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You will find all the videos of our Pattaya Dancing Queen contestants and calendar girls here so that you can find each girls videos in one place.

NeeNees videos page 6

NeeNees videos page 6 shows what it takes to win one of our Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions at Nikky Bar.

Nee Nees videos page 6 this picture is ofPlaypen's Mimi
Mimi posing for my Nikon at Playpen bar on Soi Six.
There’s a tie for second place between Mimi representing the Playpen and Nee Nee. Meanwhile Nikky has all the girls waiting for the judges’ decision. Should there be a dance off between Nee Nee and Mimi or should they split the 15000 second place prize money?

At Pattaya Dancing Queen I, Nee Nee didn’t even place in the top three. I thought she would have done better, but she didn’t.

I don’t think Pattaya ever saw a competition like this one before. So Nee Nee was totally clueless what to expect. For that matter the other girls were equally clueless. But that was on April 2, 2022.

In Pattaya Dancing Queen II which Nikkys Bar held on July 31, 2022, we had already set a precedent. Just as we had done on my 75th birthday on April 2, 2023, we had five judges. As before each judge got to vote three times, once for the girl he felt performed the best. A second time for the girl he felt deserved second place. And a third time for the girl he felt had earned third place.

A judge’s first choice would get three points. While his second-choice girl would get two points. With his third-choice vote getting one point. Whichever girl accumulated the most points from the votes of all five judges would become Pattaya Dancing Queen.

Nee Nee won 4000 baht for her third-place finish in the July 31st 2022 Pattaya Dancing Queen competition and this is why.

I truly believe that Gee deserved much better than a third-place finish in our first Pattaya Dancing Queen competition. I also believed that Nee Nee felt Minny deserved to finish in the top three. But Minny didn’t even place.

First off, Nee Nee picked an excellent song to dance to, “Sexy
Girl” and that she had observed Gee playing it often at Nikky Bar. During this time period Gee met me often at Nikky bar even though she didn’t work there.

And if you watch Nee Nee’s performance in the July 31st competition, it seems that she has borrowed from Gee’s dancing style.

And possibly from Minnys as well. But the trump card that Nee Nee had played was she wore her hair long using hair extensions. After her first performance I had warned Nee Nee that I didn’t find her attractive enough wearing her hair short to do well in a dancing competition. The videos in NeeNees videos page 6 prove that NeeNee corrected this mistake in the next too Dancing Queen competitions.

And Nee Nee had listened to me.

But I was totally surprised when Nee Nee won second place in our April 2, 2023 Pattaya Dancing Queen competition which you can watch here in Nee Nees videos page 6

We had a newcomer representing Playpen Bar in MImi. And God is she sexy. Thomas had brought her to the 2023 competition advising her both before and during the competition.

But the other Mimi representing Nikky Bar and Koy wound up making the same mistake Playpen’s Mimi wound up making. And that mistake was playing electro crap music that I call Da Da music.

NeeNees videos page 6 picture of Mimi from Nikky Bar
Mimi and Nikky. Mimi’s not working in a bar. She’s a friend of Nikky’s who’s representing Nikkys Bar.

Nikky Bar’s Mimi looked sexy enough. I had never seen her before let alone watch her dance. But she was wearing her hair short just as Nee Nee had done in the April 2, 2022 competition. While playing that electro da da noise during her show.

And so did Playpen’s Mimi. Who looked incredibly sexy dancing up for 20000 baht. Thomas told me later that Mimi had drunk far too much. Otherwise, she might have won. Thomas I must add was the sixth judge, whose function was to coach the other five judges. And to help them tally the votes. But we would not allow Thomas to be a voting judge. Due to his potentially someone like Mew or Mimi who he had gotten to know pretty well.

Once again Mew simply blew all the other contestants away. While the voting for the second-place contestant and 15000 baht was evenly split between Playpen’s Mimi and Nee Nee.

Thomas had the five judges call for a Dance off between Nee Nee and Playpen’s Mimi.

Which Nee Nee won. Barely. “It was so close “Thomas told me later.

My final assessment of the April 2nd, 2023 Pattaya Dancing Queen competition.

And I”m going to share it with Nikky the owner of Nikkys Bar. And share it equally with those Soi Six managers I know the best. As well as with those contestants I feel could have done better. While using the videos on Nee Nees videos page 6 and Nee Nees videos on pages 1 though five as examples.

We had five judges. Four men and one woman. All the judges were forty or above.

Most people over forty years old despise all that electro crap I call Da Da music.

So, Nikky bar Mimi, Koy, and Playpen’s Mimi, I’m telling all three of you exactly what I am posting here. The kind of judges we select are going to have very negative opinions of anyone playing all that noise.

Nikky Bar Mimi. Not to worry. If we ever have another Pattaya Dancing Queen competition both Thomas and I are going to be up your ass advising, you what you have to do to win. In the meantime, we will be using NeeNees videos page 6 as a blueprint on what it takes to win a Pattaya Dancing Queen competition.

Nikky Bar Mimi. “I’ve found you to be very sexy after I got to meet you two months after we held Pattaya Dancing Queen III. You have dyed your hair blonde since the competition. And although I normally don’t like the looks of Asian women trying to be blondes, it suits you well. And Mimi you dance so well. Bringing a lot of drama into your dancing moves. But never challenge the ears of the judges by playing that godawful noise the most dim-witted bar girls love to dance to. You are a lot smarter than them (and I dare way sexier as well.)

Which brings us back to Nee Nee. “I have watched all those short video clips of you dancing in your room Nee Nee. You wore hair extensions. So, I can just picture you practicing in your room. Alone. With no one watching. As you trained to perfect your appearance and dancing style. So, you would have the best chance in the world of winning Pattaya Dancing Queen III. You listened. Whereas many of the other contestants didn’t listen. And you practiced hard. You worked hard and deserved those 15000 baht that came with delivering the second-best performance of Pattaya Dancing Queen III.

Click here to get NeeNee’s videos from page five.