It’s Uncle Bufford again, still on the job monitoring the rise of Pattaya Go Go Bar sex prices which continue to explode. This time I”m talking down Windmill Go Go Bar, Super Girls, Sugar Babes, and the Doll House Go Go. But first I want to make some general observations which are long overdue but which I can now put in better perspective since I’ve just returned from visiting the Soi Cowboy go go bars in Bangkok.

First off, in general the music in Pattaya Walking Street Go Go bars is really piss poor. Second, Pattaya Go Go Bar sex on Walking Street continues to get worse, due to the stupidity and greed of most of the go go bar owners. Third, the mamasans are becoming increasingly meddlesome by trying to control how much money customers must pay for short time or long time sex. Fourth, most of my German, English, and Scandinavian friends who’ve bought condos here won’t stoop so low as to visit them. And if I’m successful in convincing them to join me and Billy Bob, they leave us after hitting only one of two go go clubs.
But don’t get me wrong. They completely devote themselves to having sex with as many women as possible. And although they absolutely will not indulge in high priced Pattaya Go Go Bar sex, they will haunt the Walking Street discos looking for sex partners in the early hours of the morning where there’s no bar fines.
Those late hours are way too late for me. Even it they enable me to void Pattaya Go Go Bar sex prices. But it’s during those late hours that go go girls who have already done a short time or two hang out looking
for one last customer so they can send even more money home to Mama and Papa.
These European friends of mine targeting the discos have more than enough money to afford those exorbitant go go prices–it’s just that they won’t put up with being treated like a clueless tourist dupe who doesn’t know any better. Fifth, in spite of all my negative comments about Walking Street go go bars and the go go girls, it is still possible to find a decent babe in the go go’s, but, we are talking about less than 10 percent odds here.
But. it’s time to move on. Our little group heads to the Windmill Club
on Soi Diamond just off Walking Street to start things off.
I will be honest. I don’t like the Windmill at all, but several of my friends do. As I’ve said before, the Windmill is a Dirty Old Man’s Paradise. It’s overcrowded, and in my opinion it attracts the worse low lifes in Pattaya.
Nothing is sacred here. Any man, no matter how ugly he is or how despicably rotten and disgusting his behavior is licensed to do just about anything he wants to the bodies of the girls in full view of everyone in the place. But sit by he stage, I am usually ignored by the prettier girls at the Windmill. But when I am targeted by one of the bar girls it’s usually by someone who’s so unattractive that I wouldn’t fuck her with your dog’s dick.
Bottled beer here is 160 baht. That’s practically double what you are going to have to pay over on Soi Six or a beer bar. Drafts are pretty cheap though. But I try to stay away from buying draft beer these days from places like this that attract all the low lifes. Who knows who’s been spitting in my beer? Or how the employees are maintained the equipment?
Our next stop is the Dollhouse.
But tonight only Billy Bob comes with me. One week later there’s four or five of us. Bottled beer costs 150 baht which is ten baht cheaper than Windmill’s prices. But here the scenery is even worse. There’s only a few customers and one look at the girls tells me why.
This is the house of Pudge, which means it’s not for me because I like slender women. On this first night, me and Billy Bob are having our beers alone. We only have one each and leave, thankful to not having a single one of these pudges pounce on us.
The next week we are not so lucky. A couple of inmates of this dog kennel come straight over to Billy Bob and me. I do want to mention that this club has cheaper beers on draft. But as I’ve already said, I stay away from draft beer unless I know an establishment is numero uno in quality control.
The two fatties who’ve descended on Billy Bob and me, don’t last long. That’s cause I’m not about to hang out with a high dollar Walking Street go go dancer whose body is in far worse shape then mine. I know that Billy Bob feels the same way that I do.
Next stop looking for inexpensive Pattaya Go Go Bar sex is Super Girls.
As I’ve mentioned in an earlier review, Super Girls go go used to have some of the highest priced beers on Walking Street at 120 baht a bottle with no happy hours or drink specials. It kept its prices at 120 baht for years while the other go go bars kept increasing their prices to the 140-160 baht range.
But times are tough now in Pattaya’s bars. Westerners simply are no longer coming here in the numbers they did in past years. So Super Girls seems to be resorting to the time honored Thai economic model that if the number of customers keeps decreasing, it’s time to keep raising the prices whereas businesses in Western countries lower their prices so that they can attract more customers. At Super Girls beers are now 140 baht a bottle. I’ve also noticed that at Super Girls the mamasans hang close to the girls. That’s so that they can pocket commissions by demanding much higher prices than the girls would charge if they were left alone to negotiate one on one with the customers.
Lesson to be learned–Have as little to do with the Mamasans as possible. Most of them are total parasites.
You can now figure on paying a 1000 to 1500 baht bar fine for Pattaya Go Go Bar sex
due to the Coyote Girl Plague that is now infesting Pattaya’s go go bars. And that’s just to get the girl out of the bar. This does not include what you have to pay her. However, there’s still a few girls whose bar fines are 800 baht, which is still far too high but better than 1500 baht.
I decide to buy a girl a drink. Which is now my new policy when dealing with Super Girls. Just keep in mind that every woman on this planet earth is different, so it is still possible to find a go go girl who is not a robot.
There’s a pretty girl dancing at the far end of the stage. I motion at her to join me for a drink. A few minutes later she comes off the stage and sits next to me.
This girl is much more hands on than most girls at Super Girls. Most of the girls are pretty reserved until you get a couple or three drinks in them. But this one’s got a fine body and she doesn’t hesitate putting her hands all over me. But I can’t blame her for that.
I have a great body, and it must be like a picnic for her to get to fondle me
instead of all those fat slobs who she has to suck up to most of the time.
Then I ask her the magic question which is “How much must I pay to be able to fuck you.?” But let me warn all you newbies reading these pearls of wisdom to never ask this question. Instead you should say, “I will pay you X amount for boom boom.” The reason is the girl will probably ask you for a much higher price than she’s willing to settle for.
Many girls once they suggest a price will never lower it for fear of losing face.
But if I tell this girl, “I will boom boom you for 1500 baht for example,” If she accepts my offer, I feel that I have to honor my word. In this case I plan not to bang any of the girls. I only want to get their prices so that I can put them in my Uncle Bufford go go bar reviews.
Without batting an eye the girl tells me, “Bar fine is 800 baht. For short time you must pay me 3000 baht. She must think I’m Japanese, obviously. I can’t wait to leave the place. First, this girl thinks I’m a stupid tourist even though I’ve told her I’m not. So she’s too stupid to be worth spending anymore of my time with, no matter how pretty she looks.
At Naughty Girls I had a terrible experience looking for Pattaya Go Go Bar sex
Naughty Girls is only a couple of bars down from Super Girls. Naughty Girls seems to have a proliferation of much younger girls than average. Real jail bait some of these babes are. Anyways, the girl sitting with me admits to being 21 or so. She’s pretty and she has a nice firm figure.
But Naughty Girls is not exactly a top of the rung Walking Street go go. It’s not quite a dive either. It’s just very ordinary. So Naughty Girls really surprised me when the girl tells me her bar fine is 1500 baht. Now that’s 42 bucks just to get her out of the bar, and then she wants another sixty dollars for a short time!
Let’s put all this in perspective. Back when I was living in the Saint Louis Metro East during my old whoring days I was paying the same $100 FOR AN ENTIRE NIGHT. The American girls I took to all those hotels were much smarter than the average Walking Street go go girl and I had a lot more fun with them. Pattaya Go Go Bar sex simply costs too much, and it’s far more boring.
Usually. Until I fill you in on my latest update with to Walking Street go go girls who surpassed all expectations.
We went to Sugar Babies next because one of my friends likes it there.
On at least two occasions the staff was inexcusably slow at getting me my change. Another time the service girl never gave me my change back. I had to ask another staff member to hunt her down so I could get my change back. I think some of the service people do this on purpose hoping the customers will leave before getting their change back. Sugar Babes was as boring as usual on account of most of the girls being whipped with ugly stick.
Our last stop was Electric Blue. Bottled beer was 150 baht. I only vaguely remember going there. I’m now reading in my notes…”Good Looker at the end” which must have meant that I saw only one girl who attracted me in the entire club.
I must say that this night I had a pretty high and mighty opinion of myself.
There’s some pretty attractive girls I’ve met recently but some of them are working at real jobs. Some of them are over on Soi Six. But most of the Walking Street girls are just like most of the sex tourists here, a dime a dozen. They are not worth the high dollar Pattaya Go Go Bar sex prices they are asking. But in my next review it’s time to cover what I discovered in Bangkok.
Ironically, Doll House will eventually become my favorite go go bar on Walking Street. This is the supreme irony due to my giving it such a bad review here. To find out more I recommend that you read Walking Street Doll House vs Annabelle Go Go Bars Golden Pussy.