Category Archives: Repent Bar on Soi Six

One of the most popular bars in Pattaya is Repent Bar on Soi Six. Although it isn’t always, usually it’s our meeting place. There are only one or two bars on Soi Six that MIGHT HAVE more bar girls. The keywords being MIGHT HAVE. Repent Bar also distinguishes itself by being my best investment of them all. Putting investment in Jack Corbett terms means for every one-thousand baht I pay for drinks; I’m going to get a return of more drinks here than in any other bar in Pattaya..

Seven Soi Six Bar Odyssey with Ning and Nikon’s Z7

Jack takes his Nikon Z7 camera, 20 mm Nikon lens and newcomer Ning to Soi Six, on a seven Soi Six Bar Odyssey.

Ba Ba manager Butterfly bar Seven Soi Six Bar Odyssey
Ba Ba the leader of the pack at Butterfly Bar
Ning at Butterfly Bar

Butterfly Bar, Helicopter Bar, Smoke and Kisses, Repent Bar, the Playpen, MJ Kitty Bar and Lust Bar comprise Our Seven Soi Six Bar Odyssey

I don’t know if Ning will enjoy Soi Six. It’s Thailand’s most infamous street. Having the worse reputation in the entire world. Or for having the most exciting nightlife, if you ask me.

Seven Soi Six Bar Odyssey Koy and Ning's picture
Ning, Mark and Koy at Repent Bar

I met Ning over at Nikky Bar. And hardly know her at all. But I keep telling all the girls here. Soi Six is the Promised Land. It’s my kind of place. Pon, she used to freelance here at Nikky Bar. When she wasn’t cleaning hotel rooms. That’s where most of her money came from. Cleaning rooms. And she used to get up at 8 in the morning, no matter how drunk she got the night before. And Pon loved going with me to Soi Six so much, that you will hear Koy yelling out to me towards the end of this video, “Jack, I miss Pon.” Pon, I do miss her more than anyone. Because together we could take over just about any bar and make it ours.

Same with Mew and Gee. Mew now working at a Walking Street go go bar. Oh, so boring.

But Mew keeps coming back to Soi Six to party. So what about Ning? Whereas both Mew and Gee had worked at Soi Six before, Ning had no clue what to expect.

Seven Soi Six Bar Odyssey leads to my meeting new girl
New girl at Repent Bar with Ning. I don’t know who she is but she sure is cute.

The night turned out to be more than just a seven soi Sx bar odyssey. Because Ning and I went to Playpen and Repent Bar twice. First time at Repent, Koy and Mark were not there. But after a few tequilas at MJ Kitty Bar and Playpen, we went in a second time where we found Mark and Koy. Then all four of us went back inside Playpen. So it was a nine bar night and we got four videos to prove how good a time we had.

Click here to view the three MJ Kitty Bar Videos we did on the same night 6/6/2023