So far, the cast of characters here at the Soi Chaiyapoon Pit Stop is DJ Silent Bob, Gene, Mali, Marc and Ying Yang.

Which includes quite an assortment of equipment that Mali has ordered from various vendors importing inexpensive artifacts from China. One should not take lake all of this lightly since Mali’s really looked forward to tonight. Mali’ has brought along a fake severed hand, severed foot and fingers, fake blood, a plastic knife and a mechanical pencil that she can use for the syringe that Dexter uses to disable his victims. But the real prize is the artificial penis that my pal, Gene demonstrates in act 1.
We found Marc here at Soi Chaiyapoon Pit Stop which surprised me a little because I expected to find him later at his very own Sober Bar.
YouTube would definitely kick me out due to Gene’s demonstrating the plastic toy penis Malis just bought as part of her collection of human remains, she plans to use in future Dexterizing videos. However, seeing that YouTube has already kicked me out, I have not shied away from publishing it in my video channel on my website.
The video above shows off some great dancing from Silent Bob and Mali. Get Down Saturday Night can be found on YouTube as performed by Oscar Isaac, and Sonoya Mizuno. For a long time, I felt that only Mew had a chance of doing a credible job that had a chance to living up to Oscar Isaac and Sonoya Mizuno. Until I watched Mali watching Oscar and Sonoya show off their dance moves on YouTube. while taking their dancing styles very seriously.
Act 1 and 2 Soi Chaiyapoon Pit Stop with Mali, Silent Bob, and Marc
Act 3 and 4 Revisiting To the Lake from the Pitstop DJ booth
Act 5 and 6 Smoke Kisses Soi Chaiyapoon is a dead ringer for Soi Six
Act 7 and 8 Dexter and Crazy Fox form an unlikely Soi Chaiyapoon partnership
By clicking here, you can watch all the videos. Mali appeared in.