Category Archives: Nikky Bar Naklua

Nikky Bar Naklua is where we’ve had three Pattaya Dancing Queen Contests, which as the first of their kind in Pattaya. We have five judges chosen for their impartiality. In the last competition the first-place girl received 20000 baht while the two runner ups received 15000 and 5000 baht. Nikky Bar’s owner, Nikky, is Thai, yet she’s live in the United States for 6 years. Working hard, meeting the American public, in sales.

Nikky Bar Birthday Party was a spectacular Showcase Event

This Nikky Bar Birthday Party was very special because it was Nikky’s birthday: she even provided terrific live music.

the Karioke singer in Nikky Bar Birthday Party

I liked the singer right away when she started singing “Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya”.

And oh yes, Pattaya has its own signature song, “Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya, which I used as part of the title in my book, Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya Confessions of Sin City.

And Pattaya is Sin City. There can be no doubt about that. But you wouldn’t know if if you were lucky enough to be at one of Nikky’s Party.

Some call Pattaya a Disneyland for Adult except the rides are longer and more expensive.

One of Nikky’s customers singing “Stand by Me, by Mickey Gilley–obviously thinking of his younger days

Tonight this Nikky Bar Birthday Party has it all. But you would expect nothing less from Nikky. She knows her music and even plays country Western at her bar. Although a lot of people don’t know it, she’s spent five years in the United States. Where she’s been in 42 states working hard selling merchandise at County Fairs. So a lot of the United States has rubbed off on her.

I’m really into shooting this Nikky Bar Birthday Party tonight. One of the entertainers Nikky’s hired is incredibly sexy.

And if you don’t believe me just watch the entire video and decide for yourself.

But I am half crippled because of what’s happened to my right leg. I had just undergone several weeks of excruciating pain from a sciatic nerve Although Pattaya Bangkok Hospital wanted to operate on my lower bank and my insurance would have paid for it, I shunned the offer. And eventually went to ChiroNigel Kelsey , an Englishman who performed electric acupuncture on my right hip.

This extremely sexy Thai entertainer could really dance–in a very seductive way. You will see a lot of her throughout the video

Turned out to be my right hip that had caused so much pain. And not my lower back. Cost me just 1000 baht and Nigel told me I’d be 100 percent better the next day. And that I wouldn’t need to visit him again. He was right. But then I started to experience a curious aftereffect from all that electricity being injected into my hip.

I could be sitting out on my balcony and when I’d rise out of my chair suddenly my right leg would go out from under me. As if I didn’t have a right leg.

I am darting all over the place trying to get the best angles of the singer and the dancer. But as I step down into the street. After propping my crutch against a chair, I fall down due to my right leg from giving out n me again.

But I pop right up again and continue shooting my Nikky Bar Birthday Party video. As if nothing had happened.

That’s me. I’ll do anything to get the shot, Or the right position as I’m shooting video. And everyone saw me doing it while I was shooting this Nikky Bar Birthday Party video

What really counts is did I do the best job I can capable of doing. You bet I did.

Related links

Naklua Nikky Bar Videos outclass all other Pattaya Bar videos.

Finland Nikky Bar Birthday Video is the wildest Nikky Bar Video yet

Jack Corbett Video Channel BECAUSE someone hacked my YouTube channel

Naklua New Years Eve with the Nikon D780, Nikky Bar Video

Best Naklua Pattaya Bars are Naklua Soi 33 Cocktail bar and up and coming Nikky’s Bar

Finland Nikky Bar Birthday Video is the wildest Nikky Bar Video yet

This Finland Nikky Bar Birthday Video encompassed many boundaries, excess drinking, extremely sexy women and outrageous behavior

The wild cat entertainer in the Finland Nikky Bar Birthday

Nikky started off hiring two bar girls from outside her own bar on Naklua Soi 33. Both girls were incredibly sexy and both of them got very drunk and sexually provocative during their shows. And between shows when they cavorted with the Finish birthday boy and his pals. But you have to watch this Finland Nikky Bar Birthday video to truly appreciate the two entertainers.

Although both entertainers Nikky hire to put on their shows were incredibly sexy, this one’s up to doing just about anything.

But I’ve got to give you a little background on Bruce. Bruce is contagious. My pal is a huge man and so full of fun that the atmosphere all around him explodes in all directions. Bruce, who had never owned a bar before. His business was construction until Big Daddy made him a partner in his strip club, Teaser’s Cabaret. And later wound up managing Teasers for several years.

Now there’s something about American strip club owners that I cannot begin to describe. Other than their being awesomely fun to be around. And Bruce is cut from the same cloth as Big Daddy. Except he’s even bigger.

And now I’ve got Bruce living smack right down from my condo where he’s been living the life of a Thailand Expat for the past 4 years. But he had spent a few days in the hospital recently and kept pretty much to himself the past few months.

Until that Nikky Bar birthday came along

One of the Fins had been hanging around the Naklua Nikky Bar a lot. And once he got his head together with Nikky the pair came up with the Finland Nikki Bar Birthday for his friend who would soon arrive in Thailand.

Now the Fins, they are awesome drinkers. Greater even than the Russians. And these Fins were no exception. And when they got together with Bruce and I, we all started buying each other drinks. I can’t even remember how many I had other than it had to be more than twenty. And I”m talking Tequila and a lot of killer concoctions from God knows where.

I was in one happy mood before that Finland Nikky Bar birthday even got started. My favorite Thai girlfriend of all time had just arrived at my condo. But straight off Kit told me she had gastritis and didn’t feel well. So I left her in my condo watching Netflix and joined Bruce at Nikky Bar. I had to go because I couldn’t let Bruce down. And I had promised Nikky I’d shoot a lot of video for her bar. And I had the prettiest girl I had ever met on Soi Six back home waiting for me.

Bruce and I went a little crazy at Nikky Bar that night.

I got that wild cat Thai entertainer to come right off her stage and sit on Bruce’s lap. So if you listen to this Finland Nikky Bar Birthday video closely enough you can hear Bruce gleefully grunting and groaning as the girl squirms all over his lap.

And in Bruce I had a good friend to shoot video of my showing that wild cat woman how to pole dance. And although she tried and tried she never managed to get herself up on that pole. But i sure could.

Unfortunately things didn’t go as I had planned with Kit when I returned to my condo drunker than a skunk. Because at 3 am she woke me up to tell me she was in terrific pain. So I took her to the emergency room at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. Where the doctor told me she had appendicitis and her appendix had already ruptured. “She will die from infection if I don’t operate on her tomorrow morning the doctor told me.”

I spent the next five days and nights at the hospital looking after her.

Naklua New Years Eve with the Nikon D780, Nikky Bar Video

Shooting video during Naklua New Year’s Eve with my fabulous Nikon D780 proves I don’t need to go mirrorless.

Getting Thai massage during Naklua New Years Eve
There’s nothing like getting a three hour massage at the Nikky Bar during her Naklua New Years Eve Party. But it’s even better when I’m surrounded by four delectable Thai women

I’m cock of the walk on this New Years Eve. My masseuse is wearing my infamous Jack hat. But I am by no means the handsomest devil here at Nikky Bar. It’s my Nikon D780 camera that makes me special. Never mind that I’m buying all four ladies lots of drinks.

There’s lots of customers here even though Nikki’s still in London tuning into all the action that’s happening in her bar. It’s a perfect night for proving to myself just what my Nikon D780 can do with video.

DP Camera reviews points out that you don’t need to buy mirrorless so long as you are shooting with the Nikon D780 SLR. Shooting the Thai ladies dancing during Naklua New Year’s Eve proves that DP Camera Reviews correct even when I’m shooting video in dimly lit conditions.

I’ve got my 24-70 2.8 lens on the Nikon D780 body I traded by Nikon D750 in for. And as far as I’m concerned nothing touches this spectacular lens.

It weighs one entire kilo. So even the Thai women who know next to nothing about cameras know that I’ve brought one very serious camera with me.

I’m shooting in Live view mode with the Nikon’s viewfinder pulled out giving me a very clear view of what I’m videoing. And I am amazed at how the little indicator is nearly always green. Showing that my camera’s perfectly focusing on my subject. My Nikon 750 I traded for this camera never managed to display so much green while I was shooting video.

Back in my condo, I had been comparing my new Go Pro 10 and my Panasonic mirrorless fast focusing to my Nikon 780. And found that neither one of them could do nearly as well.

Shooting video during Naklua New Year’s Eve will be the final test of just how good this Nikon 780 performs shooting video

The distances I am shooting at vary. While the lighting conditions throughout the bar vary from being adequately bright to shadowy darkness.

The Thai massage girl is a real masseuse. And not just some bar girl who can do an acceptable massage. She’s one of the best. And although she can’t speak English very well, she always seeks me out whenever I come to Nikky Bar. She dances but she oftentimes dances too close to me. That Nikon 24 by 70 mm lense will nearly do it all from shooting wide angle to moderate zoom. But shooting her, I’d be better off using my 17 by 35 mm wide angle Nikon lense. I’ll just have to bring it next time.

The second girl I video is the new girl. I know here from somewhere. I just can’t recall where I’ve encountered her before. This is the third time I’ve run into her here. And each time she’s going for me in a big way. If she’s been from Soi SIx I would have not hesitated to take her upstairs.

But It’s Naklua New Year’s Eve and I’ve already brought a date with me. Her name’s Mali, and she’s only 23.

Seeing that I am getting massaged the new girl here at Nikky Bar turns her attentions toward Mali. Later she starts giving Mali a massage. And who can blame her. Slight in build with her hair dyed blonde with her face normally open and friendly, Mali’s a real attention getter wherever she goes.

She has her hair dyed a dark blonde which makes her really stand out since all Thai women are brunettes. While she weighs just 34 kilos. Which is only 75 pounds. I’ve been seeing a lot of her. Especially now that LIttle Miss Eye’s dropped out of sight. But not out of mind.

I knew it was the right thing to bring her here. Five times, I’ve brought women into Nikky Bar as dates. No, more than that. But each time the girls have made the woman who I’ve brought feel right at home.

That’s the thing about Nikky who is the master out of all masters at making all her customers feel right at home. But Nikky’s not here. She’s still in London waiting out this latest covid 19 lockdown which until a week ago kept all of Pattaya’s bars closed.

But Nikky’s right here with the rest of us during Naklua New Year’s Eve.

She’s constantly calling either me or one of the girls sitting with me up on Line video. Although she’s thousands of miles away, it’s almost as if Nikky’s never left. Too many bars fail due to their owners not paying attention to business. Or succumbing to alcohol abuse. But Nikky’s forever present. Her heart and soul at one with her bar.