Category Archives: Non bar videos

They are you tube videos that are not bar girl related videos.

Pattaya Crocodile Farm with two cute Thai ladies.

Who are Phang and Mali, and here at the Pattaya Crocodile Farm, you will find some terrific tiger pictures and watch crocodiles go berserk

At the Pattaya Crocodile Farm a very beautiful Mali close and Personal with a tiger
In my opinion this Bengal Tiger was most definitely not on drugs.

As Jack Corbett teases them mercilessly as he dangles a chicken above their heads. We chose to go to the Pattaya Crocodile Farm because Mali had her heart set on having pictures taken of her with a Tiger. But first, I took Phang and Mali to Khao Kheow Zoo in Siracha because I felt it was the best zoo in Thailand. And in the world.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to find the big cats at Khao Kheow zoo. And even if we did, I don’t think we could have taken close and personal pictures of Mali with tigers there.

I will put Thailand’s zoos way ahead of any in the United States for one simple reason. You can get up real close to the animals at Thailand’s zoos. Whereas in the U.S.A. Americans are so litigation conscious that the zoos won’t let you get anywhere near the animals. The United States is not even a shadow of its former greatness as far as I am concerned. You can’t even keep a wolf for a pet there. Whereas in Pattaya just a few years ago half-grown elephants roamed the bars.

I thought they’s be drugging the tigers at the Pattaya Crocodile Farm.

That’s what I told Mali when she told me how much she wanted me to take her pictures with a tiger. Because she was nearly terrified of getting up close and personal with real tigers. And when we were given the choice of Mali getting up close to a Tiger, we could choose between a white Tiger. And a colorful Bengal Tiger. It would cost me 300 baht to get pictures of Mali with the white tiger and just 200 baht with the Bengal Tiger.

Mali chose the Bengal Tiger, and i think she chose wisely. The white tiger didn’t seem all that with it. Perhaps its keepers drugged it. But maybe not. It didn’t look all that healthy to me.

But that Bengal Tiger was something else. There was nothing wrong with it that I could determine.

I had been around Tigers Before. For example, got a small white tiger up on the stage at a topless club in the United States. And had most of the strippers cradling it like a baby while they fed it milk from a baby bottle. But Smokey (that was the white tiger’s name) must have weighed around 40 pounds. Which is ab out the size of a medium sized dog. But even though this Bengal Tiger probably weighed 400 pounds or so, I felt Mali would be perfectly safe around it.

After taking pictures of Mali with the magnificent animal I asked its keeper a few questions. The tiger’s handler told me the zoo never had any problems with its tigers. And Mali’s new friend had been born and raised at the Crocodile Farm.

But I had no such sympathy for the Crocodile Farm’s crocodiles. And I told both Mali and Phang that I wanted to eat crocodile at the zoo’s restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurant was closed.
So, I was not able to avenge all those thousands of people who have been killed (and eaten) by Crocodiles over the past century. But I still got the better of them when I fed them a chicken which I hoisted above them with a long bamboo fishing rod. They were ferocious. They were fast. But I was much faster, and I sincerely hope that I totally pissed all those crocodiles off.

Click here if you want to see a lot more of Mali in her videos.

Crocodile Farm’s Website.

Khao Kheow Open Zoo

Khao Kheow Open Zoo is head of its class.

If you are wondering why I’m calling Siracha Thailand’s Khao Kheow open zoo a world beater compared to other zoos here’s why

picture of Mali and Phang at Khao Kheow Open Zoo
Phang on the left, Mali on the right.

Visually Khao Kheow Open Zoo is very striking. And It’s huge. If one walks the entire extent of this zoo, t can get very tiring. Which is why Khao Khow open zoo provides a large sampling of golf karts.

Click on the picture above to watch the video
picture of Malai and Phang with golf kart at Khao Kheow Open Zoo

This is the way to get around Khao Kheow Open Zoo. By electric powered golf kart. Which not only makes getting around a lot less tiring. It’s also loads of fun.

We were here for more than three hours but we still didn’t have time to find the area devoted to the big cats. Such as lions, white tigers, Indo Chinese tigers, Jaguars, Leopards and small cats such as Ocelots and wild cats. We didn’t have time for the elephants either. Or the deer that I was looking forward to feeding bananas to. We never even saw the deer. That’s how big this place is.

And then there were the monkeys. If you watch the video slide show above you can view them takin’g over the golf kart I rented.

But the really decisive difference between all the U.S. zoos I’ve visited is the animal to human contact that Thailand’s zoos offer. For example, in my video you can watch live footage of Mali feeding the giraffes. And watch her feeding the rhinoceros up close and personal. American zoos won’t get you anywhere close to the animals out of fear of liability suits. Even monkeys are capable of biting you. And oftentimes will if you give them the chance. This factor alone makes any American zoo grossly inferior to the better zoos here in Thailand.

Thailand’s Siracha Khao Kheow Zoo

Khao Khow Open Zoo web site

Centara Grand Mirage Fireworks showcase was a class act

Driving my new 900 Triumph Speed Twin to Centara, eating Japanese cuisine, to shooting the Centara Grand Mirage fireworks was top shelf.

Centara Grand Mirage Fireworks starts with my new Triumph 900 Speed Twin motorcycle

And not for everyone. Not everyone’s going to shell out 400000 baht for a Triumph motorcycle. This one, I got in black, is even more stunning than the red 2017 Triump Street Twin I drove for five years. While Triumph’s attention to detail and paint now surpasses Yamaha, Honda and Kawasaki.

I have been parking my Triumph 900 Speed Twin between a Ducati Multistrada and a 900 c.c. Kawasaki. Both develop over 100 horsepower. The Ducati’s a monster that has to be living hell to thread through Pattaya’s busy streets. While the big Kawasaki with its sport riding position, hard narrow set and narrow handlebars is probably not much better. Both motorcycles belong on multi lane interstates.

Whereas my Triumph 900 Speed twin sits low and streamlined between the Ducati and Kawasaki.

It appears to be much smaller than either one of them. Yet, it can do it all. The Triumph is supremely comfortable, unlike the Kawasaki. But it’s far slimmer and agile than the Ducati which enables it to slice and dice through city traffic.

My Triumph 900 Street Twin to my inkling is close to perfection for this part of the world. And exquisite in almost every department starting with its engine sound that proclaims it’s a Triumph.

Centara Grand Mirage Fireworks
With the Ducati Multistrata on its left and Kawasaki 900 on its right my Triumph 900 Speed Twin looks small and compact. Paints a lot better too.

So what does my new Triumph 900 Speed Twin have to do with the Centara Grand Mirage Fireworks?

I have been a member of Centara Grand Mirage’s Fitness center for eight years now. And will remain so because I believe there’s no equal to it in Pattaya. While I also believe there’s not a single hotel or resort in Pattaya that can compare to Centara Grand Mirage with its opulent gardens. There’s even a 360 meter long swimming pool Centara calls the Lazy River. Which was engineered to look straight out of an Amazon River Tropical rainforest.

I figure I deserve the best that my pocketbook can afford. I have the finest big motorcycle for handling Pattaya’s busy traffic conditions. Which is very highway capable should I ever do any touring. And my Triumph’s far more beautiful and practical than the Ducati or Kawasaki flanking it. While Centara’s the creme de la creme of all Pattaya’s high end hotels and resorts. So if I am going to shoot fireworks I’m going first class all the way. Which is why I’m calling this video the Centara Grand Mirage Fireworks show.

So I start off on my new Triumph Speed Twin, which is as close to perfection as a motorcycle can get. With its unique Triumph engine sound.

The Centara Grand Mirage Resort is only 800 meters away. So it takes just a couple minutes to get there.

I sit down alone for dinner at one of Centara’s restaurants. And this one’s Japanese. I was going to take one of my girlfriends here to night but at the last minute she changed her mind. Telling me she wanted to go to her sister’s birthday party at a bar in Soi Bukoi. But nothing lost there. I will see her again. But not tonight. I can’t explain how happy I was go be sitting there alone in that Japanese restaurant. After all, the girlfriend had already told me she doesn’t like Japanese food. And how she only likes Thai food.

Which gets to the core of why I’ve decided to do shoot the Centara Grand Mirage Fireworks here at the Centara Grand Mirage Resort.

I have a lot of friends who have little or no interest in Japanese food. Whereas I hardly eat American food anymore. Preferring Thai, Japanese, Lebanese, or Indian food to what most Westerners live and die for.

Click on the picture above to get the video.

Most guys I know do not exercise at all. While I will exercise four or five times each week. And I exercise hard. So as long as I am going to put all that effort out, I deserve to have the best facilities I can get to work out in. Centara Grand Mirage Resort’s got between a quarter of a million and half a million worth of exercise equipment in its fitness center.

My Japanese meal starts with (to the left) a seaweed salad. Karioke Chicken. And a unique Japanese soft drink. My salmon sushi has not arrived yet or the Miso soup.

I will soon head up to the 19th floor which is open to the sky where I will be shooting the Centara Grand Mirage Fireworks. This is going to cost me another 1000 baht just to have several appetizers and two Singha beers. But I will be living it up in style and comfort. While only one other resident in my condo building has a Centara Physical fitness membership, and this person just happens to be my American neighbor. The rest of the residents won’t part with the cash to buy a Centara physical fitness’ membership. Even if they exercise at all.

The view of the city is spectacular up on Centara’s 19th floor.
The small appetizers I am getting with two beers for my 1000 baht.

Why I am selling my beloved 2018 Triumph Street Twin

30 minute hands on review (three year’s ownership of the 2018 Triumph 900 Street Twin.)

New Year’s Eve Fireworks at Surf and Turf 2018 (note, this is the best fireworks video I ever did or saw)