Pattaya watching tourist die in 2nd road beer bar four nights ago. We saw the worse luck happen and the man wasn’t even drunk. One moment that man was easing back in his bar stool. Then I saw him tip over backwards. Two seconds later he lay prostate on the floor. Lights out. The tourist never knew what hit him.

The bar girls got to him quickly. Trying to do what they could. I approached his inert body seconds later. Eyes wide open staring into nothingness, he didn’t even twitch. As the girls propped him up in their arms, I inched up close to him. Staring at his face. As I watched his chest moving up and down. Rapidly. Too rapidly.

I put my face just inches from his. And spoke to him gently. Seeing if I could get a response. But his eyes told me that nobody was at home. The bar girls had him upright at a slight angle as they poured smelling salts into his nose. Almost drowning him. But all we saw was an inert form, lying motionless.
When the man showed no signs of consciousness five minutes later I walked over to a couch. Where I found a thin pillow. Then I bought it over to the man and the small group of girls gathered around him.
I’m not a doctor. So there is no way no one’s ever going to say that I was treating him. Without a license. Or any first aid training whatsoever since I was 17. So I got the girls to straighten our his body to make him as comfortable as possible. Then I told them to slide the pillow under his head. This put him in an almost horizontal position with his head raised upwards at a slight angle.
I’m not about to fault these bar girls at all. They were doing all they could with tender loving care.
But I knew they’d be sending him to one of Pattaya’s worse hospitals, if I didn’t do something.
So I asked the girls if the man had a wallet. So when one of them pointed at one of his pockets, I reached inside and snatched out his wallet. Which I held in front of the girls to show them that I was not stealing anything. I opened the man’s wallet. And immediately found his credit card. Which showed me that the man probably had enough money to pay his hospital bills.
I also knew that International Hospital was just 400 meters away. Which would probably provide him with professional treatment. But only if the hospital knew he could pay his bill.
Taking out my smart phone I looked up the International Hospital. And found its emergency telephone number. Which I showed to the cashier.
Pattaya watching tourist die wasn’t something the cashier saw everyday.
She probably didn’t know anything more to do for the guy than I did. About twenty minutes after the man had crushed his head against the floor, the cashier called an emergency number. As I felt his head. Which was abnormally cool considering how hot it was. I put my hands around his wrist searching for a pulse. His wrist wasn’t cold. Not just yet. But I didn’t feel much of a pulse. But then again, I’m no doctor.
By the time the rescue squad and the police arrived, about half an hour after he had crashed to the floor, he had pissed his pants.

I cannot fault the police or the rescue squad. Which performed CPR over and over again. And again. Then violently. And more violently as the men all did what they could. But feeling helpless. They put something over his mouth too. Which I think contained compressed air. But the man still didn’t move. Not even an eye.
50 % certain that the man would surely die soon after his hospital arrival. And nearly as certain that the man was already dead, I left. Traumatized. Right after they loaded him into a gurney. And whisked him off to the nearest hospital. So I headed down Soi Six. Where I stopped at the Kawaii bar. Gip, the Kawaii bar cashier was the girlfriend of one of my best friends. She lived in my condo building one floor below me. So I told her, “I’m not even having a drink. I think I just saw a man die. I’m heading to Walking Street.
I never stopped. Deadheading for the nearest motorcycle taxi driver, I had the man take me straight to Walking Street.
Where I walked straight to the Doll House go go bar. Where my best friend was waiting for me. That was at 8:30. And by the time I left I must have had something like eight gin and tonics. Then I went back to the Susie Bar on 2nd road to find out what had actually happened.
At the Susie bar I found out that Pattaya watching tourist die had now become a certainty. This is what happened.
The cashier told me, “The man was Australian. He was not drunk. We found out he had played golf that afternoon and then he came into the bar next to us. He was alone. And he fell while having his first drink. Didn’t even drink one third of it. No one knew him because he never came here before. Then he leaned too far back in his bar stool and fell backwards.”
The cashier continued: “We all knew he died in the bar. At least we were pretty sure.”
The cashier and I then had many drinks together. She didn’t stop until she fell asleep.
My opinion of Pattaya watching tourist die
Last night I went back to the Susie bar with two friends. Once again, I inspected the scene of the accident. In front of the bar where the tourist keeled over in his bar stool, there is a raised platform. Which extends about 3 feet out before it drops off abruptly to floor level. It drops off at a 90 degree angle. And this is where I think the man hit the back of his head. Although there was little if any blood, I believe the fall crushed the back of his skull. Losing consciousness immediately, his brain started to malfunction. For example his very heavy breathing was unnatural. Over the next few minutes his brain stropped functioning. And he died pissing his pants.