While four of the Eye Candy Calendar girls were the top four contestants in the Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions at Nikky Bar.
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The front cover girl is Mew. Who was our top winner at my birthday party on April 2, 2022. Which was good for 4000 baht. Apple from Nikky Bar finished second. Taking home 2000 baht. While Gee placed third pocketing her 1000 baht. But even Gee felt Minny, representing Soi Six Lust Bar, should have placed in the top three. Unfortunately for Minny, the five judges did not agree.
Looking forward to Pattaya Dancing Queen II on July 31, 2022 both Gee and Mew were going all out preparing themselves for the 10000 baht I’d give to the best dancer. Make no mistake, both Mew and Gee are total professionals when it comes to dancing. Both women are dancing machines. Gee for example can’t stop dancing even when she comes to my condo. While Mew now working at Show GIrls go go on Pattaya LK Metro had become the go go’s top dancer with no one even coming close.

But when the competition ended once again Mew took first place. Which out of all the Eye Candy Calendar Girls entitles her to be on the calendar’s front cover.
All five judges ruling Mew was the best of the best. While deciding that Mew had the best show by far. Winning Mew another 4000 baht on top of the 10000 baht for being the best dancer.
But the biggest surprise out of all these Eye Candy Calendar Girls was Koy who tied Gee for second place. Compared to the likes of Gee and Mew, Koy was a complete newbie. So, I was shocked when the judges decided Koy was just as good as Gee.
Another surprise from these Eye Candy Calendar Girls was Nee Nee who took third place. Which earned her 4000 baht. While Pon didn’t even place. Dancing to one of Gee’s favorite songs, “Sexy GIrl’s, Nee Nee danced so much like Gee in Pattaya Dancing Queen 1 that I accused Nee Nee of copying Gee’s dancing style. Nee Nee wisely did not reply.
Nikky had two dancing poles at her first bar on Naklua Soi 33. But the powers that be took boarded off that entire section of Soi 33. Where they are now building a condominium plex.
Had Nikky been able to keep that first bar of hers, there’s no doubt in my mind that Pon would have won first place.
She’s that good on a dancing pole. What a lot of people don’t know about Pon is, she wakes up early every morning to work her real job cleaning hotel rooms. She’s got this wiry little body weighing just 36 kilos. And very strong arms and legs from all that cleaning he does.
Pon also happens to be my favorite drinking companion. Because you never know what she’s going to do next.
And when I take her to Showgirls to visit Mew, when she goes up on that pole and flips herself upside down, Mew and all the go go dancers are just blown away.
These Eye Candy Calendar Girls are truly, “Great Eye Candy”. With each one of them offers something special that you will hardly ever find in a bar. Or for that matter working in a restaurant or any kind of so-called normal job.
But you will probably never have the chance to meet any of them. Due to your being either unwilling or unable to visit Pattaya.
So on each of the Eye Candy Calendar girls calendar page, who have been in my videos, I’m putting her video links. Both on YouTube and here in the Fun House.
And we expect to be doing even more videos starting with Nikky’s upcoming Halloween Party here at Nikky Bar this October 31. So, you will be able to follow the future antics of your favorite Eye Candy Calendar Girls.
You can start now over on my YouTube Channel.
But I’m going to do one better than that. By putting all the videos of each one of the Eye Candy Calendar Girls here in the Fun House.
For example, on Mew’s calendar pages, there’s a simple url. alphapro.com/mew.html. Go there and you will find all of Mew’s present and future videos. Or look up Pon at alphapro.com/pon.html. Although I am putting up most of these videos on YouTube, I have not listed a lot of them because I’m not using my best camera equipment. Resorting to my phone to shoot spontaneous video. Which comes down to your having to go to my Funhouse blog on my alphapro.com website to get all the videos.
While some of the video I am shooting I’m putting directly on my website due to their not conforming to YouTubes rules and regulations.
Ok. It’s time to start meeting the calendar girls. And keeping up with their latest adventures, misadventures and dancing performances.