Mali Inspired by seven seasons of Dexter on Netflix captures Dexter at Soi Six Smoke and Kisses bar by dexterizing Phang.

Mali has watched all seven seasons of Dexter, the popular Netflix series featuring a serial killer with a heart. And now she’s watching the entire series a second time.
So why the fascination with Dexter? Who kills his victims whose bodies he cuts into pieces which he throws into the ocean,
Dexter is the ultimate human garbage man. He kills people who deserve execution. Who for whatever reason the police cannot catch. Or who the courts let go due to one technicality or another. Nearly all Dexter’s victims are killers who are almost certain to kill again. Unless Dexter terminates them permanently.
And now the Jack Corbett Video Channel finds Dexter at Soi Six who is played by Mali.
Mali has planned these two videos for a least a week.
I once wrote a book, Death on the Wild Side, about a character who is much like Dexter. Like millions of American men, the American court system has ripped them in the divorce courts Frank Harring takes his revenge on the judge and lawyer who stole his farm and gave it to his ex-wife. He murders both of them.
Which brings us to Kelly Mcginnis.
Almost twenty years ago, Kelly Mcginnis felt the divorce court had cheated him of his rights to see his children. To make a point, her shot his ex-wife’s attorney. And took off not to be found for almost two months. From time-to-time there were Kelly Mcginnis sightings during a national manhunt. A lot of Americans, myself included felt the legal system had betrayed Kelly. Billboards across the country were defaced with a new message, “Kelly McGinnis for President.
The police finally caught him although I felt Kelly had given himself p voluntarily. Meanwhile I had been posting a lot of pro Kelly Mcginnis messages on various forums on the internet including Microsoft Network and the Saint Louis Post Dispatch. So, when the police finally incarcerated Kelly in the Illinois Bond County jail I decided to send him “Death on the Wild Side” the book I had just written and self-published,
But the police found Marijuana in the book I had sent to Kelly.
Sheriff Jeff Brown called me up to tell me I had to come to the Bond County sheriff’s office because” they had found something: in my book.
When I got there a detective Sergeant Ketchum escorted me into a little room where he started interrogating me. When Sergeant Ketchum insisted that I had deliberately planted cannabis inside the pages of my book, I replied.
“Sergeant Ketchum. Your logic is totally illogical. There are three possibilities here. 1. I put the marijuana in the book (which I assure you I did not), 2. Someone else planted it there when the book was inside my pickup when the door was open or at other times I did not personally attend to my book. Or 3. You, the police planted it there to shut me up.
I was literally laughing in Sergeant Ketcham’s face.
To make a long story short, the detective told me I had to report to the Bond County Sheriff’s office a week later where I would have to take a lie detector test. A couple days later I discovered that all like detector tests were done at the Big Illinois police center in Collinsville, Illinois. And that the police do not bring the lie detectors into county sherif’s office such as the one I had visited in Bond County.
So I fully understand and appreciate Mali’s fascination with Dexter and why she would want to play the part of Dexter at Soi Six.
These are the links to the 10 videos of this series, Mali and Mimi on Soi Six 8-2-2024
Click here to get Act 1 Spot Bar’s Artificial intelligence is a first for Soi Six.
Click here to get Acts and 2 and 3 Soi 6 video Magic at the Spot Bar
To get Acts 4 and 5 click here Dexter at Soi Six Smoke and Kisses Mali dexterizes Phang.
Click here to watch Acts 6 and 7.
To Watch videos 8 and 9 click here.
Click here to watch video number 10 from August 20. 2024
Related links
For a more detailed account of Kelly McGinnis and the police finding marijuana in the book I sent him click here.
To watch more videos of Mali click here.
Death on the Wild Side, the book I wrote and sent to Kelly McGinnis