Category Archives: American adult entertainment

Brandy beautiful stripper is the new girl at the Dollies Playhouse

Brandy beautiful stripper at the Dollies Playhouse was much more than gorgeous. She was smart, with a look of total innocence. As soon as I spotted her, I messaged Baron and several of the other guys in the Lost Angels chatroom. “A new girl has just started working here, and she is cute beyond belief.

closeup picture of Brandy beautiful stripper
Brandy at Dollies Playhouse when she was just 19.

An excited Baron replied from his computer in his trailer in the Olympic Mountains, “Get pictures of her, Jack! We want to see her.”

All of you who are now messaging each other on Facebook cannot begin to fathom the dynamics of what’s happening the moment I meet Brandy beautiful stripper who seems totally out of place in a strip club. It is early in 1997. No one’s bringing digital cameras and laptop computers into strip clubs. Any chat rooms that exist are dinosaurs. You can’t put pictures in the drab chatrooms they had in those days. But we can And I’m already taking hundreds of pictures of the Dollies Playhouse dancers. Satin and I have wired the whole club with telephone wire. While the owners of Dollies are paying the phone company for a single line we can use to access the internet. I’m getting my first two beers free. And have my own small table next to our internet connection.

Most of the dancers want to hang around me. Because I am bringing something very exciting into their world. Magic. And I am the magician who’s creating it.

It takes me just half a minute to convince Brandy beautiful stripper she is to join me at my table. But she doesn’t belong at Dollies. Or any other strip club. She’s unable to pay almost a thousand dollars on her phone bill. Thanks to one of her roommates running up a huge long distance bill. Brandy will work only several months at Dollies. And return to stripping only for short intervals to pay overdue bills.

Brandy beautiful stripper that she was, in 1997 is one of the most remarkable women I’ve ever known. She’s a woman I want to write about. Who was one of the main real life characters in Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer.

But I’m not going to write a lot about her here. I’ll put up a lot of pictures however. While making just a few unrelated remarks about her.

Brandy beautiful stripper posing in front of the mirrors
Upstairs at Dollies in an unused portion of the club, I’d often take a single girl there for special photoshoots. Brandy beautiful stripper
took some of the best I ever took at Dollies. Ironically Brandy never stripped for long. She was kicked out of High School when she was just 16. By the superintendent who just so happened to have been my best friend in Junior High School. Years later she would get her High School equivalency degree and continue on to graduate from college

In 1997, Brandy was slender, was very cute and innocent looking. I’d find out later that she was fearless, and that she was an excellent fighter.

Years later on my birthday she visited me with a boyfriend of hers who had a birthday the day after mine. So the three of us celebrated and the boyfriend got trashed. In one of the bars he made insulting comments about me. It didn’t bother me at all because I knew he was drunk. But when we got back inside my pickup truck, Brandy started pounding him in the face until the blood
Brandy at Dollies
Brandy and Jade at Dollies
Crazy Czech and Brandy at Dollies. It was like beauty and the beast.
CC would go on to write four books which you can buy at

Dirt and Brandy at Dollies Playhouse. Dirt was doing my web site back
after taking over for Grey Ghost. Dirt also did a “Death on the Wild Side”
weekly cartoon strip. The cartoon strip eventually comprised 120 weekly
episodes following my first novel, Death on the Wild Side.

Brandy beautiful stripper was the cutest girl I ever met at the Dollies Playhouse Strip Club. My first impression of her was–she was cute, well mannered and naïve.

Later on, Brandy would often join me at my farm or travel with me up to Stimmelators in northern Indiana. I
would oftentimes let her take the wheel. Oftentimes she would encounter a rude driver, and when she did
(which was often), she’d curse like a drunken sailor, screaming out “Asshole. That son of a bitch fucking A hole.”
Reflecting now on Brandy twenty years after I met her at Dollies, in this entire twenty year period she spent less
a year stripping and spent a lot more time working conventional jobs eventually owning her own car repair shop.

Brandy and me cutting up at Dollies.
Brandy at Sam Stimmel’s House in North Webster, Indiana the weekend Jade, Satin and Brandy came up to dance at Stimmelators. There were 10 of us in the large van we rented. Most of our group stayed at Sam’s. While Baron and I shared a nearby hotel room.
Brandy beautiful stripper and Jack with 10 foot Python snake
Brandy and me with a ten foot long Python snake at a local Standard City, Illinois bar.
Brandy beautiful stripper lying on pool table with Python snake

The pictures here should show you why you need to buy Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer. For the first time a book is available that portrays a COMPREHENSIVE OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE SIDE OF STRIP CLUBS AND STRIPPERS.

Take Brandy beautiful stripper as a prime example. Brandy and Jade (to be followed by others) became digital disciples of mine. Both women learned much more quickly the ins and outs of computers and the internet than most of my male friends with college degrees. And unlike most of “friends”, both women were totally loyal to me.

Always having my back and willing to fight any woman or man who dared to insult me. Both women (and most strippers who became good friends of mine) were as reliable as clocks. And just one year ago, Brandy contacted me on facebook to ask for my Thailand address. Turns out she had borrowed one dollar from me twenty years ago and now wanted to pay me back. A couple weeks later I got an envelope from the U.S. with two American dollars in it. And a note from Brandy explaining that the second dollar was for twenty years interest.