Hours before the Pattaya Naklua bars shutdown Nikki Bar Naklua’s most up and coming bar has one last mindboggling party.

You were not there to see the girls dancing as it there were no tomorrow. With Nikki and Nee taking center stage, both of them in top form. But I was there to shoot video. And to drink myself into oblivion while pondering how awful this second Pattaya Naklua bars shutdown would turn out.
But although I was starting to feel sorry for myself, I could hardly imagine how Nikki was feeling. Who I regard as my little sister now that I’ve known her for seven years.
With the Pattaya Naklua bars shutdown, it’s going to be pretty bleak. I won’t be seeing my friends on Soi Six again.
And not just the girls. Because I will miss my manager friends even more. Most of all I will miss Nikki bar. And it’s all because of Nikki who treats her customer’s better than any other bar owner I know. Who else will stay open until 4 or even 6 a.m? Or give a private tour of Walking Street to two American friends of mine. Who later repaid Nikki by coming to her bar every night.
But all that’s old news. Pattaya Naklua bars shutdown is going to happen only a few hours after Nikki’s last party.
I had been to a few Soi SIx bars the night before and talked to several manager friends of mine. Sam, the NIght Wish manager of Seduction bar told me he was very worried that his bar would have to close soon. While the owner of Lust Bar told me, “The handwritings on the wall. It’s going to come soon.
I don’t drink two nights in a row. My pal Micky advised me to go to Soi Six because it would be my last chance. Still hung over the next day, I was planning to spend the night alone watching Netflix. Then Nikky messaged me. Extending to me a personal invitation to a “staff party”. Which I knew would be a last blowout party for the girls.
I expected Nikky to go all out. There was food for everyone. But that’s normal for almost all bar parties here. Then Nikky pulled off her crowing touch by having a special lottery for the girls.
She had wrapped a lot of presents which reminded me of Christmas. Each girl who wanted to play would pay something like 300 baht. The presents cost anywhere from 100 to 500 baht. So there would be winners and losers. The winners being awarded the 500 baht presents while the losers were the girls who got the 100 to 200 baht gifts. I had Nee Nee the prettiest girl in the place (aside from Nikki) sitting with me. And watched her open her present which turned out to be a cheap clock.
I brought a special gift. After all I expected the Pattaya Naklua bars shutdown to happen the next day. So I gave Nikki a bottle of Wild Turkey 101 bourbon which set me back 1350 baht ($44.00 American). It’s strong stuff and it doesn’t take much to put me in a great mood. Goes down kindof harsh and then it warms you up all the way down to your lower belly. God, that stuff is good. About an hour or two after I arrived Nicky put a shot of Wild Turkey into all these little glasses which she started giving out to her guests. Nee Nee wasn’t drink much but I made her drink some of that Wild Turkey anyway. There was still half a bottle left when I watched the Italian sitting next to me mixing some of that Wild Turkey with Coca Cola.
Which made me wonder about the guy. But when he made himself his second and third cocktail I was profoundly mortified. This was a special bottle I got only for special occasions such as my wanting to get drunk by my lonesome on my balcony.
And here’s this Italian mixing that great Kentucky bourbon with coke like a little girl.
With the Pattaya Naklua bars shutdown only hours away I had decided to pull out all the stops. I have this little chopstick game I often play with the bar girls. And only the night before I had virtually taken over a Soi Six bars by getting the girls thoroughly addicted to my little bar game. Which I always win. So I had Nikki announce to all her bar girls that I would buy a drink for any girl that could pick up a ten baht coin three times in a row with the chopsticks. Two girls eventually managed to do it. So I wound up buying each of them a drink.
Those girls will never forget me. And it only cost me around 300 baht. I have never been beaten.
The Thai staff could never top me. And no Soi Six girl ever could either. The night before I had managed to pull off my little trick 20 times in a row. I had come up with the idea back in Vietnam while I was drinking with Gus, an English pal of mine. So I started picking up kernels of popcorn with a pair of chopsticks. Then I came up with the idea of picking up a coin that was the same size as a Thai ten baht piece. And found out this was the perfect game for me when not one of those Vietnamese bar girls could beat me.
For I am the champion. I had conquered Vietnam. While not finding one Thai who could beat me. So China’s next on my list. But unfortunately due to the Pattaya Naklua bars shutdown, it’s unlikely that I will be meeting anymore Chinese in Pattaya’s bars for quite awhile.