Category Archives: Survival tools for Japanese

Because so many Japanese men are shy, polite, and wish to avoid conflict they fall prey too often to Pattaya Go Go Bars which victimize their Japanese customers who pay too much for too little. Our mission is to help Japanese men get a lot more for a lot less money when they deal with Pattaya bar girls

Pattaya go go bar Mamasans extorting commissions from their bar girls

Pattaya go go bar Mamasans are getting commissions to rip customers off who pay their bar girls for sex.  This is a leading cause for exorbitant short and long time prices in the Walking Street go go bars.

Pattaya go go bar Mamasans send many girls here
Upstairs is a short time hotel. If a man brings a Walking Street go go girl here he must pay 400 baht for one hour’s fun. But if he comes alone or brings a girl who’s not a Walking Street sex worker he only pays 300 baht. Upon arrival the girl gets a receipt from the receptionists. THe question is, who gets the 100 baht commission?  Is it  the go go dancer, the Pattaya go go bar Mamasans or the go go bar itself?

Most Pattaya go go bar Mamasans are now asking their customers to pay 2000 baht for short time and 3000 baht for long time.  In fact many mamasans won’t even ask.  They will simply write a bill out for the bar girl’s 2000 or 3000 baht tip plus a bar fine of 1000 or 1500 baht.   Mamasan’s not about to let the girl leave even if she’s already agreed to go with her customer for a lot less.  But it didn’t used to be that way.

Only a few years back, the typical bar fine for a Pattaya Walking Street go go girl was 600 baht.  The 600 baht gave the customer the right to take the go go girl out of the bar.  Same goes for beer bars where even today the bar fine is usually only 300 baht.  After the bar fine’s paid, what they do and how much the girl gets paid  has always been between the girl and the customer.   Only a few years ago, the going rate was 1000 baht for short time.  Long time meant all night for between 1500 and 2000 baht.

But times have changed my friends keep telling me.  “You will never be able to short time a go go girl for only 1000 baht,” they keep telling me.  On this they are half right.  They can’t get by paying less than 2000 baht for short time because they don’t believe in themselves.  Which is perfectly understandable due to most of them not being able to think logically.   So here’s my logic about the old 1000 baht benchmark for short time sex.

Practically everyone frequenting the Walking Street go go bars today fall into two categories.  The first are the tourists.  Tourists simply don’t know any better.  Therefore they are ripe targets for scheming bar girls, and the Pattaya go go bar Mamasans.

The second are the expats who actually live here.  Such expats fall into two categories.  1.  Those who are on Walking Street  to show their newcomer friends around and 2. Those who come to get a little excitement from prettier girls than they are finding in the beer bars.   I view this later group of expats as voyeurs.  As voyeurs they venture into the go go’s for a little touchie feelie or to watch a bunch of sexy gals dance naked.   These guys are totally satisfied with being voyeurs because they fail to understand that most of the women they meet in the go go bars are not getting bar fined very often.

Putting unrelenting pressure on customers to buy ladies drinks is the Holy Grail

For the most part go go bars have become impersonal mechanisms for extracting as much money from their customers in the shortest time possible.  The routine is nearly always the same in many go go bars.  Some of the girls are dancing on the stage.  A few are sitting around waiting for their turn to replace the girls who are already dancing.   A customer or a group of customers comes in, and the girls start eyeing him like a pack of dogs panting for a bone.  For the girls the holy grail is to pressure the new arrivals into buying them as many drinks as possible.

Pattaya go go bar Mamasans and their Pack gang up on their prey

So here’s the routine.  A girl sits next to her prey.  Within five minutes she asks him to buy her a drink.  When the drink arrives, the prey suddenly realizes she’s ordered a coke, sprite or other soft drink.  If it’s alcohol she orders a very weak cocktail.  Five minutes later she’s asking for a 2nd no alcohol or low alcohol ladies drink.  But by this time the pair are joined by one or two more go go girls who are also asking the prey to buy them drinks.  About this time one of the friendliest, most thoughtful Pattaya go go bar Mamasans  joins the table.  She feels entitled to a drink also.

If the customer doesn’t keep buying his new companion a drink every five minutes the mamasan asks her to take another turn on the stage.  It’s all a concerted effort to extract as many drinks as possible out of each customer in the shortest amount of time possible.  And each time the customer buys a lady’s drink, the chief lady predator will get a 50 baht commission from the go go bar.  Oftentimes a mamasan keeps hovering over the new customer’s table like a vulture on a mission to keep the ladies drinks flowing.

Mamasan won’t get her tip money when the girl only charges 1000 baht for boom boom

But when the customer finally decides to bar fine his “new girl”, the mamasan steps into the middle of the ring to officiate.  Although I might oftentimes get the go go girl to agree to a 1000 baht short time,  a mamasan suddenly appears to tell me that I must pay the girl 2000 baht.  Thinking this through for myself I concluded that although a lot of go go girls wanted to go short time with me for 1000 baht, the mamasans kept intruding for a reason.  Since in almost all things in Pattaya Money is number one, I concluded that the mamasans were extorting commissions out of the girls and they could hardly do that if I was only paying the girls 1000 baht.

Mamasan, why should I buy you a drink?  You’re not the one fucking me

So here’s what all this comes down to.  And several times I’ve actually told mamasans this when they had the audacity to ask me for tips.  “This girl is about to fuck me.  You aren’t.”  Truth is most of these Walking Street go go bar mamasans are as useless as tits on a boar.

The other night I was at Supergirls.  For shits and grins I asked a girl if she ever had to tip the mamasan when she went short time with a customer.  Her answer was an unequivocal yes.  100 baht.  And there is no longer a normal bar fine at Supergirls.  There’s a short time bar fine.  And there’s a long time bar fine.  I think the long time bar fine is 1500 baht.  The whole idea is to push the short times so that the girls keep coming back to the go go club so that they can extract even more ladies drinks from the customers.

There used to be a waitress at Misty’s.  Her bar fine was 800 baht whereas all the dancers’ barfines were 1500 baht (up from the 600 baht barfine from just a few years ago).   The first time Billie Bob bar fined her, she stayed with him an hour and a half in the short time room.  I think she really liked Billie Bob.  She kept showing him all kinds of pictures of herself, her friends and her children in the short time room until Billie Bob finally told her he had run out of time.   But the next few times Billie Bob bar fined her, she’d tell him mamasan wanted her back in the bar waitressing.

Annie despises the go go bar mamasans

We met Annie years ago on Soi Six.  Annie’s just one reason no one can tell me that Walking Street go go girls are more attractive   or nicer than Soi Six girls.   Annie was a 800-1000 baht girl but now that she’s graduated to the big leagues over on Walking Street, she’s now the real deal  2000-3000 baht go go queen.

But Annies a straight shooter.  Billie Bob was sure that he could bang her over on Walking Street for 1000 baht.  She had done him before  for just 800 baht.  So Annie agrees on doing a short time with him for 1000 baht.  But along comes Mamasan and she tells Annie and Billie Bob that he must pay 2000 baht short time.  But Billie Bob’s real smart you see.  That’s on account of my training him.  He tells Mamasan that he and Annie are old friends from way back.  To her credit Annie agrees with him.

“Yeah, me and Annie here, we same same brother and sister.  We know each other since we were babies,”  Billie Bob tells the mamasan, the waitress and one of the bar boys.  “And see him”, Billie Bob points to the bar boy.  “He pi chai me.”  (My younger brother).

What Annie doesn’t tell Billie Bob is she’s tipping three mamasans 100 baht each.  I suppose she felt she had to do it in order for the mamasans to allow her to leave the bar for less than 2000 baht.   Which leads me to the following conclusion.

You Japanese are the ones at fault

I’m going to blame a lot of this on you Japanese.  And for two reasons.  First, you aren’t here with me to defend yourselves as I write these words of truth.  The second is, you guys keep trying to be polite.  Which is a big mistake because most of you shouldn’t be polite to all these Walking Street go go bar predators.  There are a lot of you, Japanese, frequenting the go go bars on Walking Street.  You tend to go in groups to the go go’s.  For many of you–Your English and your Thai language skills are definitely lacking. Which means you face real problems  communicating with the go go girls.

This provides the Pattaya go go bar mamasans their opportunity to intercede in your behalf.  But be forewarned.  They aren’t there to help you guys.  And they aren’t there to help their bar girls either.  Just remember, unlike Japan, on Walking Street money is number one.  Watch out for the friendly mamasan who appears to be looking out for you.   She’s getting commissions from the girls for the deals she’s making for you.    You get the nicely wrapped up packaged deal of 2000 baht short time or 3000 plus long time.  But you are really getting the shaft.    And you wind up paying double or triple what I have to pay.   As for many of my pals.  Well, let’s just say it’s a case of monkey see, monkey do.

Pattaya go go bar Mamasans

It is my firm belief that Pattaya go go bar Mamasans  are going to favor those girls who tip them well.  And for those who don’t–the mamasans are simply going to let them wither on the vine.  Such uncooperative girls will be ignored by the mamasans and service girls who work directly under them.

Go Go dancers who don’t tip the mamasans will get the worse opportunities to hunt Japanese

When Pattaya go go bar Mamasans require the girls to demand 2000 baht short and 3000 baht long times from their customers, most of them will jump to appease their mamasans.

Truth is,  most Pattaya go go bar Mamasans are causing the girls to make less money than they would if the mamasans  suddenly ceased to exist.  Most of the girls are not getting bar fined very often.  But they would if the mamasans would allow them to set their own prices.  Some of the go go girls despise the mamasans so much that they revel with delight from cutting the go go bar out of its bar fines and high priced drinks.  Under one condition, however.  Provided you, Mr. Customer, cut them a square deal.

To find out more about how Walking Street go go bars are  operating check out:

Pattaya coyote girls now taking over Walking Street

Mr Walking Street meets high quality Soi Six Girl