I am accusing these avaricious Pattaya Mamasans of raping the go go dancers. But I am not accusing these greedy bitches of raping you, dear customer, because you have freedom of choice whereas the girls don’t.

Most tourists will not read this book. But Money Number One and similar books should be required reading for all tourists before they are even allowed to enter Thailand. Unfortunately most tourists seem to know everything and deserve what they get from conniving bar girls
Most Japanese visiting Pattaya go go bars are idiots.
But don’t think for one minute that I am picking on you or that I despise Japanese because I don’t.
In fact, I think that
Most tourists in Pattaya go go bars looking for sex are complete morons because they think they know everything.
Most of them also are totally uninterested in learning from expats such as myself or reading such definitive books about Pattaya bar girls such as Neil Hutchison’s Money Number One.
But most of you Japanese are a special case because you try too hard to be polite. If Avaricious Pattaya Mamasans tell you to pay the girls 3000 baht for short time sex, you agree to it because you don’t like confrontation. If Avaricious Pattaya Mamasans ask you to buy 3000 baht for 25 ping pong balls that you can throw at the girls, you pay it because you think this is expected of you.
Well, I’m telling you Japanese this.
“Who gives a shit about what Avaricious Pattaya Mamasans expect of you
Or what greedy go go dancers expect you to pay. You’ve worked hard for your money. You are smart guys. At least you are until you walk into all these go go bars like a herd of sheep walking into the slaughter pen.
The second point I want to make with you Japanese is this. Perhaps you think it’s cool to be throwing all your hard earned money at these girls. And if you think this is amusing to the other men in your group, most Westerners view such behavior with total contempt. We see you as the unwitting victims of the worthless Avaricious Pattaya Mamasans, who are laughing at all of you behind your backs.
On the whole Western men value getting a good deal. Or at least they take pride in making business arrangements that is fair to both sides.
Until they come to Pattaya as tourists looking for romance or sex.
But you Japanese have a good excuse. Whereas Western tourists don’t.
Especially it they have good English skills. For that matter even German tourists have a rich source of great information available to them in German and English. For example, Money Number One is also available to them in English. Also keep in mind that most Germans who come to Pattaya have good English skills. Unfortunately most of you Japanese don’t.

But I am digressing from my whole story line about these Avaricious Pattaya Mamasans so it’s time to move on. But before getting back to the two girls from Sattahip I’m going to take you back to one year ago, when I met a really nice gal in this same go go bar and wound up banging her.
One year ago at Dolls
(not the Doll House)
I met a girl at Dolls go go bar on Soi 6 about 1 year ago. She wanted 1000 baht to go short time with me in the room upstairs. When I pointed out to her, that Dolls was charging 500 baht for the short time room and bar fine whereas all the other bars nearby were charging just 300 baht for their short time rooms and I was banging all the other girls for 800 baht, she agreed to go short time with me for 800 baht.
Two weeks later, I saw her once again. This time I only bought the two of us a couple of drinks as I sat at the bar with her in my arms.
The next time I saw her was on Walking Street.
I was walking up the street with Billy Bob, from Crazy House go go to Super Girls Go Go when she called out my name. We stood in the middle of the street together where she asked me to join her at her new go go bar. I promised her that after I had a drink or two at Supergirls, I’d join her at the new go go bar. I remembered her. She was so familiar. And so nice. Almost wholesome and completely unlike most bar girls.
While drinking my beer at Super Girls it suddenly came back to me. She was the same girl from Dolls go go bar on Soi Six. I finished my beer and said goodbye to Billy Bob. And then I went over to the new bar where I spent two or three hours with her. All we did was drink, and hold each other’s hands. Innocent stuff like that. But the place was so new, she didn’t even know what the bar fine was, and it turned out hardly anyone else did either.
She told me that she had big problems back at Dolls with either the club owner or the mamasan and that’s why she had come to Walking Street. She had a birthday coming up in a week and I promised to come see her on her birthday. I would have even brought her a gift, but when I went, she wasn’t there. And she still wasn’t there when I came in a week later and sat with other girls. I think the bar fine was 1600 baht. This did not include a tip for the girl. I never went back again.
The two Pattaya go go girls are coming all the way out from Sattahip looking for Billy Bob and me at our Naklua condo. Meanwhile Billy Bob and go back to the same go go bar where we had found the two women. But they aren’t there. Once again we are sitting at that long couch in front of a long stage. One of the girls tells me:
“I am older sister, girl you see before. They have day off.”
“Older sister my ass!” How many times have I heard that one before? But who cares? There’s several other good lookers here tonight and the clock’s running.
We were soon joined by two go go dancers Billy Bob and I have never seen before.
After a few tequilas with the girl who’s now sitting on my lap, I come out with it. “500 baht for room upstairs?” I ask her while pointing upstairs. “1000 baht for you. Boom boom. Okay?”
Then to make certain there is no misunderstanding, I stick my finger gently into her bosom, and tell her in Thai. “Pu Ying boom boom. “Neune pan baht ha roy”. (1500 baht). I quickly move my arms apart from each other to signify “altogether or total price I must pay. To make sure she understands, I point to my own pocket while telling her Neun pan baht. I then point towards the upstairs and once again tell her ha roy baht which means 500 baht. I tell her bar, then room in English. Then I ask her in Thai, “Do you understand?” She tells me yes.
I waive a waitress over to us. “Check Bin, I pay bar fine also”
“Ha roy baht (500 baht) I pay bar for boom boom” as I point at the girl.
I follow the waitress up to the bar. While looking at the ticket I see that I need to pay 1000 baht for all the tequila the girl and I have been drinking. So I tell the waitress, “neune pan ha roy baht. ha roy baht bar fine, 1000 baht for tequila.” Suddenly the mamasan appears.
Taking my ticket from the waitress mamasan writes on it 2500 baht.
“No mamasan. I pay 1000 baht for drink. 500 baht bar fine (room upstairs). Lady and I agree I pay her, not bar, for boom boom.”
“No No no. You pay this,” she tells me while showing me the prices she’s written on the ticket.
“Up to me and lady, what I must pay for boom boom. ”
But mamasan isn’t listening.
“Okay. Get Bill. He own bar. I talk to him.”
“He not here now. I am mamasan. You pay this.”
“No problem then,” I tell the mamasan. Deal’s off. I only pay for drink. I no pay for short time.”
The mamasan changes the ticket to read 1000 baht. I pay my drink tab and leave the go go bar with Billy Bob.
So why is this mamasan so insistent on my paying the bar instead of the girl direct for the tip we’ve agreed on?
The girl from Sattahip absolutely refused to have sex with me in the go go bar short time room. It wasn’t my offering to pay her 1000 baht either. She had not even counter offered. She never asked me to pay 3000 baht, or 2500 baht, 2000 baht or 1500 baht. Yet she and her friend had come all the way from Bangsaray-Sattahip so that they could deal directly with Billy Bob and me.
It turns out, however, that the same two girls came to our condo a second time. One of the girls had a motorbike, the other didn’t. So it turns out that “my girl” the one who had the motorbike was the ride for the second girl who had been with Billy Bob.
But as I had mentioned in part 1 of my story, I never bring bar girls to my condo.
I won’t give my reasons here. I just don’t. But Billy Bob, now he has other ideas on this subject. So on this second time the girls came to our condo, Billy Bob took them to a restaurant. Then he took them both into his condo and drank with them for a couple of hours.
The two girls had to work together so they went down to Walking Street where Billy Bob joined them later. They had already started working at another go go bar. Billy Bob went upstairs to drink with them in Windmill go go where he found the bar fine had gone down from 1500 baht to 1000 baht because it was after midnight.
So here’s what I am thinking.
The greedy mamasan caused both girls to quit Dolls go go bar on Soi 6 to seek employment on Walking Street.
Although I can’t prove it, I believe the greedy mamasan is getting a big tip or commission on the tips the go go dancers are getting from their customers. So if I pay a girl 1000 baht direct for short time sex in the room upstairs, the girl is getting 100 percent of her money. The bar still makes 500 baht for the short time room rental upstairs and it’s making a lot of money on the high drink prices it’s charging its customers.
So for instance, a Japanese customer comes into this go go bar, and he wants to take a girl upstairs. The mamasan puts on his ticket 500 baht for the room and 2500 baht short time which is 3000 baht altogether. What’s probably happened is the mamasan tells the girl, “I’ll get 1500 baht for you which probably more than you would be getting if I didn’t help you considering all the beer bar girls just up the street from us are only getting 1000 baht. But the mamasan is pocketing 1000 baht from the hapless Japanese tourist who is too polite to argue.
Dolls Go Go on Soi 6 could be getting a lot of expat business if the Avaricious Pattaya Mamasans allowed the girls to set their own prices
There is no way that most expats (men who actually live here in Pattaya full time) are going to pay 2000 to 3000 baht long time when they can go just up the street from a go go bar and get the same sex for just 1000 baht. Sure, it gives a go go girl big face when she can go out and brag to her friends that she’s getting 2500 or 3000 baht short time. The reality is that tourist numbers have recently declined to less than half of what it was so all of these high dollar go go dancers with their big faces are just not getting bar fined very often.
If the go go bars hope to survive, they must get tough with their Avaricious Pattaya Mamasans
1000 baht for short time is the magic number for what men should pay for sex in Pattaya. And any man who pays more is a fool. Unless, however, he is giving money for a girl whose looks are a 10 out of a 10.