She’s a very entertaining Pattaya dancer. The question is, is she more Ting Tong than Phan friend of mine for 6 years?

Already I can see all of you asking me, “Now who in the hell is Phan?”
Now I have a lot to say about Phan. First, she’s the only bar girl (ex bar girl” who’s been one hundred percent reliable. In the six years I’ve known her Phan has never been even five minutes late. Not once.
And just about anything is likely to come out of Phan’s mouth. Which reminds me of Angel who had been my best female friend in the U.S. And Angel had been a bar girl. Who always told her exactly what she thinks.
So can I call Phan a very entertaining Pattaya dancer?
Not hardly. But I couldn’t call Angel a very entertaining American stripper either. Because Angel hardly ever danced. But Angel sure drank a lot of Tequila with me. Whereas Phan can’t drink at all.
So why am I writing about Phang and Angel. While comparing the two women?
Angel died on March 13, 2017. The morning after, my best friend, PlOne called me to tell me our good friend had died. By this time PlONe had bought a condo in Pattaya. So we were living within 15 minutes of each other. Both of us heartbroken when we found out Angel had died, we decided we had to have a few toasts to Angel somewhere on Pattaya Soi Six.
We started at Dolls, a Soi Six go go bar. But found the place to be too noisy to make any serious toasts to Angel.
Looking for a quiet place to drink tequila on Soi Six we walked down the street together. Until I saw Phan standing just outside her bar. And Phan was looking awfully good.
So PlOne went inside the bar. While I invited Phan to drink tequila with us while we toasted Angel who was only 36 that night she died.
Looking back at that night I now realize that Phan is a lot like the Angel PlOne and I loved back in the United States.
But this video’s not at all about Phan, who as far as I know hardly dances at all. It’s about Dee Dee. Who I’m now calling the most entertaining Pattaya Dancer since Kwan. But I knew Kwan very well, And known Phan for six years already. But I met Dee Dee only a week ago and here I’m calling her the most entertaining Pattaya dancer I’ve encountered in the past four years.