In these tests of the Nikon Z8 cameras focusing Mali is dancing to Get Down Saturday Night at the Soi Six Spot Bar

I must admit that several days ago I was not pleased with the focusing of my new Nikon Z8 camera. I also felt that the new Rode wireless microphone Tom from Best Camera Shop gave me did not produce the sound quality I had hoped for. Due to all the Tequila, we were drinking I can’t recall if the noise level was actually that high in four of the bars we visited. Or if I had not adjusted my microphone settings properly or not. But there was too much distortion in the background. And when I edited the audio of those videos, I could clearly see that the sound graphs showed there was too much distortion.
So, I spent a couple hours testing my new Nikon at my condo.
And found that the external microphone’s sound output could be easily adjusted in the camera settings. So, I changed my microphone settings from 10 to 6.
Then I started playing with the focus settings on the camera. And found that for shooting video of people setting my camera to AFC *AF area mode Small produced better results than AF area wide.
But the improvements in both sound and focusing did not manifest themselves until I started shooting at the Soi Six Spot Bar.
I ended up getting fifty minutes of video at five bars. Our first bar was Marc’s new Sober Baron Soi Chaiyapoon. Where Mali and I met up with Gene. Unfortunately, Gene who had some very real drinking problems had stopped drinking over the last 60 days. So, he didn’t stay with us for long. I mean, if you aren’t drinking how can you really enjoy yourself in a bar?
Mali and I got totally trashed. Which is nothing new for us. But we managed to hit four Soi Six Bars: The Spot, Smoke and Kisses, Repent Bar and Sweet bar where I was able to complete ten videos.