Category Archives: American adult entertainment

Stimmelators topless dancers meet Dollies strippers at Lost Angels Party

The Stimmelators topless dancers soon meet Lost Angels members Crazy Czech, Baron, Dirt and PlOne and three Dollies strippers at Stimmelator’s .

Meet Sasha who was dancing at Stimmelators while we were having our big Lost Angels blowout here.
At this time Dirt was doing my web site for me. Two years later I’d not only be doing
by own web site for but also for Stimmelators and several other topless clubs.
Click on the picture above to watch the video.

Click here to get lots of pictures of the Stimmelators topless dancers on the web site I would do for Stimmelators later on.

Only a small portion of our Lost Angels group partying at Stimmelators. From right to left, RJ, Katt, myself, Dirt, Jade, KM Crazy Czech (wearing the jacket with his name on it), and Doctor Doom.
The van we rented. Still in the Dollies Parking lot. Doctor Doom driving, Jade to my left, Dirt behind me, Brandy in the back to the right.
Satin hamming it up with me. At the Dollies Parking lot where right before
driving 420 miles to Stimmelators in North Webster, Indiana.

Heaven with Dirt and Crazy Czech.  Heavn's the most striking of all the Stimmelators topless dancers.
Our group was so large that Sam reserved the entire upstairs of his club for us with our own bartender. To the left, Dirt, Crazy Czech
to Dirt’s left, Heaven sitting at the front of the bar. The bartender is Fort, who was helping Sam manage the club. Later two
customers will enter Stimmelators and mace the entire club causing a dancer on stage to go to the hospital. For will get a full dose
of Mace in his face. The police will later on let the two criminals walk with smiles on their faces while they threaten to put a complaining D
Sam Stimmel in jail. I will later write “The Devil Incarnate, they want to shut this man down“, for two adult magazines telling the real story
of how good men, like Sam, who own topless clubs, are persecuted throughout the United States.

Sam Stimmel’s a saint. Or as close to one that I’ve ever met. But he’s got over thirty Stimmelators topless dancers working for him. And as the Mothers for a more Boring Nation keep telling us, strip clubs are the very incarnation of evil. Yet, Sam’s agreed to allow three Dollies dancers to work at his topless club for the weekend. Which is going to make him very unpopular with most of the Stimmelators topless dancers. Who are sure to view the Dollies strippers as total outsiders monopolizing their tips.

Introducing the Stimmelators video below that You Tube unjustifiably adult rated. due to the influence of the Mothers for a More Boring Nation. We shot this about the same time that this party took place.

Yes. Sam Stimmel is a saint. By this time he’s oftentimes joining us in our Lost Angels chat room.

So he already knows Jade, Satin, and Brandy remotely as three very active members of our Lost Angels chat group. But Sam’s not only jeopardizing his standing as club owner with his own dancers. He’s also agreed to allow the Dollies dancers to stay at his home for the weekend.

As if putting up with the Dollies strippers isn’t enough, Sam’s agreed to allow our entire group take over his home. And our group includes Doctor Doom, who is a self-confessed ex heroin addict. And Dirt who’s taken over from Grey Ghost was my web site designer.

Baron’s flown in from his mountain man’s retreat in Washington State’s Olympic mountains. While Plone’s taken a flight in from San Francisco. Crazy Czech’s living close to Stimmelator’s in Fort Wayne, Indiana. While Tornado, our newest Lost Angels member is driving in from South Bend, Indiana. Baron and I are to share a hotel room near the club in North Webster. Which leaves Sam with only five house guests.

Kat and Heaven are the most active Stimmelators topless dancers in the Lost Angels chat room
Left to right. Doctor Doom, Baron, PlOne, and Katt

I’ve already written about this event in my latest book, The Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer so by now you are probably wondering why I’m still writing more about the Stimmelator’s Topless dancers.

I call this big Lost Angels party at Stimmelators “The Next Trip to Stimmelators” on page 66 as a chapter heading. Actually it wasn’t. Because by the time ten of us left the Dollies parking lot in that van, I had already been to Stimmelator’s several more times. And because my web site is so vast. Encompassing over twenty years covering adult night clubs in both the United States and Thailand, I’m giving everyone the opportunity to get a little more Stimmelation from Stimmelators that I’ve not covered in my latest book’s 331 pages.

Brandy downstairs where she's dancing with the Stimmelators topless dancers
Brandy, Baron, and Satin spent most of their time downstairs while the rest of us had free reign of the upstairs.
By this time both Heaven and Katt had become extremely active in the Lost Angels chat room. So they would spend a lot of time
upstairs with Dirt, myself, PlOne, Baron and Km who started to become very active in our chats but lived close to Stimmelators.

Let’s start with Angie, who’s one of the Stimmelators strippers who gets absolutely no coverage in Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer.

Out of all the Stimmelators topless dancers angie makes the most money

Sam’s calling Angie the Stimmelators topless dancers couch queen. I hardly remember her from this visit to Stimmelator’s. And the reason’s because Angie doesn’t have a minute to spare socializing with our group. Angie’s too busy on the couch doing private dancers at five dollars a minute to be partying with our Lost Angels group. If I remember correctly a customer must pay fifteen dollars for each private dance he gets from one of the Stimmelator’s topless dancers. Or what amounts to for one song played on the juke box.

But the Stimmelators topless dancers aren’t even going topless. Because by Indiana state law each stripper must wear pasties. Angie’s wearing blue latex pasties like all the other Stimmelators topless dancers.

Angie’s so popular with the customers that she’s got them lined up near the couch. Each man waiting patiently for his private dance. Angie will make $1000 tonight for all the private dances she’s going to do. By the club’s rules and Indiana State law the customers are not even allowed to touch her. As Angie writhes seductively all over their laps. Like an unerring clock Angie will make another $1000 for the other night she works for Sam Stimmel.

Angie’s the most high powered out of all the Stimmelators topless dancers

I didn’t really get to know Angie at all that weekend all of us parties hard at Stimmelator’s. And in real life I would not be getting to know Angie until a year or two later. Still, I thought I should write about her here and show off her pictures. Because Satin was one of the Dollies strippers with us that weekend. And a year or two later I’d have both Satin and Angie representing my alphapro booth at the Exotic Dancer Expo in Las Vegas.

Every year I sought to make a huge splash at the Exotic Dancer Expo in Las Vegas. And each year was costing me at least three thousand dollars. That started with my having an exhibitor’s booth representing my alphapro web site and myself as both an upcoming writer and photographer.

I would wind up having three Stimmelators topless dancers representing my booth: Angie, Heaven and Renee.

While Heaven was an unforgettable, stunning blonde, who was incredibly outgoing and just all around fabulous, there was always and still is that always so much that was special about Renee that made me constantly gravitate to her. Renee and Heaven both had totally off the wall irreverent senses of humor. That are quite a lot like mine. They are both extremely attractive. While both of them are totally unforgettable.

But out of all the Stimmelators topless dancers Angie was like a stick or dynamite going off in your face.

A year, perhaps two years later, after I informed Sam that I was taking Satin to represent my booth at the Exotic Dancer’s Expo in Las Vegas, Sam very strongly, almost forcefully suggested that I take Angie as well.

By that time I don’t think I had spoken a word to Angie. Nor do I remember ever seeing her. She was only working two nights a week. And with Stimmelators being 420 miles from my Collinsville, IL apartment my weekend visits to Stimmelators rarely coincided with her schedule.

It took only one hour for me to promise Angie that I’d pay all her expenses she’d incur representing my booth at the expo.

Our verbal contract went like this

Sam: “If you want Angie to join Satin representing your booth in Las Vegas you can talk to her about it right now.

Jack: “That’ll be great Sam. I don’t remember ever seeing her before but if you recommend her, She’s gotta be terrific.”

Sam: ” I’ve already talked to her about it. She won’t charge you a thing, but you will have to pay for her airfare, her hotel room and her meals and drinks.”

Jack: “I’d love to talk to her about it, Sam. Bring her over so I can buy her a drink.”

A few minutes later Angie joins me at a table. We spend 20, perhaps 30 minutes discussing the expo and Angie’s role in representing my exhibitor’s booth with Satin.

Then Angie comes right out with it, “When do we start Jack? “

There would be no equivocating. And none of this either one of us thinking about it. It would cost me at least $1000 to have Angie represent my booth. And here I was already taking Satin.

Out of all the Stimmelators topless dancers, it would be Angie who was bound and determined to be a superstar. And the Las Vegas Exotic Dancer Expo would give her an unprecedented opportunity to meet a lot of the movers and shakers in the American adult industry.

A year or two later, I took her. As expected Satin was her usual congenial easy going self. But Angie. Here’s a woman who’s making $1000 a night for just five hours work doing lap dances. At this convention she’s meeting everyone. From the owner’s of the Feature Talent agencies like Pure Talent and Continental to some of the nation’s most famous feature entertainers and porn stars. And Angie’s not taking a back seat to anyone. She’s Miss personality plus.

But, Angie’s not in my book, Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer, and neither are a lot of the other Stimmelators topless dancers.

By the time ten of us traveled in that van to visit all of our friends at Stimmelators, most of us knew each other pretty well.

PlOne was becoming my best friend. Twenty years later he would join me in Thailand. And wind up buying his own condo just three miles from me. And although Crazy Czech lived far from me we would become stalwart drinking buddies those times we did meet. Jade and Satin were taking turns staying with me at a hotel in Collinsville until I finally rented my apartment close to the hotel.

Brandy often visited me at my farm. And wound up traveling with me several times to Stimmelators. And by this time out of the Stimmelators topless dancers Jewels had already visited me at my farm.

While Katt who I mention a lot in my latest book would soon be visited me at my farm with Marriah whose pictures appear here on the web site I was doing for Stimmelators.