I had four Naklua Nikki Bar Videos on my YouTube channel. This video’s sensational.
This Naklua Nikki Bar video is the best Pattaya bar girl video I have done. Which amazes me because nearly everything went wrong that night. While paradoxically so much went right. My go to camera, my Panasonic Lx10 camera went bad on me as soon as I started shooting. Thankfully I had brought my Nikon D750 SLR along as a backup with its superlative Nikon 24-70 lens. Which can produce pure magic in the right circumstances. Such as in my Muay Thai videos that were on my YouTube channel until a hacker destroyed all my videos there.

on my alphapro.com web site. Without the censorship that’s been holding me back from offering my
viewers the best quality that I’m capable of.
It is extremely difficult to do video in the confined quarters of a beer bar. And although the Nikon with its two microphones can do superior audio, I had not adjusted the microphone volume levels beforehand. Leaving me with totally unacceptable audio at extremely high decibel levels.
But after four days editing the Naklua Nikki bar video footage I ended up with a video that was pure magic.
Unfortunately, it wouldn’t remain on You Tube two minutes once the You Tube computers discovered that I was not paying You Tube for the bar’s background music.
I decided that if I can’t put the best video I had ever done up on you tube, I should go balls out to get the cleanest, best audio I could get. Then I would mute my horrible audio track, and substitute clean reproductions of the actual music the two dancers were dancing to during Nikki’s Halloween party.
I could not allow the censors to stop me from sharing such cutting edge video with the world.
Or my viewers being deprived of experiencing the adrenaline flowing through the veins of the two dancers–caused by Nikki’s playing the right music. Or being able to share what Nikki’s customers were feeling. Of being young men again.
Which was conveyed so eloquently towards the end of the video of the one legged man, now in his seventies, dancing to YMCA starting at 12;06 into the video
My solution was to put the video on my alphapro.com web site.
The end result was this superb video. But I still wanted to get the new Nikki Bar Halloween party up on my You Tube channel which has 1,100 subscribers.
So I changed the music to appease YouTube’s censors. And then a year, the unthinkable happened. later, My entire YouTube Channel disappeared. YouTube claims a hacker destroyed my channel with all 99 videos, gone.
In the long run I hope I can turn this total disaster into a huge win. Because now I’m putting nearly all my YouTube videos on the Jack Corbett Video Channel here at WordPress While storing them on my alphapro.com web site.
From now on, I can go full bore with all my videos, without having to worry about being censored by YouTube or anyone else.
I will pick whatever music I want for my videos without restriction. And even put a little nudity up if I like. Which is the case for a lot of my American strip club content. Rest assured though, I will not put up any porn.
Click here to discover why Nikky Bar is one of the most up and coming bars in Pattaya.
If you want the inside story about Pattaya, its bars, and bar girls check out my latest book ‘Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya Confessions of Sin City“.