Who has now watched all eight Netflix seasons of Dexter twice and now fantasies about a real life Pattaya Soi Six Dexter

But if a Pattaya Soi Six Dexter is necessary, so is a universal Dexter. Entrenched in every country in the world. Dexter is the ultimate vigilante. Because the Dexter of Netflix is a lethal force of one. Who is unstoppable. Who lives by a code taught by his deceased stepfather. Dexter’s code is to never get caught. And to kill only those who deserve it.
Vigilantes oftentimes made mistakes. Oftentimes killing the innocent. But Mali’s Pattaya Soi Six Dexter always kills the deserving. . This is the Dexter of Netflix, who with the exception of several mercy killings never executes those who don’t need killing.
I am going to provide two examples of why Dexter is the ultimate vigilante and a totally necessary evil.
Take Donald Trump for example. Most vigilantes would kill him if they could.
And that’s both a good thing and a bad thing. Trump is a traitor.
Because foremost among Trump’s many crimes, he has denied the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election.
While urging his supporters to attack the U.S. capital which resulted in six deaths. By hoping to totally destroy the American electoral process Trump would replace it with his own electoral system. As envisioned by his addled mind. Trump has and still is urging a Civil War. Between the U.S. government as outlined by the U.S. Constitution 237 years ago.
Trump has pledged to replace the U.S. constitution with new laws imposed by himself and his minions. That is treason.
England used to punish traitors by drawing and quartering them. Donald Trump deserves to be drawn and quartered. Because he is the ultimate traitor. If Pattaya Soi Six Dexter were like most other vigilantes, he would assassinate Donald Trump. And the world would be much better off without him. But not Pattaya Soi Six Dexter, the Dexter of Netflix. Who has captivated Mali’s imagination and would never assassinate Trump. Because he knows that killing Trump would make Trump a martyr.
Dexter is smart enough to know that Trump belongs in jail for the rest of his life. While killing him would likely bring on a new American Civil War.
Now I know that a lot of Americans will side with Trump. Contenting that the Democrats rigged this last election so that Joe Biden would win. Just keep in mind that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that this election was never rigged. Along with a few other higher courts.
Keep in mind also that both Al Gore and Hilary Clinton both lost very close elections in which each of them won the popular vote but lost in the electoral college.
But neither of them kept complaining that the election was rigged. ad nauseum. Both of them accepted the outcome of the elections they lost. And neither of them preached Civil War.
My second example is of someone Pattaya Soi Six Dexter would have killed. This would be Ryan Clark Petersen who killed three people at the Teaser’s strip club in Dolan, Alabama.
After over twelve years being incarcerated in the penitentiary, Petersen still has not been executed as ordered by Circuit Judge Brad Mendheim.
In plain view of practically everyone Petersen shot to death Camerson Eubanks, the club owner’s twenty-year-old son., Then he went inside the club where he shot a customer and a stripper because she had refused his physical advances. After killing both the stripper and the customer, Petersen exited the club. But while going out the door he kept shooting at the inert form of the owner’s son, just to make sure that he was dead.
Ryan Clark Petersen has lodged one appeal after the other with Alabama’s higher courts, contending that he was mentally ill among other things. And that he drank so much alcohol that he was unaware of what he was doing while shooting his victims. And costing the citizens of Alabama millions of dollars in legal expenses. Dexter would have killed Peterson. Thus, saving Alabama’s taxpayers millions of dollars. And stopping – Peterson from ever having the chance to kill again.
Petersen’s last appeal on November 8, 2023 is laughable if it wasn’t so tragic.
This appeal was based on Petersen’s new lawyers’ contention that Petersen’s lawyers in the original trial were not competent enough to represent him fairly.
The Netflix Dexter series was so popular that it aired for eight seasons
While also inspiring an eighth season sequel, “Dexter New Blood.” And I have recently read that still a ninth season is in the works called “Dexter Resurrection.“
The reason, I think that “Dexter” is so popular is that Dexter, even though he is a horrific serial killer represents a just but necessarily vengeful God.
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