Category Archives: Repent Bar on Soi Six

One of the most popular bars in Pattaya is Repent Bar on Soi Six. Although it isn’t always, usually it’s our meeting place. There are only one or two bars on Soi Six that MIGHT HAVE more bar girls. The keywords being MIGHT HAVE. Repent Bar also distinguishes itself by being my best investment of them all. Putting investment in Jack Corbett terms means for every one-thousand baht I pay for drinks; I’m going to get a return of more drinks here than in any other bar in Pattaya..

Naklua Nikky Bar owner and I join Mew on Soi Six

Nikky’s birthdays in three days when Naklua Nikky Bar owner and I join Mew and Koy at Repent and Playpen bars.

Naklua Nikky Bar owner Nikky with the sexy Aom
Nikky and Aom at Panda Bar

Our Naklua Nikky Bar owner is Nikky of course. We are here on Soi Six for one purpose. And that’s to invite our friends to join us for Nikky’s birthday party this August 23rd. Our first stop is at Panda bar where Aom joins Nikky and I for several drinks.

Luckily Mew’s not working her go go bar shift in LK Metro Having just returned from Koh Samet’s beaches, Mew’s still full of energy and eager to meet us on Soi Six. Wherever. And wherever means as far as Mew and I are concerned. Nearly all the Soi Six bars are great.

First Act starts at Panda Bar where Nikky and I meet the lovely Aom. But when I message Koy over at Soi Six Repent bar, Koy responds “Come, come, come. And then Mew joins us at Repent Bar.

Koy, Mew and Nikky. We are still at Repent Bar

But what do we have? Six tequilas to finish? Before the next half a dozen arrive. Who’s paying? I don’t think anyone of us is for sure. Or really cares. But I know one thing. I’m footing only half the bill tops. While I am satisfied that my Naklua Nikky bar owner friend understands why I arrive at her bar so drunk. Only to get drunker at her bar.

In my videos you will encounter three Koys. There’s Koy here to the left who has competed in two Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions. Then there'[s Koy who works for Naklua Nikky bar owner Nikky. But here behind Koy is still another Koy. She’s the cashier here at Repent Bar. You will find our third Koy often joining us here at Repent.
Naklua Nikky Bar owner at Soi Six Repent Bar with Sam Koy and Mew video
The real actions starts at Repent Bar where Mew joins Nikky, Koy and
me. At Repent Bar our third Koy joins us. She’s the cashier.
Sam has now joined us. Our next video has Koy leaving Playpen with Nikky, Mew and me to go next door to the Playpen Bar.
From now on Nikky our Naklua Nikky Bar owner friend, Koy and I are hamming it up at the Playpen. Until one of us has had one tequila too many. In the end Nikky Mew and I are at Nikky Bar where we meet up with the sexy Mimi.

You might enjoy seeing more of Mimi dancing next to Mew at a German birthday party at Nikky Bar.

And seeing Mew winning 20000 baht for her third Pattaya Dancing Queen crown in a row.

Soi Six Photo Showcase hints at a lot more to come.

This is a short video featuring Nikky and Mimi at Soi Six Repent bar so the Soi SIx photo showcase comes up at the end.

the first picture in the Soi Six Photo Showcase is at Repent Bar

Although Nikky’s been with me a few times on Soi Six, Mimi never has accompanied me. So, tonight’s kind of special because I am hoping Mimi has a great time. But it’s impossible for any human being to have as good a time as I do on Soi Six, so I’d settle on her liking it half as much as I do.

There’s only three photos here so you have to watch the video to see the rest of the Soi Six photo showcase. When you see the pictures, I think you will agree that it’s a harbinger of good things to come.

Although Mimi, Nikky and I start off at Repent bar where Koy’s working her shift, Koy follows us to Playpen bar next door. Which I think is a good thing. And this is why.

Both Koy and Mimi are outstanding competitors in any dancing contest we might hold later. In her first outing at Nikky Bar Koy tied Gee for second place in the Pattaya Dancing Queen II competition. While Mimi’s first attempt at winning the Pattaya Dancing Queen title was last April 2’s Pattaya Dancing Queen 3 competition. Neither girl made the top three. And as for Mimi, I didn’t even know her last April. So I had no idea what she’s capable of.

Prior to the Pattaya Dancing Queen III competition two bar girl friends of mine predicted Koy would win. But once again Mew was unstoppable.

Both ladies made several critical errors that kept them from making the big money. Mew won 20000 baht after all while Nikky Bar’s Nee Nee took second place for 15000 baht.

Both ladies made several critical errors that kept them from making the big money. Mew won 20000 baht after all while Nikky Bar’s Nee Nee took second place for 15000 baht.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Mimi can do much better. She’s capable of winning the title. And so is Koy.

This is a video of Mimi competing for Pattaya Dancing Queen III. While here’s another video of her dancing next to Mew less than one month later at a birthday party Nikky held for one of her German customers. and here’s still one more of Mimi at her own birthday party. I believe that anyone watching these two videos will see a huge difference in Mimi’s performances.

the second picture in the Soi Six Photo Showcase is of Koy, Mimi and Nikky
the third picture in the Soi Six Photo Showcase is of Mimi and Koy

So far, we’ve had three Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions. D;uring Pattaya Dancing Queen II, Koy had no clue what to expect. Now that she’s competed twice and been a a number of parties at Nikky Bar, He face is a familiar one. Whereas at the third Pattaya Dancing Queen competition it was Mimi who was the lone ranger. If we ever have a Pattaya Dancing Queen four, the excitement, the drama and the comradery between the contestants should top everything we’ve seen before.

Koy’s Repent Bar birthday party parts 5 and 6.

Koys Repent Bar Birthday Party parts 5 and 6 introduces Soi Six Panda bar without Koy after Mew and I leave Playpen behind.

Koy's Repent Bar birthday mows to Panda bar without Koy
Mew at Soi Six Panda Bar with Ahm.

After Koy suddenly disappears out of the Playpen, Mew and I decide it’s time for just one more bar. We are both tempted to head down Soi Six to MJ Kitty bar. It’s the logical choice after all. Because I’ve got the 17-28 mm Nikon 2.8 lens on my camera which is perfect for the confined quarters there when the girls dance between my table and the stage. And I’ve brought my on off light along just in case we will be doing video at Kittys.

When we get there, there’s no Nitcha. There’s no Dowel. There’s not a girl left that neither of us remember. I

t’s getting a little late for Butterfly bar which is going to close at 1 a.m. And although there’s other bars up the street, we both like, Panda Bar’s way closer. While I already know Ahm’s there. And Ahm and Mew seemed to get along very well that first night Mew met Ahm.

They are playing that electro crap noise I call “Da Da Music which I totally despise.

Because it’s not music. And it’s so offensive that at least three of my friends would leave any place playing it within five minutes.

As far as I am concerned it’s still Koy’s Repent Bar birthday party. Even if she’s not here.

But Mew’s in rare form. Which is no surprise because Mew’s always in rare form. Ahm takes an instant liking for Mew. But most people do.

But all that noise passing for music has gotta go. Lucky for me and lucky for her, Mew changes the music. Which most of the time Mew’s reluctant to do because she’s no Gee. Gee won’t hesitate when it comes to playing music, and if she pisses someone off when she does it. So be it. I think Mew knows her music just as well as Gee. But Mew’s a different animal when it comes to diplomacy.

Thankfully Mew gets all that electro crap noise off of YouTube and now I’m ready to shoot more video.

I get one video of Mew dancing together with Ahm. But I decide to choose the music, and so with Ahm’s help. I select Chaimsmoker’s “Something just like this”. Mew tells me she cannot dance to it, but she tries anyway. And does great. Once again showing the moves that makes her Pattaya’s finest dancer. And if any women in Pattaya disagrees with me, I’m going to ask her, “Just how many dance contests did you win?”

That’s it for now. But Nitcha over at MJ Kitty bar’s having her birthday party on July 21st and that’s just four days from today. Although it’s too early to say, I think you can expect some great video very soon.