Dollies Strip Club gives me, Jack Corbett, my own Internet Phone Line

The action continues at the Dollies Playhouse Strip Club in chapters 11, 12 and 13 of Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer. The chapters are Satin the Beautiful Dancer from Deja Vu, Fun Times at the Collinsville Hotel, and Dollies Playhouse gives me my own phone line.

Lost Angels at the Dollies Strip Club
The woman on the far left is Jade. While the stripper waring the cowboy hat is Alex. I’m off on the far right, all of us chatting in the Lost Angles chat room at the Dollies Playhouse Strip Club in late 1996. Dollies has just allowed Satin and me to put in our own phone line to help market the strip club on the internet. I get my first two drinks free from the club owner who Marriah thinks has murdered his partner. We are sitting just four feet from the strip club’s main stage. Alex will be the first person to read my First Novel Death on the Wild Side–all six hundred pages of it. This is when hardly anyone knew about the Internet. And many years before smart phones and Facebook. My little table becomes a favorite gathering place for the strippers and customers alike. Jade and Alex will become key players when it comes to exporting our digital photography and face book like Lost Angels chat room to other strip clubs across the United States.

Bringing everyone up to date. My two heroin addict friends, Marriah and Doctor Doom have just been evicted from the apartment Greyghost and I have been renting in Springfield, Illinois.

But Doc is able to rent out an apartment in the same complex. Both Marriah and Doc are recovering from their heroin addiction and I am doing everything I can to keep them focused on other things. Such as the internet, and watching a lot of television. Marriah goes into drug rehab in Springfield. Which Doc thinks is a total waste of time. And that Marriah will only meet other drug addicts in rehab.

I have given one of my computers to Doc and Marriah. And Doc becomes totally addicted to the Internet. I buy them a television. And look in on them every day or two. Which is no problem since Springfield is just 26 miles from the farmhouse I’m living in.

Then I meet Satin, a beautiful black dancer working at Deja Vue, the largest strip club chain in the United States

Being firmly committed to alcohol, I don’t care much for Deja Vu. It’s a juice bar. But both Grey Ghost and I are looking for new strippers to join us in our Lost Angels chats. Upon entering Deja Vu I encounter a striking black dancer. And start flirting with her.

I’m spending very little time at the Dollies Playhouse because I’m totally absorbed with helping Doc and Marriah stay off heroin.

Ironically in rehab Marriah meets Satin. Who turns out to be the beautiful dancer I met at Deja Vu. Marriah convinces Satin to stop stripping at Deja Vu. And to move back to Collinsville, Illinois with her. Where both women can resume their strip club careers at the Dollies Playhouse. The problem is Marriah’s house in Collinsville has just burnt down. While Satin’s living in Springfield, which is almost 100 miles from the Dollies Playhouse strip club.

To the left is Jade. To Jade’s left is Dirt who is doing a weekly cartoon strip for my web site. In the middle is Satin. And to the far right is Marriah. This is just outside the Collinsville Motel where I share a room with either Satin and Marriah. Notice how all four of us are wearing the black jackets? Later Crazy Czech, Katt, Heaven and Renee would be wearing the alphapro jackets. From its very inception Grey Ghost and I chose the alpha wolf as the symbol of the alphapro web site and later for the members of the Lost Angels chat group. The alpha wolf is the leader of the pack. While the other wolves were the followers or betas. Strippers in our group such as Marriah, Jade and Satin and later on Heaven, Renee, and Katt would regard themselves as true alphas. And we were. We were the first to introduce digital photography to strip clubs. While we formed out Lost Angels chat group long before Facebook with our membership consisting of strippers, club owners and managers, and men and women outside the adult profession who were very focused on the adult entertainment industry.

The solution is a motel in Collinsville which is just five miles from the Dollies Strip Club.

Without Marriah as a roommate Doctor Doom moves in with me at my farm. While I find the motel in Collinsville to be ideal for my needs. It’s just five minutes from the Dollies strip club. While it’s located on highway 55. Which will take me back to my farm in just one hour. Inside, the hotel is sensational. It’s got a great looking swimming pool and lots of large plants surrounding it. There must be over 25 restaurants in the immediate area. But a room will set me back forty dollars a night. So I come up with a deal that neither Satin or Marriah will refuse. The deal is to pay either Marriah or Satin twenty dollars as my share of the room.

Who can ask for more? Having two topless dancers to choose from as roommates? So how about three? But that’s for a later chapter in LIfe of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer. While the Dollies Playhouse becomes my home away from home.

Marriah’s the real party animal of the two strippers. Unlike the bars and so called strip clubs on the Missouri side of the Mississippi River, the Saint Louis Metro East is where all of the real action takes place. The Dollies Playhouse strip club closes at 2 a.m. on week days. But stays open until 4 a.m. on weekends. While Miss Kitty’s, C-Mowes, Chameleon and other road house style strip clubs observe the same hours.

While I find that the PT’s strip clubs are a level or two above such road house clubs. There are four adult night clubs in the PT’s organization: PT’s Sports, Diamond Cabaret, PT’s West in Centreville, Illinois, and Roxy’s over in Brooklyn. While Platinum Club which is directly across from Roxy’s is easily equal to any PT’s Club. Platinum is owned by Jim Lictey from Kansas City, Missouri. But Jim soon buys a second Saint Louis Metro East Club–the Paradise Club. Which Jim totally remodels and renames it as Platinum Two. Jim will soon rename his new club again as Visions.

Unlike the Dollies Strip Club and other such road house clubs, all of these upper scale strip clubs observe much later hours.

During the week the upper scale Saint Louis strip clubs stay open until 4 a.m. While on weekends they keep their doors open until 6 a.m. So by the time the Dollies Playhouse strip club closes, Marriah and Satin are oftentimes in the mood to let their hair down and party on into the wee hours of the morning.

All of these upper echelon strip clubs have rather hefty cover charges.

But I’m Jack Corbett. And I’ve just written and published my first book, Death on the Wild Side. And usually either Marriah or Satin is accompanying me. By now I’m already getting a pretty good reputation in most of the East side clubs. While both Marriah and Satin have very high powered personalities. So most of the time I’m getting into all the Saint Louis Metro East Clubs without having to pay a cover charge.

One night I’m hitting the upper scale strip clubs with Marriah. While the next night it might be Satin. But even with closing hours as late as 6 a.m., there are those times when we really want to make a complete night out of it. So we go to Pops. Which shares the same parking lot with PT’s Sports and Diamond Cabaret. Although Pops is not a strip club it’s a favorite of my strippers and other employees from the Saint Louis Metro East night clubs. It usually stays open until 8 a.m.

And then, the Dollies Strip Club gives me my own private phone line

Hawk has given me his word that the Dollies Playhouse will soon give me my own phone line that the club and I can use to market the Dollies strip club all over the world. But who’s going to do all the wiring? By now the entire club is viewing Marriah, Satin and me as the three Musketeers. So when Satin agrees to help me wire the phone line in, I am able to convince Hawk to let us do it. Hawk’s the Dollies strip club general manager. While Nathan the surviving partner owner of Dollies is allowing Hawk to do just about anything he wants.

Satin and I buy a couple hundred feet of phone wire, connectors and so on. It takes us two days to wire the Dollies Playhouse for the Internet. We put in a T which provides us with two outlets for my laptop computer. The first is just four or five feet behind the club’s long dancer’s platform near the club’s front entrance. While we put a second phone line connection in the large backroom. The club has just recently remodeled the back room so that it includes a second bar and several small stages for the dancers.


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