Category Archives: Jack Corbett Video Channel

Here you will find creativity without boundaries.   Enter at your own risk.  Although there’s no porn here, there is some adult content within these hallowed walls

SexManniac Dont steal You Tube Video content

SexManniac–Don’t steal You Tube Video content by ripping off my 3 year old Skytop video and Kwan Tequila video.

This  is copyright violation.

do not steal my you tube video content
Kwan the real star of Pattaya Drinking Street

Kwan doing East Saint Louis cement mixers with me.

By the time Google circulates this I’m sure the thief will have taken my videos off his You Tube channel.  But if not….here’s the content he’s stolen from me.

And here’s the message I inserted below the video he illegally appropriated from me, edited by putting in his own background music while inserting his words of wisdom into the video itself and then put on his you tube channel.

“Great video….Thanks for the compliment Mark.  95 % of the content is mine, not Sex Maniac’s.  Sexmanniac,  It is a very bad idea to rip off the video content of other producers.   This is called copyright violation.  

The 2nd video, My Skytop video, three years up on You Tube on my channel.   There’s a pretty girl who is the niece of the Skytop Guesthouse owner’s widow.  Probably 16, and perhaps just 15 when I  shot this video in 2012.

The Skytop video was getting 7000 hits a day on YouTube but after certain unrighteous moralistic hypocrites complained to YouTube, YouTube gave it an adult rating. In just a few days it was getting only 100 hits a day. Years later, only three weeks ago YouTube deleted my YouTube channel with no reasons whatsoever or explanation. Other than after reviewing my channel I had violated their terms of service. Right. Which term of service did I violate? There was no reason given.

 I never saw her go with a customer and I can’t recall ever seeing her as much as talking to customers because she was not a bar girl at all.  She or her mother could take you to court for defamation of character.  

When you put such videos up  and insert your advice about prostitutes and sponsors into these videos, you are opening yourself up to lawsuits or even worse.”

The latest on Wan’s daughter is she graduated from a 4 year college and is now a school teacher.  As I mentioned she never worked as a bar girl. 

But even though many years ago I was getting 7000 views on this video alone on YouTube.  People complained to YouTube about young prostitutes working at the Skytop Bar.  In one day the views went from 7000 to a 100.  And several weeks after that, down to practically nothing.  YouTube classified it as an adult video. 

I don’t trust YouTube.  And now that someone hacked my entire YouTube channel destroying all my videos I’ve put there, I am redoing them here at on my Jack Corbett Video Channel.  I’ve redone this stellar classic from scratch and hopefully it’s better than ever.