Watch this very sexy Pattaya bar girl video. Drinking Street Kwan delivers in spades at a bar where she’s never been before. Pattaya Best Bar on Soi 8.

When I took these pictures Drinking Street Kwan is living in my condo building.
And she’s been here for a few weeks. So by now, I’m getting to know Kwan pretty well. We might be relaxing down on Wongmat Beach. But one of the Thai women has a birthday. We must celebrate. So we hatch out a plan. And this plan involves my camera. My trusty Panasonic Lx-7 with its very fast Leica lens.
By now Drinking Street Kwan is getting quite a fan club. On Drinking Street,
an American approaches me. It’s my hat that’s the give away. That’s why I wear it. People recognize me all over the world because of the Jack Hat.
“Where’s Kwan?” the man asks me. Then adds: “You must be Jack Corbett. The guy who’s written all those books.”
You get the drift where this conversation’s going. The guy wants to see Kwan in the flesh. So I tell him, “I’m not sure where she is.”
Drinking Street Kwan must have over 200,000 views of the You Tube videos I’ve shot of her.
So a lot of men want to meet her. They want to watch her dance. They want to have sex with her. And they do, in their dreams.
I know where she is. She’s living 3 floors above me. But I’m not about to tell anyone this. She’s got a boyfriend too. I’m keeping quiet about that too.
Two weeks later. I’m on Drinking Street. As usual I’m having a few beers, and another man approaches me. He’s Japanese.
“Are you Jack Corbett?” the Japanese asks.
Well we know where this is going.
A few days later. It happens again, only this time it’s an Englishman who’s wanting to find Pattaya Drinking Street Kwan.
So back to Wongamat Beach and Drinking Street Kwan
Our group starts planning where we are going next. I mention the Pattaya Best Bar on Soi 8. The Best Bar is a beer bar. But the girls are always dancing on little stages here. And sometimes on the bar itself. And unlike a go go bar, I can do video here.
So we all head out to the Pattaya Soi 8 Best Bar. Johannes and I start buying the 3 Thai women tequilas and beer. And Drinking Street Kwan really loves her tequila.
After awhile I can read Kwan’s mind. She wants to show off. She’s thinking: “These bar girls here aren’t shit. I should show them what a real star can do.”

When I sense a great video’s about to happen, I really want Johannes to be there.
At the Pattaya Best Bar, Drinking Street Kwan asks me, “Do you think they will let me dance here?”

We get the go ahead from one of the girls tending the bar, and then I tell Fon who had been taking English classes with Kwan. “Now you will really see something.” I know what

Kwan can do and she’s in the mood. My camera is small, but it’s got a Leica 1.4 lens with image stabilization. This is one of the finest cameras in the world for shooting in low light and this bar is darker than most cameras can handle. The music’s da da, or butt awful.

But Drinking Street Kwan is sexier than ever. And my camera does not let me or Kwan down. But the music’s just not good enough. I must create a miracle–a soundtrack that is worthy of what we can do together.
I don’t know if I’ve succeeded or not so I will let you be the judge.
Many thanks to Pattaya Best Bar for allowing Drinking Street Kwan to take over your establishment.