This Alpha Productions search engine focuses on over 1500 pages of 30 years of Alpha Productions including the Jack Corbett Video Channel

Now that’s a lot of content. That started out with the American adult entertainment industry. Where Jack Corbett, founder and owner of Alpha Productions played a key role writing over 80 articles for adult magazines. Such as Xtreme Magazine, which unfortunately no longer exists. While back in its heyday, it’s content could rival the professionalism of Playboy Magazine.
If you don’t believe that, just consider that for three years Xtreme ran Jack Corbett’s monthly gun articles which could easily rival professional gun articles that you might find in Gun Digest, Guns and Ammo, etc. The key difference is that Jack included his models from the adult entertainment industry in his Extreme gun articles.
Then Jack Corbett wrote and published five new books since moving to Thailand twenty years ago.
This was after he wrote “Death on the Wild Side back in 1995. And since moving to Thailand, he’s created a lot of video. Over 400 videos and still counting. Which you can now find on the Jack Corbett Video Channel here in the Funhouse.
Go ahead. And take this Alpha Productions Search Engine for a spin. Put in the key words Mali videos, or Mew videos, and see what comes up. Mali and Mew are two of the most exciting dancers in Pattaya. But you won’t ever see their videos on YouTube. Or any of the other Thai ladies who competed for 20000 baht in Jack’s Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions.
Related links
Which is why you need the Alpha Productions Search Engine.
The Jack Corbett bookstore here at
The 2025 Pattaya Beaches Eye Candy calendar which you can order from’s bookstore. (it’s expensive at $19.95 but nothing else matches the quality and unique content of this calendar.