The sexiest Soi Six girls can be in any Soi Six bar at any time. But on Andy’s birthday they are at Night Wish

Right now on Soi Six many bars are nearly empty. Devoid of customers. While the ones you can count on. With a great party atmosphere. And an ample supply of great looking gals are Toybox, Repent, Night Wish and Lust Bar. The first three I mentioned are Night Wish bars.
Day in and day out for years the one with the most action is Toy Box, thanks to Toy Box manager Tony. He’s been here for seven years. And every Soi Six bar girl who’s been on Soi Six long knows Tony.
But along comes Andy and Andy had the sexiest Soi six girls at Night Wish last night. But two weeks ago, Tony had the sexiest Soi six girls. While last week it was Sam manager of Repent bar who had the prettiest girls.
All three of these Night Wish managers have terrific personalities. And all three men can party night after night with the best of them.
I start out at Repent bar. And immediately join Sam at a table. I buy Sam a drink. Then he buys me one. But it’s Andy’s birthday and Night Wish bar is just a few doors down.
Andy must be pretty drunk by now, Sam tells me. Let’s go see him.
We find Andy surrounded by other Night Wish managers. Managers in training. And a few guys who just plain like Andy. The table is surrounded by beautiful women. More than I’ve ever seen here before.
I will soon have several of the Sexiest Soi Six girls around me. And I have two cameras with me. My smart phone and my much better Panasonic LX100 ii.
Later I have to remove the video for reasons I won’t get into.
But no matter, everyone in the House is having a great time. Because Andy is having a great time.
Do these ladies want to hang around me because I’m buying them vodka? Or is it because I took one of the sexiest soi Six girls into the bar with me last week. And took great video of her at Repent Bar, Night Wish bar, and Toy Box. But she’s not a Night WIsh bar girl and I’m not telling anyone what bar I took her out of.
One of the taller Night Wish girls gets my drink for me. And takes a seat next to me. Only five minutes pass when a much shorter girl joins us. This is only the 3rd or fourth time I’ve seen her here.
But after the first time after we had a few vodkas together she always seeks me out. Like a homing pigeon.
I tell you who she reminds me of. You can see the girl in the Skytop video I just reconstructed. That video was getting over 7000 views a day until YouTube screwed with it. But that was years ago while I had a live in girl friend with me. Now that girl could dance seductively. Which is probably one of the reasons that video was getting 7000 views a day. And she had this way of looking at me.
I wonder what she’s doing now. But I will probably never know. But this girl here at Night Wish dances a lot like her.
I must have danced with one or both of the girls. Can’t remember now. Had two many vodkas. But a third girl joins us and it doesn’t take long before I’m dancing with her.
I won’t say too much about what happened next. Other than my misplacing my smart phone. Thought I lost it forever.
I was shooting a lot of video. And switching back and forth between using my smart phone and Panasonic Lx100 II. The girls I had been with were scurrying all over the place. Trying to help me find it. Turns out I had left the bar for just five minutes and gone over to Toy Box. I had left it on a table and had gone over to talk with Tony. So when I went back to Toy Box Tony took me over to a little shelf where there were about a dozen smart phone the bar was holding to customers who had left their phones there.
Last night I never got around to visiting Lust Bar. I just had too many bars to go to. Lust Bar is not a Night Wish Bar. But it’s new manager had been with Night Wish for years. Where he learned a lot about how to manage a bar. But Lust Bar also has some of the sexiest Soi Six girls.
But I can practically guarantee you that I will be back at Night Wish by tomorrow or the next night. Because I’m having a birthday in a week. And want two girls from Night Wish to compete for Miss Naklua Dancing Queen.