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Nikon 17-28 lens review with Gee, Mali and Lin_Ly

This Nikon 17-28 lens review is one of the most meaningful and enjoyable spectacles you are likely to ever encounter. Because it demonstrates how well it performs in low light with fast moving subjects. And enjoyable because I chose three beautiful Thai ladies to show what this lens can do in the real world.

three pretty Thai ladies help me do my Nikon 17-28 2.8 lens review happen
From left to right my accomplices while doing this Nikon 17-28 lens review: Lyn_ly, Gee and Mali

So why am I doing this Nikon 17-28 lens review? And why must I take three pretty Thai ladies with me from bar to bar?

There are three reasons why I had to do it. First, I am torn between which Nikon Lense I really prefer. It it the Nikon z 20 mm 1.8 prime Lense. Or should I be relying on the Nikon 17-28 lens as my go to lens? I also own Nikon’s Z 24-70 lens which is the most versatile lens I own. And it’s nearly double the price of my 20 mm Z prime and my Nikon 17-28 lens.

I should have taken my Nikon Z24-70 2.8 lens with me when I shot all those pictures and video of Phang and Mali at the Crocodile Farm. Because the 20 mm Nikon Z lens is a prime with no zoom capabilities whatsoever. But that lens took a sensational of Mali with the tiger. And I now have a gorgeous 20 by 30-inch framed tiger picture of Mali on my wall. But I had to crop the hell out of that shot. And I am not so sure my Nikon 17-28 2.8 lens could have matched my 20 mm prime for this task.

And if you check out the links at the bottom of this page you will see that B & H photo gives the 20 mm prime five stars while it only gives the Nikon 17-28 lens 4 stars. The second reason I used three Thai ladies for this review is I wanted to practice my focusing techniques. Because I felt I did a lousy job on my last outing with Mali. While my my third reason for doing this Nikon 17-28 lens review is I was seriously considering moving up to Nikon’s Z8 camera from my Nikon Z7ii.

This is the first video from Sober Bar.

When it comes to choosing between my Nilon @ 24-70 2.8 lens or my 20 mm prime or Nikon 17-28 lens I prefer the two side angle lenses. In most Pattaya bars that is. Being wide angle lenses, they get more of the fast action that occurs in the bars. A second reason is they are lighter and more compact. And less susceptible to damage that can easily occur when I’m drinking lots of tequila with my lady friends.

We are still at Sober Bar
We have just left Sober Bar and gone to Smoke and Kisses.

This is in my opinion the best video I’ve ever done at Smoke and Kisses.
We have just left Smoke and Isses to join Koy at Repent Bar right next door on Pattaya Soi Six

I will now give my reasons for providing special links to B & H photo and Best Camera below. I live in Pattaya. So, for me the only serious camera shop in town is Best Camera. This is because its owner is a professional photographer whose grasp of photography vastly exceeds mine. I also get good trade in prices for cameras I am replacing with newer and better models. And as for B & H photo, think Big Apple. I consider New York City to be the number one city in the world. That’s why I subscribe to the New York Times. Because it has more money behind it than any other newspaper in the world. Which means it can afford to pay the best writers.

I have been to B & H photo. The place is huge. It encompasses half a city block. It has techs you can talk with who represent a single company. For example, I talked with a Panasonic tech who informed me that my Panasonic Lx10 had a fatal flaw. The tech told me that the electronic lens protector was subject to jamming. Because any debris that could enter the lens protector would close the lens either partially or completely. And sure, enough a couple months later I discovered the lens protector would not close completely. I could not remove the debris. It was a great little camera with a very fast Lecia lens. But I had to get rid of it because nothing could be done to remove the debris.

B & H has just about any camera or lens you can think of–in stock. And it ships all over the world. I will also mention Adorama Camera which is another outstanding New York photography store. But I’ve never been there.

Nikon’s Z7ii camera at B & H Photo in New York City

Nikon’s Z 20 -1.8 lens at B & H Photo

Nilon’s 17-28 2.8 Z lens at B & H Photo

Best Camera at in Pattaya (this is where I’m buying nearly all my photography equipment. It’s called Best for the best of reasons. It’s owner was a professional photographer in Bangkok.

And here’s the new camera I will be buying next from Best Camera. Nikon’s Z8.