Category Archives: Mimi

Mimi from Nikky Bar competed for Pattaya Dancing Queen III on April 2, 2023, and although she did not win, she’s been in a lot of videos since then. Mimi dances with reckless abandon like no other. And if she’s on top of her game is a contender who can win.

Dynamic Repent Bar duo Mimi and Mali while Phang laughs

And what a dynamic Repent Bar duo they are. Because neither Mimi nor Mali work here while Phang came here just to laugh it up. Because Mai and Mimi are a trip. And a real sight to behold

Dynamic Repent Bar duo Mimi and Mali don't even work here but they are the show
Bottom row, Phang, Mali and Mimi don’t even work on Soi Six but they make new friends fast. Watch the two videos below to watch some real Thai charisma in action

Although I shot these two videos at the Spot and Repent Bar on Soi Phang, Mali, Mimi and I started out with dinner at the Surf and Turf Restaurant. I have a table reserved for us just a few feet from the water’s edge. The three ladies with me, Phang’s not much of a drinker but Mimi settles for beer. While Mali has her usual Long Island Tea. Like me, more than me even, she’s addicted to Long Island tea which has 2 1/2 shots of alcohol in each glass with coca cola, lots of ice, lime. It’s refreshing but it takes just 2 or 3 to knock you out.

From Surf and Turf we take a Bolt taxi to the Crazy Fox bar on Soi Chaiyapoon. Mali wants to start out there hoping to get Mimi half lit so she will be in a dancing mood by the time we hit Soi Six. An hour later we are at Hot Shots on Soi Six drinking with Marc but we don’t do any video until much later at the Spot Bar. In between bars we join Ninja at Sweet Bar. and then:

Our Dynamic Repent Bar duo Mimi and Mali get the Spot Bar rolling.

More than a dynamic repent bar duo, it’s actually a threesome that includes Phang with Mimi and Mali but Phang is normally not into the dancing. But Mali is almost impossible to say no to.

We are at the Spot Bar to catch a rare moment to find Phang dancing. Mali on the left, is hard to say no to.

If you watch and listen to this video closely you will be able to hear Mimi and Mali singing to the song they are dancing to. WE have just left the Sot bar and settled down with Koy in the Repent bar when Mimi decides to change the music.

I call Mali and Mimi our dynamic Repent Bar duo because Mimi never gets completely into her dancing until we hit Repent Bar. Where Mimi launches a great song that she loves dancing to. The synergy between Mimi and Mali is awesome to behold. With both women singing as they dance. Mimi’s voice is unusual. Her tone is shrilling. I mean that in a good way because no one’s voice sounds like Mimi’s. While Mali’s voice is much softer.

Dynamic Repent Bar duo with Phang laughing it up at her two friends
Mali at Sweet Bar with Ninga

Meanwhile Phang is laughing her ass off at Mali and Mimi. Mali goes into pushup mode two or three times. While Mimi gets down on the floor at least once with Mali. In a lot of ways Mali and Phang are very similar as both women treat a lot of what life throws at them with a grain of salt. Whereas Mimi is almost their polar opposite. With Mimi everything is either black or white. And when she sees black, she gets angry very quickly. Mimi more than any other Thai woman lets her emotions all hang out. One can see this in Mimi’s dancing. Which I find to be very thrilling.

Nikky Bar’s last night Mimi and Mali take center stage.

Nikky Bar’s last night. because on February 1 all businesses from Pattaya Dolphin circle to Naklua 33 are closed

Nikky Bar's last night Mali's on the microphone
Mimi and Mali

A lot of us were expecting one last big bash to celebrate Nikky bars last night. But when I talked with Nikky about it, she told me, “I want to go out quietly. And just have a relaxed evening. Nothing special. Which is about the way things turned out. I took Mali out for Japanese food at the Centara Grand Mirage Resort, so we arrived at Nikky bar after 9 p.m. Luckily Mimi was there, and I had brought my Nikon along hoping to get some passable video.

Mali on the microphone on Nikky Bar's last night
Mali sings us a song.
Nikky Bar's last night Mimi, Nikky and Mali
Nikky, Mali and Mimi

Before we started hitting the tequila too hard I had Nikky play “Get down Saturday night”, which Mali loves dancing to.

Now I know a lot of people will be asking me, “Is Nikky going to get another bar? But as of Kikky bar’s last night on January 31, 2024, Nikky was still undecided although if I were to bet, “she won’t. Or at least not in the short term.

So, Naklua’s taken yet another turn for the worse with Nikky Bar’s last night finally here.

Several years ago, Nikky had a much larger bar right on Soi 33 across from Grottinos Pizza. The bar had a pair of dancing poles. Had Nikky been able to keep her first bar our three dancing contests might have turned out dramatically different. Because the best pole dancers might have turned out to be the big winners. But the powers that be cleaned out the entire north side of Soi 33 to make room for a hotel where they could put even more Chinese, Koreans, and high sole Thais. Several good restaurants had to move away. And both Nikky and Cocktail bar had to move off that side of the street.

Gone forever are the Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions which no other Pattaya bar did before. Or it one did, did not do nearly so well. Which is sad. Because Pattaya lose its vibrant night life so that progress that practically no one wants can take place.

End of Naklua Bars last days here at Nikky Bar

I’m calling this the end of Naklua Bars since there’s just 3 days left for Nikkys bar which is being shut down.

But I am trying something different with these two videos and would like to have some feedback on my facebook page which method works better for you.

Click on the picture above to watch act 1 of the Last Days of Nikky Bar
Last Days of Nikkys Bar Act 2

All the bars being closed down between Dolphin Circle and Naklua Soi 33 is part of the ongoing sanitation of Pattaya. But the end of Naklua Bars is nearly completed. With the masses of Chinese tourists arriving, Naklua could well become Little China. While its a haven for wealthy Thais from Bangkok who used to view Pattaya with disdain. But not anymore. Pattaya’ now has just about everything Bangkok has. With an even better Terminal 21. And if it doesn’t at least Pattaya’s Termina 21 has airplanes in it. While Naklua has beaches whereas Bangkok doesn’t.

But the End of Naklua Bars started a long time ago. Gone is the Girl Beer Bar. And Pen and Malai bars. Not to mention Leo blues Bar. And as far as I am concerned there’s not a single exciting Naklua bar out of the few that are left.

So what’s next? Nikkys Bar closes tomorrow. For good. This means Mimi’s relocating to another bar close by. Mali is about the best drinking partner a man can ask for. But Nikky Bar will be missed. We’ve had three Dancing Queen competitions there. The music’s nearly always good here. Which I can’t say the same for most bars here in Pattaya.

I’ve done over 100 videos here at Nikky bar. FIguring roughly 250 videos on the Jack Corbett Video Channel this comprises a good portion of the total videos I’ve done. And considering all the Muay Thai videos I’ve done, bladed weapons video and other non-bar girl videos the Nikky Bar videos probably amount to close to 50 % of all my Pattaya Bar videos.

But stay tuned. The Jack Corbett video channel is not going away.