I’m reintroducing the American Republican Party Cartoon Strip. Why? Because of Trump the Rump, Vice President Mike (No Common Sense) Pence and other imbeciles ruling the U.S.

As the 2012 presidential election approached, I was so disgusted with the Republican Party’s sorry ass cast of candidates, I just had to do it. It was my patriotic duty, even if I had virtually no talent as an artist. So I created 25 cartoon strips ridiculing the Republican Party.
But now that we have Trump the Rump as President and Mike (No common sense) Pence as Vice President, it’s time to pull out that 2012 Republican party cartoon strip again. But the last election was in 2016. So—the past repeats itself. Different Faces. But it’s the same kind of nitwits all over again.
In the Republican Party Cartoon Strip you will be meeting