Unlike Facebook which gathers its cohorts from everywhere, the Lost Angels chatroom was composed from strippers and men driven to them.

Baron’s from Washington State. He has traveled over 2000 miles to be here. We are joined by PlOne and Crazy Czech, PlONe flying all the way in from San Franciso. While Crazy Czech is for the moment residing n ot far away in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Dirt and Katt. Until I learned to do my own web site work, I had Dirt do it. But I also had Dirt created 120 cartoon strips for me that loosely followed my first published novel Death on the Wild Side.
Meanwhile ten of us have driven over 400 miles in a van we rented, our group meeting in the Dollies Playhouse topless club’s parking lot in Washington Park, Illinois. Three in our group are strippers who will work over the weekend at Stimmelators.

Lost Angels Chatroom was superior to anything in those days and far better than Facebook would ever be.
The women in the Lost Angels chatroom were not only extremely attractive, they were also smart as whips and open to new ideas.
And so were the men. PlOne was and still i s one of the best computer programmers in the world. While Baron had already written and published several books. And so would Crazy Czech who would later on write about his work experiences in Saudi Arabia and other parts of the world. Alex, Selena, Heaven, and Sahara would publish their poetry and views on my web site. To give you some idea of how talented the men and the women were in the Lost Angels Chat, you can read about some of the key members of the Lost Angels chat room here in our Personality Profiles in 2000.
But not all our key members are represented in the personality profiles. For example, Morgan Hawke who has written and published over a dozen books cannot be found there. Young Howard’s not there although he was my number one drinking partner for over two years in the St. Louis Metro East clubs. Nor is Angel who would become one of my finest friends.
Suffice it to say that we had the best and the brightest. While most of our members were supportive of each other.

Later two customers would enter the bar and mace the entire club forcing everyone to evacuate the smoke-filled nightclub. One of the dancers collapsed on the stage and was hospitalized for injuries. Ford would be completely covered with mace from head to toe. After he collapsed just outside the club., we had to remove his shirt and pants to scrub him down.
I was able to follow the two culprits as they excited main street. I got their license plate number (which was a real feat for me as I must have the worse memory in the world). Sam, the club owner got one of his customers to take him 10 miles north of the club where the police had stopped and apprehended the two men. When Sam yelled out to the police to lock the two men up in a cell, the police shouted back at him, “Shut up or we will be putting you in jail.”
The police let the two men go on their way. No arrests were made, or charges made. So much for justice for the adult profession and all those who are part of it.
And let me tell you, my favorite dancers were really with it and open to new ideas. For example, I would often write my stories on my laptop in the East side strip clubs. Right on the main bar I’d place my laptop. And nearly always I had attractive ladies some up to me to ask me what I was writing about now.
Our Lost Angels chatroom was truly state of the art. Because PlONe is one of the best computer programmers in the world. Back then no chatroom except for ours would allow its members to easily share their pictures with the world. While any registered members of the Lost Angels chatroom would easily see every single member’s handle who was present in the chat. We could also message individual members or message the entire chat. And it was all so simple. The names of all members were clearly visible in a little window. So, if I wanted to message only PlOne for example, I’d just click on his name and message him. Our private messages would come out in a red font to distinguish between our public messages which would be a black font on a white background.