Which Kukri is the best battle blade, a Tora Blades Mark II battle blade, Himalayan Imports M-43, HI World War II model, or HI Gelbu Special? I have all four, and each one has unique strengths that make it superior to the other three.

The HI M-43 is the biggest, baddest and most devastating Kukri
on trees and the most capable of severing heads. But it weighs a porky 36 ounces That’s as heavy as most swords. So you’d think this is the one you’d want for combat or week long expeditions into the wilderness. Himalayan Imports closely patterned the M-43 after the Mark II kukri that the Nepalese Gurkha soldiers used during World War I and II.
But the HI M-43 is a far cry from the Mark II battle blade that Gurkas actually carried.
The Tora Blades Mark II, that weighs barely more than half the HI M-43 just might be a better selection. The curves of the M-43 closely imitates the historic weapons of both World Wars. But that’s where the resemblance ends. Tora Blades takes the prize for historical authenticity for wartime kukris. And the Tora Blades Mark II is about as close as it comes to the blades that actually saw combat in both conflicts. Then there’s the Himalayan Imports Gelbu Special which doesn’t even pretend to be designed as a battle blade. To find out which is the best battle blade of them all this video just might give you the answers you seek.