This Finland Nikky Bar Birthday Video encompassed many boundaries, excess drinking, extremely sexy women and outrageous behavior

Nikky started off hiring two bar girls from outside her own bar on Naklua Soi 33. Both girls were incredibly sexy and both of them got very drunk and sexually provocative during their shows. And between shows when they cavorted with the Finish birthday boy and his pals. But you have to watch this Finland Nikky Bar Birthday video to truly appreciate the two entertainers.
But I’ve got to give you a little background on Bruce. Bruce is contagious. My pal is a huge man and so full of fun that the atmosphere all around him explodes in all directions. Bruce, who had never owned a bar before. His business was construction until Big Daddy made him a partner in his strip club, Teaser’s Cabaret. And later wound up managing Teasers for several years.
Now there’s something about American strip club owners that I cannot begin to describe. Other than their being awesomely fun to be around. And Bruce is cut from the same cloth as Big Daddy. Except he’s even bigger.
And now I’ve got Bruce living smack right down from my condo where he’s been living the life of a Thailand Expat for the past 4 years. But he had spent a few days in the hospital recently and kept pretty much to himself the past few months.
Until that Nikky Bar birthday came along
One of the Fins had been hanging around the Naklua Nikky Bar a lot. And once he got his head together with Nikky the pair came up with the Finland Nikki Bar Birthday for his friend who would soon arrive in Thailand.
Now the Fins, they are awesome drinkers. Greater even than the Russians. And these Fins were no exception. And when they got together with Bruce and I, we all started buying each other drinks. I can’t even remember how many I had other than it had to be more than twenty. And I”m talking Tequila and a lot of killer concoctions from God knows where.
I was in one happy mood before that Finland Nikky Bar birthday even got started. My favorite Thai girlfriend of all time had just arrived at my condo. But straight off Kit told me she had gastritis and didn’t feel well. So I left her in my condo watching Netflix and joined Bruce at Nikky Bar. I had to go because I couldn’t let Bruce down. And I had promised Nikky I’d shoot a lot of video for her bar. And I had the prettiest girl I had ever met on Soi Six back home waiting for me.
Bruce and I went a little crazy at Nikky Bar that night.
I got that wild cat Thai entertainer to come right off her stage and sit on Bruce’s lap. So if you listen to this Finland Nikky Bar Birthday video closely enough you can hear Bruce gleefully grunting and groaning as the girl squirms all over his lap.
And in Bruce I had a good friend to shoot video of my showing that wild cat woman how to pole dance. And although she tried and tried she never managed to get herself up on that pole. But i sure could.
Unfortunately things didn’t go as I had planned with Kit when I returned to my condo drunker than a skunk. Because at 3 am she woke me up to tell me she was in terrific pain. So I took her to the emergency room at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. Where the doctor told me she had appendicitis and her appendix had already ruptured. “She will die from infection if I don’t operate on her tomorrow morning the doctor told me.”
I spent the next five days and nights at the hospital looking after her.