Category Archives: Koy

Crazy Fox Sweet Bar Videos as we close Soi Six

These last two Crazy Fox Sweet Bar videos finished the evening when Mali ran out of power before she could dexterize Phang.

Crazy Fox Sweet Bar picture of Koy with Mali
Mali and Koy at the Crazy Fox Bar on Sopi Chaiyapoon
I was pleasantly surprised when we got to Sweet Bar. Although Mali was down for the count and had to leave early, I still had Koy with me. The music was great here, as always. And Koy was in top form dancing alone. Until I spied a slender girl I had never seen before. Or had I? But whether I had or hadn’t, I was able to get her dancing with Koy, And after I finally put my camera away for the night I started dancing with both ladies.

Although we hit six bars I took Crazy Fox Sweet Bar videos only.

We started out at Sober Bar but only got warmed up there. This is where Koy and Gene met us. But Gene on the wagon. For good I think, so I don’t think he wanted to stay with us long. Mali started hitting the tequilas early which turned out to be a big mistake. She was in fine form when we went down the street to Crazy Fox. But it wasn’t long after we got to Soi Six that she went to pieces at Smoke and Kisses. So, she never got the change to dexterize Phang.

So Koy and I went next door to Repent Bar, which was playing that godawful da da music. Koy told me I could change the music, but I didn’t want to have to do it when I knew Sweet Bar would be playing a lot of good tunes.

Don’t think I’m being sour grapes though. Out of my American friends, Gene would walk out of any bar playing electro shit in three minutes. While Lenny and Big John might suffer through ten minutes of that horrific noise. And Gus who lives down the hall from me, who’s English would leave just as quickly.

Out of the Crazy Fox Sweet Bar videos I took 3 1/2 videos out of the four videos at Crazy Fox. But Koy outdid herself at Sweet Bar. Dancing by herself and looking great until I got a slender girl to join her. But we got there too late. And had to leave when the manager shut the bar down.

So where to next? Koy just kept walking down the street with me, not saying a word.

We saw a friendly face as we passed Hootie bar as Thomas called out my name. So, we ended up drinking more tequila with Thomas until he had to close the bar down.

If you want to see a lot more of Koy Click here to watch all her videos.

You can watch all of Mali’s videos by clicking here.