Category Archives: Pattaya Bar Girls

Pattaya Bar Girls focuses upon all types of bar girls. Including beer bar girls, go go dancers, and Soi Six girls.

You will find a lot of terrific Pattaya Bar Girls videos here from Drinking Street, Naklua Pen, bar, Naklua Nikky Bar And even  Naklua TG Bar where you will find lots of lady boys.  Not to mention other loccations.

Our list is growing.

Soi Chaiyapoon Crazy Fox Bar with Mimi and Mali

Smoke and Kisses is the foundation for the Soi Chaiyapoon Crazy Fox Bar along with Soi Six Lollytop Bar and Smoke and Mirrors

Picture of Phang and Mali at Smoke and Kisses Soi Chaiyapoon Crazy Fox

Smoke and Kisses founded Soi Chaiyapoon Crazy Fox

At least in my opinion. And all because of Anna who I’ve known for a lot of years. I’ve also known the cashier at Smoke and Kisses as long as I’ve known Anna. While getting to know more bar girls at Amoke and Kisses than any other bar in Pattaya. I don’t mean sheer numbers here, but time spent with memorable bar girls. Such as Gee Gee who stayed with me for onver a month during the virus lockdown. Or Gee who’s competed in three out of four Pattaya dancing Queen competition. Who I met over two years ago. Or Phang who’s been my pal for over seven years now.

Soi Chaiyapoon Crazy Fox is the latest addition to a chain of four Thai owned bars. Thee of them being on Soi Six. And when I say Thai owned bars, that’s a very good thing. Because my girlfriends and I have had fewer problems at this chain of bars than anywhere else in Pattaya. They play good music in these bars. With none of that el crappo noisce I call electro shit or da da. This is because the Thais who run them are too smart to allow that noise to be played. And then they tell their bar girls not to play it their bar girls listen.

My camera’s always welcome at the Smoke and Kisses Bars. And none of the ladies I bring to them complain about jealous bar girls giving them a hard time. And believe me this happens very often.

To watch all videos of Mali click here.