the original Walking Dead soundtrack to my video. 

Well what can I say?  I am ting tong mak mak.  And I love being the kind of guy I am.   

Here’s a few of the choicest lines in this video.

“What are those?  (My Thai girlfriend asks me).

“I think they are Russians.”

“They are everywhere?”  Who?  The Russians.  Or is it the zombies?

“We must do something about these Ruskies”  (Hey, that’s my line).

“That noise.  Will that bring more of them?  There’s nothing we can do about it now.”  (from the television series soundtrack).

“We will just have to wait them out till morning.”

“The Question is how were these Walking Dead created?”  (my line again).

“Welcome to my world.  Welcome to my only world.  (from the soundtrack).

If you think I’m biased against Russians I invite you to read the following.

Andre Ward Sergei Kovalev fight was a draw

Is a New Boxing Golden Age upon us?

1 inch groups from the Ruger Mini 14 Rifle

Oldie but goodie Sexy Pattaya Drinking Street Video

Now with sound, this Sexy Pattaya Drinking Street Video features sizzling Kwan, Pulsating Mam as return to  the action in my four books books, “Death on the Wild Side”, “Welcome to the Fun House, “Dick Fitswell”, and “Extreme Guns and Babes” which you can buy now at

Sexy Pattaya Drinking Street Video thanks to Mam and Kwan
This is one Sexy Pattaya Drinking Street Video. Thanks to Mam and Kwan in particular. This pictu

I have put this Sexy Pattaya Drinking Street Video on you tube many months ago.  That’s when I was first getting to know Kwann and Mam.  Who were both dancing at the Frog Bar on Pattaya’s Drinking is of Mam. Who was probably the best dancer Pattaya Drinking Street ever had.

However I recently learned that You Tube had red-flagged me for possible copyright violation resulting in You Tube’s.  So You Tube  deleted the entire audio track for the whole video. This ruined the entire video.

I don’t think I ever violated anyone’s copyright for the audio in my video as the audio provides only the background music for the Drinking Street Beer Bar complex. Certainly the quality of this background music falls far short of the  original source material.  Because there is no way that the small LX-5 camera’s tiny microphone can reproduce acceptable commercial quality audio. Therefore it’s not commercially viable, and I wasn’t selling the video anyway. I finally decided to delete the existing video from the You Tube server and to replace it with a drastically reworked version of the old video. It’s only about 6 and a half minutes long now and the background music that triggered you tube’s censurers has now been chopped in little bits and pieces.

I have also plugged four of my books in this video. I’ve got close to 1.4 million views on You Tube for my videos. Many of them are well liked so why not? If someone likes the videos, there’s an excellent chance he will read one of my books.   I have over 1000 subscribers to my video channel.  But I doubt if many of them know that I am the same guy who has written and Published four books.

You will find more Kwan and Mam video here

Drinking Street Bars have 2 terrific Pattaya girls dancing

Pattaya Thai girl Mam is dancing on Drinking Street at the Frog Bar

More Pattaya Drinking Street Sizzling Kwan Video

Thailand Sexy Dancing at Pattaya Drinking Street

Why Yamaha Nouvo SX is best Thailand City Motorbike

I just completed the December 2013 Looking Glass Magazine issue which includes my review of the Yamaha Filano motorbike. my review on the Yamaha Filano motorbike.  

Which will show the bike bottoming out speed bumps when I have my girlfriend behind me. It’s a Vespa look a like.   It’s cute and it’s well put together.  But as the best Thailand City Motorbike, it cannot match a Yamaha 125 SX or Honda’s PCX 150.

Yamaha Filano is not the best Thailand City Motorbike
Although it’s a beautiful little jewel the Yamaha Filano is not the best Thailand City Motorbike

The same is true for Yamaha Finos, Honda Scoopy’s and Honda Clicks.   Clearly, the best all around bikes for city driving in Pattaya are the Honda PCX and the Yamaha 125 SX.

Which was a real tossup, until one day my Nouvo Elegance would not start.  One hour later, I decided that the Yamaha Nouvo SX is the best Thailand City Motorbike.

It would have been the Yamaha Elegance that had edged out the Honda PCX 150.  And that’s because I was finally able to start it with its kick starter.  And drive it to a nearby shop to replace its battery.  Trouble is, you can’t buy these new anymore.  So I now rate the Yamaha Nouvo 125 SX  as the best Thailand City Motorbike.

My Yamaha Nouvo Elegance
My Yamaha Nouvo 135 c.c. Elegance. Behind it is Yamaha’s replacement model the 125 c.c. Nouvo SX. Note all the stabilizing struts on the Elegance. Less bikes such as the Yamaha Filano, Honda Click, Honda Scoopy, do not have this structure that stabilizes the bike at higher speeds especially. This is why all “scooters” with floorboards cannot begin to match a Yamaha Nouvo, Honda PCX or equivalent in handling and stability. Although the Yamaha Nouvo SX offers fuel injection and is overall a very nice bike, the 135 c.c. engine of the Nouvo Elegance has a lot more guts

Larger motorbikes more suitable for highway driving won’t compare to a Yamaha Nouvo SX or Honda PCX 150.

This interesting statistic will explain why.  Thaivisa reports that Thailand now ranks number three in the entire world for having the most highway fatalities.  This is based on 100,000 registered vehicles, per capita, etc. The figure for 100,000 registered vehicles is 118.8 versus just 12.57 for the United States.

What this comes down to is because of the way Thais drive and the total lack of police enforcement driving high powered motorcycles with high speed traffic such as is common on expressways and superhighways, the possibility of death becomes even much higher. The way I’m thinking is if you have say a 650 c.c. or 1000 c.c. motorbike you have lots of power on tap and you are going to want to tap into all that power.

But you can never predict all the brain dead things all those brain dead people are constantly doing around you, and

too often the brain and reflexes simply cannot keep up with that person who just pulled in front of you.  The hole that should have been repaired that you suddenly see in the middle of that four lane.  Or the driver who suddenly decided to drive the wrong way towards you against the flow of traffic.

But now last night with my Yamaha Nouvo Elegance suddenly not being able to start, there is no longer a shadow of doubt in my mind why the Yamaha Nouvo is a better all around bike than Honda’s PCX. My bike had an electrical problem and would not start with the electric starter so the first thing I did is I pulled the plastic cover off the battery compartment, pulled the battery out, and loosed, then tightened the connections. THe problem persisted.

Because I still could use the horn, etc I figured I had a connection problem somewhere on the bike that I could not get to. I tried to kick start it but it turned out I did not try hard enough. So this morning I got our condo maintenance employee and security guard to help me out. We were able to get the bike going with the kick starter so off I went with the maintenance employee sitting behind me. He took me to a small place one normally would not notice and I bought a battery there for 600 baht. ANd that was it. My battery had gone defective even though it was less than one year old.

The same thing had happened to a friend who was renting a Honda PCX.  He could not kick start it, and he wound up walking to the restaurant we were meeting at for lunch. So it really comes down to the fact that the Yamaha Nouvos are more reliable.  Because even if the electric won’t work you can always kick start them.  Furthermore they are more versatile as you can easily use bungee cords to tie all kinds of stuff across the bike’s rear seat.

So there we have it.  Both the Yamaha Nouvo SX and Nouvo Elegance have enough tire and engine size to easily handle most driving conditions.

But I will discourage cruising at the fast highway speeds much larger bikes excel at.  Lastly due to the Yamaha Nouvos  having kick starters and their overall excellent build quality.  In addition to the relatively large storage area underneath their seats.  Both bikes have a plethora of hooks and bungee cord attachment spots.  So their reliability and versatility is unmatched.  Bottom line is the Yamaha Nouvo SX is the best Thailand City Motorbike you can buy.

Living it up in Pattaya Thailand World's Most Exciting City