Roman Pugio Viking Axe: After the reviews, Pattaya Soi Six

After reviewing the Mark Morrow Roman Pugio Viking Axe we gave equal time to my Nikon Camera and for Mali to dance and sing on Soi Six.

Our first bar was Sweet Bar where we joined NInja for few drinks to get Mali all revved up.

We would shoot a couple videos there to start things off, but a group of obnoxious Koreans hogged all the bar space next to the computer where we make our music selections. I couldn’t squeeze my body between one of the Koreans and the computer on top of the bar. Mali could but just barely. Then one of the Koreans changed her music. We hated to leave Ninja, but I just can’t stand a lot of the rude customers in Pattaya’s bars. It just takes one of them changing my music or the music my girlfriends have selected to really set me off. So, we left for Nymphoz, where we joined Silent Bob and Ray.

But it wasn’t just the Koreans who had gotten my goat. It was YouTube which on its own kept selecting that godawful noise I call Da Da music.

I think this happens when you have a bar’s cashier or mamasan allowing the bar’s bar girls to play whatever bar music they want to play. Funny thing is you don’t see this happen very much at Smoke and Kisses. I think this might be because the cashier reigns the girls in while so many other bars allow them to play what they want. Usually this doesn’t happen very often at Sweet Bar because its manager knows his music and probably doesn’t allow the bar girls too much latitude. But when the manager’s not there, who knows.

We also hit the Spot Bar and Smoke and Kisses. And although I shot video at both bars, I have decided for now not to include them on these pages.

But we had a great time at both bars. It’s just that Mali didn’t do any dancing at either of them.

I would see Mali off at 1 a.m. She was tired and had a lot of tequila to drink. But I hadn’t had my full yet. So I stayed at Nymphoz where i continued to drink with Silent Bob and Ray. Then I walked to a bar on 2nd Road I used to drink at over 20 years ago. And finally got back to my condo after 5 a.m.

Jack Corbett and Mali reviewing the Mark Morrow Pugio and Viking Axe

If you want to see a lot more of Mali Click here (because I have shot a lot of videos of her). Aside from so many of her dancing videos and this Roman pugio Viking axe review you will find that she’s helped me to several other weapons reviews within those pages.

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