To do the best Soi Six Video here in Pattaya, that’s my goal, my dream. That’s what I do. The best.

Koy and Mali are featured in this video which is one of my best soi Six video s. Why Koy or why Mali? Taking Koy, when I first started coming here I figured she was the most attractive lady here. But times have changed. Koy is one of my of my favorite drinking buddies here on Soi Six. And this has taken 2 years.
As for Mali? The clock runs and we forget the time. But I’ve known her for three years now. I thought she was Little Miss Shy. Despite what she does for a living. I never had more than one drink with her. And I never thought she could dance either.
I never knew. But here she is in the thick of everything. She’s got her hair dyed blonde, which I don’t like with Thail ladies. But it fits her like a tee. Never figured she could dance either. So I’ve been doing commentary with her on the Jack Corbett Video Channel. Where she speaks out openly about the real dancers such as Mew, Pon, and Gee.
Are these really the best Soi Six videos? Check them out for yourself. I don’t know, But I let nothing stop me from doing the best videos I can do.