Category Archives: Repent Bar on Soi Six

One of the most popular bars in Pattaya is Repent Bar on Soi Six. Although it isn’t always, usually it’s our meeting place. There are only one or two bars on Soi Six that MIGHT HAVE more bar girls. The keywords being MIGHT HAVE. Repent Bar also distinguishes itself by being my best investment of them all. Putting investment in Jack Corbett terms means for every one-thousand baht I pay for drinks; I’m going to get a return of more drinks here than in any other bar in Pattaya..

Pattaya Dancing Queen IV is the winner of 20000 baht.

If I were to write about the four Dancing Queen competitions, I would have to write at least six chapters about Pattaya Dancing Queen IV.

Soem of the contestants for Pattaya Dancing Queen IV
Click on the picture above to watch the second video

Find the voting totals in the spreadsheet below

The way the judging works is each judge has 3 votes. He gives 3 points to his first-choice girl, 2 points to his second-choice girl and 1 point for the girl he thinks finished 3rd in the competition. Note that I am calling judge number 1, Thai. Because he is the only Thai judge, and his real name is actually Thai.

What I fail to understand is Mew, contestant number six only getting six votes. When she won all three of the previous Pattaya Dancing Queen Competitions.

Mew was contestant number six. She finished 1st at Nikky Bar for Pattaya Dancing Queen 1. Then she finished first again in July 2022. Winning the votes from five judges out of five for best dancer. Which earned her 10000 baht. And also winning from all five judges for doing the Best Show for an additional 4000 baht. While on my birthday on April 2, 2023, Mew once again won a unanimous score from all five judges. And by unanimous, I mean all five judges gave her 3 points.

I also fail to understand why Koy and Mali who danced together as number 4 did not win a single vote from any of the five judges. This would mean that according to these judges’ contestants 1, 3, 7, 6, 5 and 9 were all better than Koy and Mali. The spreadsheet places Mali and Koy in 7th place out of 9 contestants. Just keep in mind that in Pattaya Dancing Queen 2, Koy tied Gee for a 2nd place finish, and I used to think that Gee was the best dancer on Soi 6 until I met Mew.

I really felt Koy and Mali would have given Mew a real run for the money, with either Mew or Koy and Mali finishing first for 20000 baht.

I felt this way although both Mali and Koy felt Mew is unbeatable. But oh well, who knows can happen whether the contest is Pattaya Dancing Queen 1, II, III or Pattaya Dancing Queen IV.

Mali is a newcomer on this scene. It is her first competition, but before the last competition at Nikky Bar last April 2, 2023, I was shooting video of her in my condo analyzing which dancers she felt were the best. Mali thought Koy would beat Mew. But I disagreed with her, telling her Mew will always win, even if it means paying off the judges. Which I meant as a joke because I knew Mew too well to think she would ever take unfair advantage of anyone.

Example in point. Whenever Mew would met me in Soi Six when we would go to various bars together, she always made it a point to endear herself with the bars’ managers and owners. Oftentimes she would buy a manager drinks. Once she even bought Andy six tequilas at Helicopter bar and challenged him to drink all six. While in general she would always say goodbye to the owner, manager or mamasan before we ventured on to another Soi Six Bar.

But Mew outdid herself at Nikky Bar on April 2nd 2023 by convincing not only all five judges but practically everyone in the bar that she was the best of the best.

And if you watch Mew’s 2023 Nikky Bar performance you can watch practically everyone rooting for her. While at the end of the performance she has Gee, Koy and several of the contestants dancing with her before she could even complete her performance. Just keep in mind that Mew was beating her fellow contestants out of the money they would have won if she hadn’t showed up.

In spite of her never competing in a single dancing queen competition I knew Mali was ready for Pattaya Dancing Queen IV. I’ve taken her to many bars and shot lots of video of her. In a lot of ways, she’s a lot like Mew. Having terrific coordination from her hands and arms all the way down to her legs. All moving in synchrony with the music. Very few people have this kind of natural talent. Moreover, just a few days before Pattaya Dancing Queen IV, Gee paid Mali the highest compliment by telling her, “You are one of the four monkeys.” Meaning, you are one of us four. Mew, Koy, and myself.

Kudos to contestant number 5, however. She was sexy. She has a great figure. She danced very well.

But she also made herself very noticeable. Posing in front of my camera from start to finish. She also cozied up a lot to Mali. Even though the pair never met. She missed a first-place finish by a single point.

I can go on and on, but I will let you be the judges. Just go to my Facebook page and tell us what you thought of the contest. And who you would have voted for had you been one of the judges.

Click here to watch Mew winning Dancing Queen III at Nikky Bar last April 2, 2023

Click here to watch Koy taking a second-place tie with Gee at Pattaya Dancing Queen II in June, 2022.

The Nine performances for Pattaya Dancing Queen IV.

Contestants 1 and 2

Contestants 3 and 4

Contestants 5 and 6

Contestants 7-9

Video of the dancing that preceded the competition starting at 6:30 July 7, 2024

Dynamic Repent Bar duo Mimi and Mali while Phang laughs

And what a dynamic Repent Bar duo they are. Because neither Mimi nor Mali work here while Phang came here just to laugh it up. Because Mai and Mimi are a trip. And a real sight to behold

Dynamic Repent Bar duo Mimi and Mali don't even work here but they are the show
Bottom row, Phang, Mali and Mimi don’t even work on Soi Six but they make new friends fast. Watch the two videos below to watch some real Thai charisma in action

Although I shot these two videos at the Spot and Repent Bar on Soi Phang, Mali, Mimi and I started out with dinner at the Surf and Turf Restaurant. I have a table reserved for us just a few feet from the water’s edge. The three ladies with me, Phang’s not much of a drinker but Mimi settles for beer. While Mali has her usual Long Island Tea. Like me, more than me even, she’s addicted to Long Island tea which has 2 1/2 shots of alcohol in each glass with coca cola, lots of ice, lime. It’s refreshing but it takes just 2 or 3 to knock you out.

From Surf and Turf we take a Bolt taxi to the Crazy Fox bar on Soi Chaiyapoon. Mali wants to start out there hoping to get Mimi half lit so she will be in a dancing mood by the time we hit Soi Six. An hour later we are at Hot Shots on Soi Six drinking with Marc but we don’t do any video until much later at the Spot Bar. In between bars we join Ninja at Sweet Bar. and then:

Our Dynamic Repent Bar duo Mimi and Mali get the Spot Bar rolling.

More than a dynamic repent bar duo, it’s actually a threesome that includes Phang with Mimi and Mali but Phang is normally not into the dancing. But Mali is almost impossible to say no to.

We are at the Spot Bar to catch a rare moment to find Phang dancing. Mali on the left, is hard to say no to.

If you watch and listen to this video closely you will be able to hear Mimi and Mali singing to the song they are dancing to. WE have just left the Sot bar and settled down with Koy in the Repent bar when Mimi decides to change the music.

I call Mali and Mimi our dynamic Repent Bar duo because Mimi never gets completely into her dancing until we hit Repent Bar. Where Mimi launches a great song that she loves dancing to. The synergy between Mimi and Mali is awesome to behold. With both women singing as they dance. Mimi’s voice is unusual. Her tone is shrilling. I mean that in a good way because no one’s voice sounds like Mimi’s. While Mali’s voice is much softer.

Dynamic Repent Bar duo with Phang laughing it up at her two friends
Mali at Sweet Bar with Ninga

Meanwhile Phang is laughing her ass off at Mali and Mimi. Mali goes into pushup mode two or three times. While Mimi gets down on the floor at least once with Mali. In a lot of ways Mali and Phang are very similar as both women treat a lot of what life throws at them with a grain of salt. Whereas Mimi is almost their polar opposite. With Mimi everything is either black or white. And when she sees black, she gets angry very quickly. Mimi more than any other Thai woman lets her emotions all hang out. One can see this in Mimi’s dancing. Which I find to be very thrilling.

We Repent Gee’s birthday here at Soi Six Repent Bar

But do we repent Gee’s birthday? Absolutely not because we got gloriously drunk while doing great video at Mj Kitty bar and Repent

We Repent Gee's birthday picture of Gee, Phang, Koy and Mali

Mali and Phang are meeting me at Lust Bar on Soi Six and so is Gee or that’s the plan.

But Gee is always late, so I expect her to be at another time in outer space. As for Mali and Phang, I’ve known Mali for 3 years and Phang for seven. Both women have taken the time to buy Gee presents. And both women arrive at Lust Bar before I can get there.

At 8:15 I pay for our drinks and Lust and then we head down to the Spot. Where Gee joins us on Gee time. Soon it’s time that we Repent Gee’s birthday at Repent bar because there’s no way we will be leaving Koy out on all the fun.

We find both Koys at Repent. That’s Koy who’s competed in two of our Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions at Nikky Bar. Then there’s cashier Koy who relishes bringing our gang more tequila than any reasonable person can expect to handle.

In this video Koy, Mali and Gee start off dancing to Body Slam. Towards the end of the video Mali gives the bar her signature pushup exhibition. Mali’s very slender, but when she’s doing pushups like no other girl I’ve seen can, she shows off her marvelous body control. Mew has the same level of body control which makes her a terrific dancer. And so is Mali although hers and Mew’s dancing styles are very different.
In this video we present Gee with a birthday cake. Then Mali, Koy and Gee get into the dancing groove. By this time there’s no doubt that the real party action is here, at Repent, in our little corner of the world.

We Repent Gee’s birthday down on Soi Six Repent and if you believe that you truly belong in Buffalo Land.

Calling a spade a spade I will always refer to most Pattaya Bars as Buffalo Land. Which has inspired one of my favorite Thai songs, Kwai Kwai Kwai.

The girls who are with me understand exactly what I mean, and why I enjoy watching them dance to Kwai Kwai Kwai. Especially on Soi Six t’s because of all the falang buffalo who keep ringing the bell buying drinks for all the girls in the bar. And especially most Koreans who believe a real man is the guy who spends the most money on the bar girls. The bar girls expect this kind treatment from all the foreigner buffalo. Who I recommend your reading Neil Hutchison’s Fool In Paradise or Money Number one to understand bar girls and foreign buffalo.

There can be no doubt that our table is center stage here.

Because four of the 2024 Pattaya Beaches Eye Candy Calendar girls are at our table. Mali, Phang, Gee and Koy.

But of the four calendar girls, Phang’s doing very little dancing whereas Koy, Gee and Mali are dancing machines.

I love playing Kwai Kwai Kwai in Pattaya’s bars. While the main girls I hang out with understand exactly where I’m coming from. Especially Mali and Phang. Because when the bar girls watch a man buying drinks for all the girls in the bar, they are laughing behind the man’s back. What most bar girls don’t realize is the Joke’s on them even more than it’s on the fools in paradise. Because over 90 percent of Soi Six bar girls have Thai boyfriends for example. Not that I dislike most THai men. Because if I did, I would be a racist. I just despise all men who live off women. Who I call leeches while other men think of them as vermin.

But I am getting way off the subject which is a bad habit I have.

I need to be writing about why we repent Gee’s birthday. So I am asking you to study these five videos to understand why. It is Gee’s birthday that is the catalyst that brings us all together tonight. While Repent bar’s the perfect place to do it.

Gee kicks act 3 off dancing to Boogie Oggie Oggie’s Taste of Honey which is a song I lost track of for the past thirty years. Boogie Oggie Oggie is the name of the disco group that created Taste of Honey. Which I will never forget my jogging to it on the Springfield Illinois’s YMCA indoor track. It took 21 laps to do one mile and back then I was typically running 4 miles or 84 laps on this track. The YMCA was playing great music back then. But then that song started playing on the loudspeakers I kept lapping everyone on the track. I was so pumped up that I think no one could have beat me on that track that night.
Gee’s birthday Act 4 features Phang for the first time seen dancing. Until now, neither Jack nor Mali have been able to get Phang to dance with them. But Gee’s able to get it done. And probably because years ago Phang and Gee worked together. Halfway through this video Jack’s dancing with Gee. While at the end of the video Mali’s dancing with Gee at MJ Kitty Bar. However, the lighting at Kitty’s is very challenging which is why it’s best to fasten an auxiliary always on light onto the Nikon to mitigate the effects of all the flashing lights at MJ Kitty Bar.
By Act 5, Gee’s left the party, and so has Phang. This leaves Jack and Mali who head back to Repent Bar where Mali and Koy dance to Kwai Kwai, the buffalo song. Koy, our favorite cashier joins in with Mali and Koy to dance to celebrate the upcoming return of the buffalo.

If you liked some of the music in the videos you might want to watch the original artist’s live performances on YouTube.

Kwai Kwai Kwai.

Body Slam Feat

Rocket Festival

The Musketeers

Hua Lai Tood

Taste of Honey by Boogie Oogie Oogie

Maroon Five Moves like Jagger

Maroon Five Moves like Jagger (official version)

Bruno Mars 2-4-K Magic

This is the Way We do it Montel Jordan