Young Pattaya girl sizzles with dazzling fireworks lighting up the Pattaya night. In Drinking Street on New Year’s Eve
This video’s got an incredible show of fireworks, and it showcases Dick Fitswell as a cartoon entering the video itself. Which I think is very appropriate because the star character of my book, Dick Fitswell the man in Quest of a Perfect Fit is a cartoonish character. There’s over 25 short Dick Fitswell stories in the book, but I think Dick Fitswell is too often misunderstood. When you read the book, just think of him in this video, as a cartoon.
As the young Pattaya Girl sizzles showing off her sexy body and enticing dancing moves,
We are celebrating New Year’s Eve at the Koracha Bar. In this video Kwan is not taking center stage. Instead, she’s cavorting with our gang. Which includes several of our girlfriends.

The other big star on Drinking Street was Mam. For awhile Kwan and Mam worked together at the Frog Bar. Later, Kwan started working at the Koracha Bar a few bars up from Frog Bar. Back then I think Kwan was around 25. While Mam was around 29. We all got to know Kwan a lot better when she moved into my condo buldiing. But my impression of Kwan when we were getting to know her on Drinking Street is she was much less experienced than Mam.
Mam is no doubt the better dancer than Kwan.
Once Mam showed me a few pictures that had been taken of her in a professional photo shoot and in those pictures she was a knockout. Although Kwan would wind up being my personal favorite, in many ways I could relate to Mam better. She was older. Mam was more mature. And more conniving. But even though the Young Pattaya girl sizzles in this video. I could not relate to her. Just as I can’t relate to so many other twenty year olds.
Example in point. One night my pal, Ross, and I were drinking at the Frog Bar. Ross wound up with a bar bill of around 1500 baht even though he was only drinking beer and not much at that. I can’t remember what stunt Mam had pulled on him, but neither of us were happy with Mam.
Ross and I went to another Bar. Still on Drinking Street but a few bars away. We started smoking a few cigarettes together but we quickly ran out of cigarettes. So Ross went back to the Frog Bar to borrow cigarettes from Mam. Not once but two or three times.
And we wound up getting something like 15 cigarettes from Mam. Then Ross turned towards me and laughed:
“At least it’s something Jack. A little revenge against Mam is better than nothing.”
After that Mam never tried to pull a stunt on either of us again. Ross didn’t have enough money to pay his bar bill at the Frog Bar so I paid half of it. I felt I should have foreseen the stunts Mam would pull on him.
Mam absolutely terrified one of my good friends from my condo. He thought she was crazier than a loon. But it takes people a lot scarier than Mam to make me uncomfortable.
But one night Ross and I went to the Frog Bar. Where I wound up having many drinks with Mam. We were drinking tequila. Drunk (and so was I)
Mam made some pretty strong sexual advances on me. And I started responding.
Mam was looking awfully good and she really knew what she was doing. Well, maybe not. But my pal Ross persuaded me to leave the bar.
“All eyes are on you,” Jack. “And you can be sure someone is going to tell your girlfriend about you and Mam.”
Anyway, Mam has moved to Hong Kong. I’ve heard she’s married now. And Kwan’s not working the bar on Drinking Street all that often.
The crowd on Drinking Street is now mostly Indians and Arabs. I’ve heard they prefer fat women. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but now there’s hardly one decent looking gal on Drinking Street. The music’s about all Da Da now. This is pure electro noise. Which is very offensive to my friends and me. So, Drinking Street is no longer even close to what it was. With no Mam and hardly any of Kwan, Drinking Street is no longer a place where we want to all get together.
I still see the old gang, but we are never all together anymore. What drew us together in a single group was Kwan and Drinking Street. Drinking Street was very good back then, but now it’s completely unacceptable.
But now it’s May 27, 2022. And Drinking Street’s gone forever. Bull dozed. But here the Young Pattaya girl sizzles still. Captured in a moment of time. Now gone forever. So now I just ask myself, “Where is she now?”

More on Dick Fitswell.
I mention above that Dick Fitswell is the main character in my book Dick Fitwell the Man in Quest for the Perfect Fit. While he haunts the video as a cartoon. But after living in Pattaya for fourteen years, I have met so many controlling Dick Fitswell’s here. So I just had to write a sequel Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya Confessions of Sin City, with Dick Fitswell representing a Jesus Christ like Figure as he starts up his own bar on Pattaya’s infamous Soi Six. He calls it “Big Dick’s” and names his mamasan Angry Pussy. While he cultivates his cult of followers. And looks for his Saint Peter to lead his cult of followers.