Extreme Muay Thai hit the stratosphere when one contestant was carried out on a stretcher while another suffered a broken nose

So why am I calling this video Extreme Muay Thai when I’ve already done a Double Knockout video from all the first rate action I’ve witnessed from my front row seat at Pattaya Max Stadium? First off in all 7 fights the action was unrelentingly furious. Secondly these 7 fights produced more than the usual amount of copious blood. Third’s the music. My pal, Big Daddy, called the whole scenario here as a disco with a lot of fighting thrown in.
For me Extreme Muay Thai must have better music
With that in mind, I decided to break tradition by stripping all that wining, god awful Thai sound that seems to be de rigour for Muay Thai. So I injected what I’m calling Jack’s special musical brew over the original sound tracks.
You might not like this video’s break from tradition. But that’s just one more reason why I’m calling what you are about to experience Extreme Muay Thai video.
Extreme Muay Thai video is for the high end viewer
I also took this video production to the limit by setting my Nikon at 60 frames a second. And then I outputted the video at 30 frames a second to make it more appealing to audiences whose eyes are accustomed to watching video at 30 frames a second.
Nikon Glass makes all the difference
But that new Nikon 24 by 70 2.8 lens is sheer magic when it’s parred with my Nikon D750 SLR. The new Panasonic LX10 with its 1.4 Leica lens is excellent. But there’s nothing like shooting with very heavy, quite expensive Nikon gear. But this Nikon Lens? The colors that come from it produce an almost 3 D effect.
The focusing of a professional Nikon DSLR camera is so fast that I can rapidly switch from the fight action in the ring to the spectators far away. Lesser cameras cannot do this.
It’s so good and so expensive that I recommend to those who take their photography seriously, to sell the family car, sell the kids and rent out your wife.
The last reason I’m calling this Extreme Muay Thai video, is that I am not keeping the typical internet smart phone user in mind at all. All that resolution and excellent equipment is best experienced when viewed on a 55 inch television . And since sound is so important to me, I created it so that it could be best heard on a surround sound system with excellent speakers and a powerful amp.