Category Archives: Pattaya Dancing Queen Four at Hot Shots 7-7-2024

This 50000-baht dancing competition is the first ever on Pattaya Soi Six. Held at Hot Shots, 20000 baht went to our first-place winner, 10000 for second place and 5000 baht for third place. We had Silent Bob for our DJ who normally DJ’s at The Spot Bar. There were nine contestants competing for the title, nearly every single one of them either a Soi Six girl or ex Soi Six girl. Once again no one showed up from Walking Street’s go-go bars.

Dancing Queen’s Final Acts with contestants 7-9

These Dancing Queen Final Acts represent the grand finale of Soi Six’s great dance contest ever we held at Hot Shots.

Dancing Queen's final Acts picture of the contestants

Since I was putting up 35000 baht in prize money I wanted to put in my rules for this contest.

Number one, every girl who wanted to compete had to be on time to get her number and register for this event. Being on time meant showing up at 6:30 p.m. or earlier even though the dancing was not to start until 8 p.m. One of the girls who competed for the three previous dancing contests is nearly always late. At 8:30 p.m. she tried calling me. I refused her calls and disqualified her on the spot.

Another rule I tried to entrench in the minds of everyone involved with this contest was, “ALL CONTESTANTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY WHAT i CALL DA DA MUSIC. Which comes down to electronic music that comprises just two beats. By the time the competition ended most of the contestants, including the girls performing dancing queen’s final acts. played that electronic noise. And that disturbed me immensely.

But as Marc put it to me later. I think everyone had a great time. And speaking of Marc, he did a great job helping me put on this event. But he’s no longer the manager at Hot Shots and will soon have his own bar. which I plan to visit as soon as I can.

So, what comes next? I would like everyone who’s enjoyed these videos to offer his feedback by telling us which girls he (she) would have voted for had he (she) been a judge.

I hope to get a lot of feedback on my facebook page Under Jack Corbett. After a few days I will announce the winners and put additional videos and pictures in the Jack Corbett Video Channel of the dancing after I handed out the prize money to the winners. And of course, of me handing out 20000, 10000 and 5000 baht to the winning contestants.

VIdeos of the first two contestants

Videos of contestants 3 and 4

Videos of contestants 5 and 6

Video of the dancing that preceded the competition starting at 6:30 July 7, 2024