Category Archives: Contestants and calendar girls

You will find all the videos of our Pattaya Dancing Queen contestants and calendar girls here so that you can find each girls videos in one place.

Great Thai music and awesome dancing Sweet Bar Act 5

A lot of people disparage Thai music. While I do the opposite. Here you will hear some great Thai music.

Mali and Gee who dance to some Great Thai music here at Sweet Bars

And watch some awesome dancing at the Sweet Bar on Soi Six thanks to Gee and Mali. Although her stye is very different from Mew’s, in many ways Mali’s dancing is similar. And Mew is very very good, having won through out of four Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions.

If you watch either Mew or Mali, you will notice that both women have marvelous control of their bodies that moves in nearly perfect synchrony to whatever music is playing.

Good Thai female dancers pay very close attention to how their hands and even their fingers interreact to the music that’s playing. Especially Thai music. While ladies like Mew and Mali take all of this to even higher steps. They pay very close attention to the clothes that they wear. To their makeup. And not just once in a while but practically every night that they go out.

Mew dances practically every chance that she can get. And so does Gee for that matter. While Mali’s concentration and focus on other dancers whether in person or on YouTube is unsurpassed.

It is hard to find fault with Mew’s dancing performances. She’s always thinking about what she’s going to do next. And like Mali is extremely c coordinated. Mew’s in perpetual motion. While being totally serious about every move she makes. Mew is in fact so good that she even makes me look good when I am dancing with her.

Mali’s apt to make a lot of mistakes in her dancing whereas Mew very seldom does. But Mali can do a lot more. She’s a lot like Pon, who is not only an excellent dancer but a total comedian as well. Like Pon, Mali is a real comedian when she’s in a bar. She often sings. While she often evokes laughter from everyone about her by the tone of her voice. Her anctics are neither planned nor contrived. They come immediately and naturally. Because she’s always about having fun.

But not all Thai music is created equal. Great Thai music is absolutely first rate same as great American or great English music. While most of it is only so-so at the best.

The particular song playing in this video is “Feat” performed by “Owen”. Ironically, I am very well aware of it thanks to Gee who often played and dance to it on YouTube while visiting me in my condo.

Hot Shots Contest Winner convinces us to visit her tonight

Great Thai music and awesome dancing Sweet Bar Act 5

Pattaya Sweet Bar Musketeers with Mali, Gee and Ninja

Repent Bar Tequila Madness Pattaya Soi Six Bar Crawl

Pattaya Soi Six Karaoke with Repent Bar Tequila Madness