Let’s stop beating around the bush and come right out with it. I ask everyone who’s reading this—” If Obama was white would he have to face all this relentless Republican obstructionism that has finally turned into a government shutdown over Obama Care?

Let’s face the facts. Racism is bad. And even a racist knows he will be roundly despised if he says: “I hate blacks.” But to say that Obama is the wrong kind of Christian, or a Muslim (how can you be the wrong kind of Christian and a Muslim at the same time?). That he secretly hates whites. Or that he wasn’t born in the United States and cannot therefore be president. All this is acceptable?
Consider that in our nation’s history that almost every newly elected president is provided a grace period of six months to make a few mistakes and to adjust to his new station as head of state.
Sadly no grace period was ever given to Obama who was roundly criticized by his opponents before he became officially inaugurated.
Think about it. No matter what course of action Obama tries to pursue Republican Congressmen have joined together in lockstep in nearly every single case. Unanimously or very close to it to defeat him.
And think about this:
In an interview with National Journal magazine published October 23, 2010, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell explained that “the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” McConnell said it. But the rest of the GOP has acted on it. In nearly every single case, it has joined together to do everything possible to make our president fail, even if it meant that it would cause the United States to fail by doing it.
When was the last time that an entire U.S. political party has threatened to stop the U.S. government from paying its bills because it didn’t agree with what our president and the opposing political party was trying to do?
Let me say loud and clear, if Obama was white, the Republicans would never have tried these stunts.
But they have. And they’ve done it because they know only too well how racist so many Americans are
And what about Fox News (False News). Has it ever occurred to anyone that its main purpose is to undermine and ridicule our president in relentless attempts to shape public opinion against him?
Think Germany between 1933 and 1945 when the Nazi Party’s Joseph Goebbels had a monopoly on all news coming in and out of Germany. And you have the true measure of Fox News. Perhaps the entire raison d’etre for Fox News/False News is. ” We hate Obama and we want to do everything possible to make you hate him too.”
I used to think that the U.S. needed to elect a capable black man as president. We could then show the rest of the world that we really weren’t a racist country. But we are. And the proof is if Obama was white, things would have gone so much better for him.
We could show Muslims that we really didn’t have it in for them because they were Muslims. Or Asians because they were Asians and didn’t look like us white folks. But I was elated when Obama, who had a black father and white mother, came out of practically nowhere to become our president. But oh…it was so much better than even all that.
Obama stood almost alone in opposing our misguided war in Iraq at a time when nearly all U.S. lawmakers had been convinced that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
. And he was not only a very intelligent lawyer who had graduated from Harvard’s Law School. He had been president of its prestigious law review. Here was a man whose intellect and wondrous speaking ability put him well above most men who had been running for president before him. And he could represent all Americans whether they were white, black, Hispanic, Asian or whatever. And be a shining light to the rest of the world that this country would no longer tolerate racism.
But this was not to be. At least not with Republicans who have secretly been playing the race card to appeal to those Americans whose minds and hearts have not developed to the same extent as their peers. We have come a long way. But the enemy has shown its true self and taken its banner as the GOP. Now it’s caused the shutdown in Washington. Tomorrow it will once again threaten or even succeed in causing the United States to stop paying its bills. The GOP has truly become an enemy of the United States and everything that it stands for.
In my own dictionary, the one that resides in my head, this amounts to treason. The Republicans therefore deserve to be defeated at every corner,
to have every single one of its politicians defeated in the coming elections and to be scorned and vilified at every turn.
Racism should not be tolerated. If Obama was white, things would have turned out far differently. I am ashamed for my country.