Category Archives: Pattaya Bar Girl Video

Here you will find the growing list of Pattaya Bar Girl videos.  From  the beer bars, go go bars and  Soi 6.  Stay tuned our list of videos is growing.

Keep in mind the entire Jack Corbett YouTube video channel has been hacked with all videos gone from YouTube.  It’s going to take time to rebuild.

Best Pattaya entertainer is Kwan on Drinking Street

She’s not found in a Pattaya go go bar.  The best Pattaya entertainer we’ve found is Kwan on Drinking Street.  Which just goes to show that some of the best gems work in beer bars.  Bu you must look harder to find them.  So just how good is Pattaya entertainer Kwan?  Let me put it this way.  She’s the only Thai girl I’ve found here who I’d put on the same level as the best feature entertainers I’ve met in America.

And I’ve known lots of the best feature entertainers in the United States.  This is no idle boast.

Just check out the Hall of Fame pages on my alphapro web site or buy Extreme Guns and Babes for an Adult World, which features over

2004 Xtreme Weapons Calendar
In 2004 Xtreme Magazine, a gun owner friend, and I produced the Xtreme Girls with Xtreme Weapons calendar. While writing gun articles for Xtreme Magazine I could choose just about any weapons I wanted to write about and virtually guarantee any topless dancer or feature entertainer free publicity in the article I’d write for Xtreme Magazine.

twenty-five weapons for my “Xtreme” gun articles.

Back in those days I routinely traveled with feature entertains across the United States, stayed at the same hotels with them, often roomed with one of the stars, had them stay with me in my apartment for weekends for photo shoots.  Above all, I was lucky enough to get the chance to do articles about them for Xtreme and other adult magazines.

When I wrote an article about an American  feature entertainer, the first thing I’d do was to focus on what made this particular adult star different from the rest.  I’d keep asking myself, “What is this girl’s finest attributes that make her such a great entertainer?”  For me, that was the key.

Pattaya entertainer Kwan
Pattaya entertainer Kwan on Drinking Street

With Kwan, I keep asking questions such, “Why do my friends and I like her so much?

Why is this Pattaya entertainer so exciting?  How would this Pattaya entertainer stack up against America’s most successful feature entertainers?Kwan clicks all the right boxes.   Watch her, just watch her, and not just for one night.  Go to Drinking Street and check out who’s dancing and how much time is each Pattaya bar girl spending on the stage.  One girl will impress you, but it’s just for one night.  You might not see her for the rest of the week.  Or if you do see her, she’s taking the easy way out doing practically everything except dancing.  But you will see Kwan putting in a lot of hours dancing on the stage, then you come back the next night and there she is again.

Who makes more money for a bar?   The girl who’s always up on center stage putting both herself and her bar in the limelight, or the wall flower who’s too busy chatting up her bar girl friends than to get up and showcase her talent?  Kwan is tall, being five foot six without her heels.  She dances on the bar’s stage and she dances on the bar.  When she does, she’s visible from all the other Drinking Street bars.  There’s no doubt who’s the superstar of Drinking Street.  That’s how I found her.  I saw this tall slender girl dancing across the room from me, and I thought to myself, “That girl is one helluva dancer.  I must go over and meet her.”

The best American feature entertainers are not stand offish.  And now it’s about time to explain the difference between a feature entertainer and a house dancer.

In America’s topless and strip clubs the dancers you normally encounter there are house dancers.  The local club employees them. And it is their job to work their shifts night after night for that particular club.

A feature entertainer is as her name suggests someone who is featured by the club that has hired her.  Her performances are typically scheduled for three or five successive nights.  She is paid for each featured show, say $200 per show.  She might perform three shows a night over the period of time she has contracted for.

Feature entertainers are typically represented by a professional talent agency such as Pure Talent.

The agency will typically get a booking fee of 15 %.  A good agency will make sure that each feature entertainer it represents gets paid the entire contracted amount once she has delivered on her shows.  It will make sure that her travel expenses are reimbursed by the night club.  Such travel expenses will almost always include the feature entertainer’s hotel expenses.

A feature entertainer will typically travel all across the United States to perform for those clubs she has contracted with.  The clubs will  promote and advertise her heavily with signs and posters in the club.  In neon lights across the building by the club’s entrance.  And in newspapers, radio and sometimes on television.  Getting the largest amount of publicity possible is the name of the game for both the club and the visiting feature entertainer.  So what does all this have to do with Kwan who’s just a Pattaya entertainer?  Kwan more than any other Thai bar girl I’ve ever met knows that publicity is terrific both for her and whatever bar she’s working for.

I was once chased down by a security guard while shooting video of the girls dancing in a Drinking Street Bar.

The girls didn’t want their video taken so they had complained to Drinking Street security.  Another time I sat in a Drinking Street bar drinking my beer while shooting video of one of the girls dancing on the stage.  She was fine with that for about a minute or two.  And then she rudely made a sign as if she were cutting her own throat thus signifying to me her displeasure and that she had had enough with the publicity I was giving her.  The behavior both times was that of country bumpkins.

And as for the mamasans or whoever it was who was managing the two bars, nothing could be more stupid than chasing away a good photographer who could make her bar famous all over the internet.

From the first time I met her, Kwan would tell me, “Shoot all the video you can of me.  And when you get done, shoot more.”  That’s the difference between a true professional and a country bumpkin.

One of the primary reasons so many bar girls do not want photographers shooting their pictures or video in the bars is they have boyfriends.  And these boyfriends are sending them money.   With  the understanding that they will be “good girls” and quit working in a bar.

However, and here everyone needs to read what I’m writing and believe every single word of it.  When a bar girl promises to quit working in a bar once her Western boyfriend starts sending her 10,000 or 15,000 baht a month, chances are she’s going to keep working in the bar anyway.  Either that or she will be off picking up paying customers in Pattaya discos.  For most bar girls, there is no such thing as having enough money.  When someone shoots their video and puts  it up on you tube and social networking web sites such as facebook proves to their gullible boyfriends that they are still working in the bar.

But Kwan is a pure Pattaya entertainer who deserves recognition among America’s finest feature entertainers.

Let me show how true this comparison holds.  When a feature entertainer contracts say for $200 a show for five nights of shows at three shows a night, this means she’s getting $3000 plus her travel expenses.   But when she’s performing her shows, she’s selling her merchandise to the club’s customers.  While an accomplice is taking her pictures with the customers at so much a picture.  She’s also oftentimes getting tips while performing her shows.

But whether she’s selling key chains with her picture on them or pictures, the customers aren’t wanting to buy much from her if she wasn’t in adult magazines.  Or if she didn’t win M.S. Texas or Miss Nude Illinois.  And it really helps to be the Penthouse Pet of the Month.  Unfortunately for Kwan, she wasn’t lucky enough to have been born in the U.S. where the big money in night club entertainment lies.  But she knows that the more people that see her performing on you tube, the more customers will be coming to her bar to watch her perform, buy her drinks (she makes a commission on each one that she sells), and perhaps even to take her out of the bar.

This Pattaya entertainer could care less how many people know she’s working for a bar or what her boyfriends might think of her.

I’ve met a couple of her boyfriends during the past year.  She brings them right into the bar.  Then she comes over and drinks with my friends and me. And given a little time she’s right up on the stage again dancing like the energy bunny.  I’m sure she tells all the guys, boyfriend or not, “This is what I do.  I am what I am.  And I am damn good at it.”

Ask me why I shoot so much video of Kwan.  She’s the only real professional Pattaya entertainer I know.  And like some of the best feature entertainers I’ve come to know in the United States, in spite of her obvious gift for showing off and being full of herself, down at her inner core she’s very down to earth and so much fun to be around.  I love Thai women.  For me they are the most beautiful women in the world.  But the American feature entertainers I had the pleasure of getting to know were simply fabulous company to be around.  I cannot begin to describe how much I’ve come to miss them.  So for me it’s a real breath of fresh air to find someone who reminds me of them.


Thai girl lady boy can you tell the difference?

The Thai girl lady boy is dancing on the stage.  Can you tell the difference?  Between her and a “girl”?

At Pattaya TG Bar  we are betting you’d call the Thai girl lady boy  a girl.  Her voice was a woman’s.  She danced like a woman without all the extra motions and show most lady boys put on.

Even my Thai girlfriend couldn’t tell if she was a Thai girl or lady boy.  If you took her out in public everyone would take her for a lady.

Thai girl lady boy
I didn’t see that much of her (the ladyboy in the picture). Just a little video you can watch below, and I did encounter her in a restaurant. But she was beautiful and had great manners above and beyond what most bar girls show.


The tip off was she was working at TG Bar in Naklua where nearly every good looking lady you see is a lady boy.  She didn’t stay there for long so other than asking her if we could put her in a video, we never even talked to her. Thai girl lady boy?  Sometimes it’s difficult to call.

There was another lady body we got pretty well acquainted with.  She worked at the Leo Blues Bar on Soi 18.

Thai girl lady boy

I wound up eventually doing a photo shoot of her in my condo.  She had silicon breasts which my pictures show off.  She was more fun than any other girl at the Leo Blues Bar.  And in her own way, probably the most attractive.

Thai girl lady boy

I never had sex with her.  And to tell you the truth a good friend was with us while we shot the pictures.  Afterwards he told me he wanted to have sex with her.  But neither of us did.   I gave her a thousand baht for doing the shoot.  She met me in the parking lot of a nearby hotel, and then I took her on my motorbike back to my condo.

Click here to view the slide show Lady Boys Thailand’s Third Sex

You might also be interested in reading  Pattaya Lady Boys and us at Naklua TG Bar

And  To Bang a ladyboy or not. That is number one Soi Six Question

Pattaya Lady Boys and us at Naklua TG Bar

Pattaya Lady Boys and us at Naklua TG Bar is just a typical evening for Jack Corbett, two of his German buddies, Luddy and Michael and Robby Liverpool’s Don Juan.  Our girlfriends are with us, May May and Luck.  That is Luddy’s and mine while Robby’s romancing one of the few real bar girls at TG’s.  The rest are Pattaya lady boys.

Ludwig in this video designed the front cover of my 2nd novel, Welcome to the Fun House and the pictures inside the book. While I designed
the novel’s back cover

TG’s is widely known in Naklua Thailand as a Pattaya Lady Boy Bar.  Aside from our girlfriends, if you see a good looking Thai girl in this video, she’s one of the quieter Pattaya Lady Boys.

Our gang is all from the same condo building at Wongamat Beach, and TG Bar is just a favorite neighborhood pub to us.  As for MIchael, he’s in the background, barely seen in this video.  Does he have really have a thing for Pattaya Lady Boys?  One of the Pattaya Lady boys is sitting next to him.  The question is, does he bar fine her?

A strange thing occurs once a man has lived in Pattaya very long.  Pattaya Lady boys become accepted as just part of the scenery.  Oftentimes called Thailand’s third sex, many men even develop a preference for Pattaya Lady Boys over women.

I once asked one of TG’s owners why so many men go with Pattaya Lady boys.  She responded:  “Pattaya bar girl burn many men.   And even if they don’t, most Pattaya bar girls express little real interest in them.  But most Pattaya Lady boys take very good care of such men.

Several years ago I  asked one of my fellow co-owners in my condo building, “Before you started going with Pattaya Lady Boys when you were living in England, did you realize then that you were a homosexual?”

The man replied.  “I never even thought of being with a man.  Liking Pattaya lady boys and being a homosexual are two different things.”

I have often seen friends of mine go into a bar full of Pattaya Lady Boys and watch them kissing the lady boys.  While lady boys fondle them  between their legs.  These are not men who enjoy having sex with men.  These are men who have Thai women as their steady live in girl friends.  If they really preferred Pattaya Lady boys to their girlfriends they’d be living with them instead.

I can just imagine Eddie who had been a combat U.S. Marine in Vietnam telling his fellow Marines, “Yeah, I’d go with a guy.”

Back in those days, he’d rather slit his own throat than even admit that he’d come within three feet of one of a guy even if he was a lady boy.

But I’ve seen Eddie, now in his sixties, kissing Pattaya Lady boys on more than one night out with the guys.

If a man thinks about it hard enough, Pattaya Lady boys can be a real mind bender when it comes to one’s sexual identity and preferences.  Two weeks ago, one of my friends asked me to visit him in his condo.  I had two American men with me.  One was interested in either buying or renting a condo similar to Bill’s.  When we arrived at Bill’s condo, Bill took my two friends onto his balcony where the three men got into a long discussion about renting or buying condos at Wongamat Beach.  I stayed in the living room with Amy.  Who was the main reason Bill wanted us to come to his condo in the first place.

Amy is not Thai.  She’s Cambodian.  Notice also that I just referred to Amy as she.

Bill would like to take Amy with him to the United States, and after hearing that my Thai girlfriend recently managed to get a visa for an upcoming visit to the U.S. in August, Jim had asked me on the phone if I could give Amy advice on how we had managed talking the U.S. Embassy into giving my girlfriend a visitor’s visa.  Amy’s English was excellent.  But the more I talked to Amy about her getting a U.S. visa the more obvious it became to me that her chances of getting one were slim to none.  But I liked Amy immensely.  She was far more interesting and perceptive to talk with than over ninety-five percent of the Thai women I’ve met.  Amy was also extremely attractive.

The question is “would I do her?”  Yes.  Absolutely. Except for two reasons.  1. I already had a Thai girlfriend and 2.  I’d never move in on a friends territory and Amy was after all Bill’s.

In my conversation with Amy I found her to be very direct and willing to discuss just about anything without a hint of shyness.  So I asked her, “Have you been cut?”

Amy replied:  “Yes, I have.”

So Amy no longer had a dick.  Was she a woman after all?

“Did it hurt an awful lot?” I asked Amy as I cringed holding onto my groin as if someone were about to take a straight razor to my penis.

“Yes.  It hurt so much that I couldn’t even walk for a month.”  I didn’t ask myself how Amy could get around.   I imagined Amy not even walking one hundred meter stroll for a pack of cigarettes. I was so busy still imagining having my own penis cut off while still clutching my own penis.

“Well, you can’t get any lubrication, can you?” I asked Amy.  “At least not any lubrication that’s coming out of you.”

“No I can’t.  I need to put something on,” Amy replied.

“Do you really enjoy sex?  Do you come?” I asked.

“Yes.  I really enjoy and yes, I do come.”

“I’d do Amy in a heartbeat.  She was just so perceptive, so Intelligent, and so direct without a hint of self consciousness about her.

I think almost any man reading this post would want to have sex with Amy.  Along with all her other killer assets, she had a beautiful body–a woman’s body.  But suppose she had a dick?  She’s already got breasts and she’s admitted to taking hormone medication.

Here’s a slide show for you.  I entitled it Thailand’s Third sex.  It’s of one of the Pattaya lady boys I met at the Leo Blues Bar here in Naklua.

She was the best looking and most personable bar girls in the bar, and I wound up paying her a thousand baht for the photo shoot.  The lady boys got silicon enhanced breasts.

Amazing Thailand.  Now you see it.  Now you don’t.  It’s a land of smoke and mirrors where your greatest fantasies can come true.


You might also want to read.  To Bang a ladyboy or not. That is number one Soi Six Question