Pattaya Dancing Contest Previews: A Sneak Peek at Gee, Mimi, and Mali

Three Pattaya Dancing Contest previews of Gee, Mimi and Mali just one week before the 20000-baht dancing queen competition starts.

Mali and ____ are In this picture of Pattaya Dancing Contest Previews
Just outside Slutz here on Soi Six is Mali and Bogy

We start off our Pattaya Dancing Contest previews at Slutz bar. I think it’s only the second night that the owner of Lust Bar bought Illuzions. I had really liked Wolfgang, the previous owner, Unfortunately, only several weeks ago I found out that Wolfgang had died. Although German, Wolfgang never represented the stereotypical German of a strait laced humorless descendent of a Prussian army officer dating back to the Napoleonic wars. The Wolfgang I knew was the total opposite. Warm, friendly and easy going, I cannot think of any bar owner in Pattaya who better fit the total opposite of this German stereotype.

At first, we had difficulty finding Slutz due to the name change. But when we found ourselves in the middle of two birthday parties, the place was packed. So atter Mali, Mimi and I had a couple of drinks we continued onto Hot Shots where we found Marc. Who is another polar opposite of the stereotypical German. Marc, by the way, will be helping me run the upcoming Pattaya Dancing Queen Competition this July 7, 2024.

I had done my last Pattaya dancing competition at Nikky bar on April 2, 2023. But I had never done one before on Soi Six. This as far as I know will be the first big dancing competition that Soi Six has ever had. The stakes have never been higher. Because the best dancer will be getting 20000 baht. With the second-place girl getting 10000 baht and third place finisher getting 5000 baht.

But we would not get on with our Pattaya Dancing Contest Previews until we got to Spot Bar

I would do most of my videos of Mali, Mimi and Gee dancing at Spot bar. Unfortunately, those videos which filled up an entire 128-megabyte memory card would never make it to these Pattaya Dancing contest previews.

Because I lost the memory card while shooting video at Sweet Bar. My Nikon camera suddenly stopped shooting the video I was shooting. Due to the card being filled up with the videos I had shot earlier. So, I substituted another memory card and did it in just a few seconds. I shifted to fast to the new card that I’m not exactly sure what I did with the old one. I had a special zippered packet that held a spare battery and several memory cards. So, I took a fresh memory card out of the packet and inserted it into the memory card slot in my Nikon. Then I hurriedly thrust the old memory card into either the packet or the camera bag.

Facing an acute hangover the next morning I looked for the memory card that I had filled up from the Spot Bar. But I couldn’t find it. Bottom line is I took all three videos on this page at Sweet Bar.

In this picture in Pattaya Dancing Contest Mali and Mimi
Mali and Mimi at Sweet Bar on Soi Six

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